
学者访谈|诺丁汉大学Peter Stockwell教授访谈视频——文体学的最大创新:认知诗学、语料库文体学

2017-07-30 语言学通讯 语言学通讯

本期访谈嘉宾是诺丁汉大学教授、博士生导师Peter Stockwell,主要谈他的研究领域与申请攻读博士的建议。Stockwell教授曾指导过中国学生,欢迎大家联系攻博、访问。


Peter Stockwell







I welcome proposals for doctoral research in the broad area of literary linguistics. All of my previous research students not only completed their PhDs but also secured significant academic posts very soon after graduating. Many of them are now major figures in the field. My approach to doctoral supervision is to produce fully-rounded academics who will be regarded as important thinkers in literary linguistics. Recent researchers working with me include Arwa Hasan (King Saud University), Jess Mason (Sheffield Hallam University), Louise Nuttall (Huddersfield University), Chloe Harrison (Coventry University), Wenjuan Yuan (Hunan University), David Peplow (Sheffield Hallam University), Odette Vassallo (University of Malta), Marcello Giovanelli (Aston University), Maha Zaghloul (Helwan University), Ziwei Huang (Northumbria University), Salwa Nugali (King Saud University), and Christiana Gregoriou (Leeds University), among many others.

My current doctoral research students are amongst the smartest young scholars in the world: Elizabeth Stewart, Jennifer Sanchez-Davies, Kim-Sue Kreischer, Ben Neurohr, Raiya Harbi, Alice Haines and Helen Cheung - we all work together to develop literary linguistics towards its place as the core methodology of literary studies.


  • PETER STOCKWELL, 2016. 'Texture'. In: VIOLETA SOTIROVA, ed., The Companion to Stylistics Continuum.

  • MICHAELA MAHLBERG and PETER STOCKWELL, 2016. ‘Point and CLiC: teaching literature with corpus stylistic tools’. In: MICHAEL BURKE, OLIVIA FIALHO and SONIA ZYNGIER, eds., Scientific Approaches to Literature in Learning Environments John Benjamins.

  • PETER STOCKWELL, 2016. ‘English Language Studies from Rhetoric to Applied English’. In: ANN HEWINGS, LYNDA PRESCOTT and PHILIP SEARGEANT, eds., Futures for English Studies: Teaching Language, Literature and Creative Writing in Higher Education Palgrave Macmillan. 215-32

  • PETER STOCKWELL, 2016. ‘The texture of authorial intention’. In: JOANNA GAVINS and ERNESTINE LAHEY, eds., World Building: Discourse in the Mind Bloomsbury. 147-64

  • MICHAELA MAHLBERG, JOHAN DE JOODE, CATHERINE SMITH, PETER STOCKWELL and MATTHEWO'DONNELL, 2016. ‘CLiC Dickens – novel uses of concordances for the integration of corpus stylistics and cognitive poetics’ Corpora. 11(3),

  • PETER STOCKWELL, 2016. The Language of Surrealism Palgrave Macmillan.

  • PETER STOCKWELL, 2015. 'Poetics'. In: EWA DABROWSKA and DAGMAR DIVJAK, eds., The Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics. de Gruyter Mouton.

  • PETER STOCKWELL and MICHAELA MAHLBERG, 2015. 'Mind-modelling with corpus stylistics in David Copperfield' Language and Literature. 24(2), 129-47

  • PETER STOCKWELL, 2015. 'Cognitive stylistics'. In: The Routledge Handbook of Language and CreativityRoutledge. 218-30

  • P. STOCKWELL and S. WHITELEY, eds., 2014. The Handbook of Stylistics. Cambridge University Press.

  • C. HARRISON, L. NUTTALL, P. STOCKWELL and W. YUAN, eds., 2014. Cognitive Grammar in Literature John Benjamins.

  • P. STOCKWELL, 2014. 'Atmosphere and tone'. In: P. STOCKWELL and S. WHITELEY, eds., The Handbook of Stylistics. Cambridge University Press.

  • P. STOCKWELL, 2014. 'War, worlds and Cognitive Grammar'. In: C. HARRISON, L. NUTTALL, P. STOCKWELL and W. YUAN, eds., Cognitive Grammar in Literature. Benjamins.

  • P. STOCKWELL, 2014. 'Creative reading, world and style in Ben Jonson's "To Celia"'. In: B. DANCYGIER, M. BORKENT and J. HINNELL, eds., Language in the Creative Mind. CSLI.

  • P. STOCKWELL and S. WHITELEY, 2014. 'Introduction'. In: The Cambridge Handbook of Stylistics Cambridge University Press.

  • C. HARRISON and P. STOCKWELL, 2013. 'Cognitive poetics'. In: J. LITTLEMORE and J. TAYLOR, eds., The Companion to Cognitive Linguistics. de Gruyter Mouton.

  • P. STOCKWELL, 2013. 'The positioned reader' Language and Literature. 22(3), 263-77

  • STOCKWELL, P.J., 2012. 'The Aesthetics of Science Fiction'. In: The Oxford Handbook of Science Fiction Oxford University Press.

  • GAVINS, J., and STOCKWELL, P.J., 2012. 'About the heart, where it hurt exactly, and how often' Language and Literature. 21(1), 33-50

  • STOCKWELL, P.J., 2012. 'Review: Michael Adams' From Elvish to Klingon: Exploring Invented Languages' (OUP, 2011) Concatenation.

  • STOCKWELL, P.J., 2012. 'The surrealist experiments with language'. In: BRAY, J.; GIBBONS, A. AND MCHALE, B., ed., The Routledge Companion to Experimental Literature Routledge.

  • STOCKWELL, P.J., 2012. 'The reader's paradox'. In: BURKE, M. AND CSABI, S., ed., Current Trends in Pedagogical Stylistics Continuum.

  • STOCKWELL, P.J., 2012. 'Peter Stockwell'. In: BUNGAARD, P.; NIELSEN, H.S. AND STJERNFELT, F., ed., Five Questions: Narrative Theories and Poetics

  • STOCKWELL, P.J., 2012. Ethics and imagination in literary reading. In: JONES, R.H., ed., Discourse andcreativityPearson.

  • STOCKWELL, P.J., 2012. 'Textual analysis and stylistics'. In: CLAYTON, D., ed., Language: A Student Handbook on Key Topics and Theories English and Media Centre. 150-62

  • STOCKWEL, P.J., 2012. 'How to speakVenusian' Babel. 8-11

  • STOCKWELL, P.J., 2011. 'Changing minds in narrative' Style. 45(2), 299-91

  • STOCKWELL, P.J., 2011. 'Authenticity and creativity in reading lamentation'. In: SWANN, J.; POPE, R. AND CARTER, R., ed., Creativity in Language Palgrave. 203-16

  • STOCKWELL, P.J., 2011. 'Accommodating identity in cognitive sociolinguistics' Cahiers du CEL: Centred'EtudesLinguistiques, Lyon.

  • STOCKWELL, P.J., 2011. Cognitive Poetics (Arabic translation) (Trans. Salwa Nugali). King Saud University Press.

  • MULLANY, L. J. & STOCKWELL, P.J., 2010. IntroducingEnglishLanguage: A Resource Book for Students London: Routledge.

  • JACKSON, H. AND STOCKWELL, P, 2010. An Introduction to the Nature and Functions of Language Second edition. Continuum.

  • STOCKWELL, P.J., 2010. 'Review: Rajend Mesthrie, Joan Swann, Ana Deumert and William Leap's Introducing Sociolinguistics (EUP, 2009)' Journal of Sociolinguistics. 13(5), 698-701

  • STOCKWELL, P.J., 2010. 'Cognitive poetics'. In: HOGAN, P.C., ed., Cambridge Encyclopedia of the Language Sciences Cambridge University Press. 169-71

  • STOCKWELL, P.J., 2010. The eleventh checksheet of the apocalypse. In: MCINTYRE, D. and BUSSE, B.,eds.,Languageand style: inhonourof Mick Short Palgrave Macmillan.

  • STOCKWELL, P.J., 2010. 'Humanity and the art of literary linguistics' Acta Linguistica Hafniensis: International Journal of Linguistics. 42(1), 103-16

  • STOCKWELL, P.J., 2010. 'Language, knowledge and the stylistics of science fiction'. In: KRSTOVIC, J., ed., Short Story Criticism Gale Cengage.

  • STOCKWELL, P., 2009. Texture: a cognitive aesthetics of reading Edinburgh University Press.

  • LLAMAS, C. and STOCKWELL, P.J., 2009. 'Sociolinguistics'. In: SCHMITT, N., ed., An Introduction to Applied Linguistics (second edition). Arnold.

  • STOCKWELL, P.J., 2009. The cognitive poetics of literary resonance Language and Cognition. 1(1), 25-44

  • CARTER, R. A. & STOCKWELL, P.J., ed., 2008. The Language and Literature Reader London: Routledge. (In Press.)

  • STOCKWELL, P.J., 2008. 'Situating cognitive approaches to narrative analysis'. In: BRONE, G. AND VANDAELE, J., ed., Cognitive Poetics: Goals,Gainsand Gaps Mouton de Gruyter. 119-23

  • STOCKWELL, P.J., 2008. 'Kognitivnapoetikaaliterarnateoria': (Slovak translation of 'Cognitive poetics and literary theory (2007)' Slovak Review of World Literature Research. 17, 51-66

  • CARTER, R. and STOCKWELL, P.J., 2008. 'Stylistics: retrospect and prospect'. In: CARTER,RAND STOCKWELL, P.J., ed., The Language and Literature Reader Routledge. 291-302

  • STOCKWELL, P.J., 2008. 'The year's work in stylistics: 2007' Language and Literature. 17(4), 351-63

  • STOCKWELL, P.J., 2008. 'Cartographies of cognitive poetics' Pragmatics and Cognition. 16(3), 587-98

  • STOCKWELL, P.J., 2008. 'Review: Dan McIntyre's Point of View in Plays (Benjamins, 2006)' Language and Literature. 17(1), 99-101

  • LLAMAS, C. and MULLANY, L. J. & STOCKWELL, P.J., eds., 2007. The Routledge Companion to SociolinguisticsLondon: Routledge.

  • LAMBROU, M. & STOCKWELL, P.J., ed., 2007. Contemporary Stylistics London: Continuum. (In Press.)

  • STOCKWELL, P.J. & TRASK, L., 2007. Key Concepts in Language and Linguistics (3rd edition). London: Routledge.

  • STOCKWELL, P.J., 2007. Sociolinguistics 2nd edition. London: Routledge.

  • LLAMAS, C., MULLANY, L. and STOCKWELL, P.J., 2007. 'Introduction'. In: The Routledge Companion to Sociolinguistics Routledge. xv-xviii

  • STOCKWELL, P.J., 2007. 'Cognitive poetics and literary theory' Journal of Literary Theory. 1(1), 135-52

  • STOCKWELL, P.J., 2006. 'On teaching literature itself'. In: WATSON, G. AND ZYNGIER, S., ed., Literature and Stylistics for Language Learners Palgrave. 15-24

  • STOCKWELL, P.J., 2006. 'On cognitive poetics and stylistics'. In: VEIVO, H.; PETTERSON, B. AND POLVINEN, M., ed., Cognition and Literary Interpretation in Practice University of Helsinki Press. 267-82

  • STOCKWELL, P.J., 2006. Poetyka Kognitywna: Wprowadzenie (Polish translation of Cognitive Poetics, by Edyta Podolska-Frej). Towarzystwo AutorowiWydawcow Prac Naukowych Universitas.

  • STOCKWELL, P.J., 2006. Cognitive Poetics (Japanese translation) (trans. Sigeko Uchida). Tuttle-Mori.

  • ROBSON, M. & STOCKWELL, P.J., 2005. Language in Theory London: Routledge.

  • STOCKWELL, P.J., 2005. 'Texture and identification' European Journal of English Studies. 9(2), 143-53

  • STOCKWELL, P.J., 2005. 'Invented language in literature'. In: BROWN, K., ed., The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics (second edition). Elsevier.

  • STOCKWELL, P.J., 2005. 'Schema theory: stylistic applications'. In: BROWN, K., ed., The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics (second edition). Elsevier.

  • STOCKWELL, P.J., 2005. 'Stylistics: language and literature'. In: AARTS, B. AND MCMAHON, A., ed., The Handbook of English Linguistics Blackwell.

  • STOCKWELL, P.J., 2004. 'Surrealist narrative'. In: HERMAN, D.; JAHN, M. AND RYAN, M-L., ed., Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory Routledge.

  • STOCKWELL, P.J., 2004. 'Science fiction'. In: HERMAN, D.; JAHN, M. AND RYAN, M-L., ed., Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory Routledge.

  • STOCKWELL, P.J., 2003. 'Review: Linda Thomas and Sian Wareing's Language, Society and Power (Routledge, 1999)' Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development.

  • STOCKWELL, P.J., 2003. 'Schema poetics and speculative cosmology' Language and Literature. 12(3), 252-71

  • STOCKWELL, P.J., 2003. 'Surreal figures'. In: GAVINS, J. AND STEEN, G., ed., Cognitive Poetics in PracticeRoutledge.

  • STOCKWELL, P.J., 2002. Cognitive Poetics: An Introduction London: Routledge.

  • STOCKWELL, P.J., 2002. Sociolinguistics London: Routledge.

  • STOCKWELL, P.J., 2002. 'A stylistics manifesto'. In: CSABI, S. AND ZERKOWITZ, J., ed., Textual Secrets: The Message of the Medium ELTE Press.

  • STOCKWELL, P.J., 2002. 'Miltonic texture and the feeling of reading'. In: CULPEPER, J.ANDSEMINO, E.,ed.,CognitiveStylistics Bernjamins.

  • LLAMAS, C. and STOCKWELL, P.J., 2002. 'Sociolinguistics'. In: SCHMITT, N., ed., An Introduction to Applied Linguistics Arnold. 150-69

  • STOCKWELL, P.J., 2001. 'Teaching the future' The English Teacher. 4(2), 3-17

  • STOCKWELL, P.J., 2000. The Poetics of Science Fiction New York: Longman.

  • BEX, T.; BURKE, M. AND STOCKWELL, P.J., ed., 2000. Contextualized Stylistics Amsterdam: Rodopi.

  • STOCKWELL, P.J., 2000. 'Futuretalk: one small step towards achronolinguistics' Nottingham Linguistic Circular.15, 55-68

  • STOCKWELL, P.J., 2000. '(Sur)real stylistics: from text to contextualizing'. In: BEX, T.; BURKE, M. AND STOCKWELL, P.J., ed., Contextualized Stylistics Rodopi.

  • STOCKWELL, P.J., 2000. 'Review: Cameron and Lowe's Researching and Applying Metaphor (Cambridge University Press, 1999)' Metaphor and Symbol. 4, 275-7

  • STOCKWELL, P.J., 2000. 'Towards a critical cognitive linguistics?'. In: COMBRINK, A. AND BIERMANN, I.,ed.,Discoursesof War and Conflict Potchefstroom University Press.

  • STOCKWELL, P.J., 1999. 'The inflexibility of invariance' Language and Literature. 8(2), 125-42

  • STOCKWELL, P.J., 1999. 'Review: Michael Toolan's Total Speech (Duke University Press, 1996)' Language and Literature. 8(1), 78-81

  • STOCKWELL, P.J., 1997. 'Review: Lesley Jeffries' The Language of Twentieth Century Poetry (Macmillan, 1993)Language and Literature. 6(1),

  • JACKSON, H. & STOCKWELL, P.J., 1996. An Introduction to the Nature and Functions of Language Cheltenham: Stanley Thornes.

  • LITTLEWOOD, D. & STOCKWELL, P.J., ed., 1996. Impossibility Fiction: Alternativity, Extrapolation, SpeculationAmsterdam: Rodopi.

  • STOCKWELL, P.J., 1996. 'New wor(l)ds' UCE Papers in Language and Literature. 3,

  • STOCKWELL, P.J., 1995. 'Review: Carter and McCarthy's Language as Discourse (Longman, 1994)' Language and Literature. 4(1),

  • STOCKWELL, P.J., 1994. 'How to create universes with words: referentiality and science fictionality' Journal of Literary Semantics. 23(3), 159-87

  • STOCKWELL, P.J., 1994. 'Bad language: towards a poetics of ineptitude' UCE Papers in Language and Literature.1, 47-57

  • STOCKWELL, P.J., 1994. 'To be or not to be a phagocyte: procedures of reading metaphors'. In: SELL, R. AND VERDONK, P., ed., Literature and the New Interdisciplinarity: Poetics, Linguistics, History Rodopi. 65-78

  • STOCKWELL, P.J., 1992. 'Themetaphoricsof literary reading' Liverpool Papers in Language and Discourse. 4, 52-80

  • STOCKWELL, P.J., 1992. 'George and the big Baghdad dragon: metaphors of the Gulf War' Liverpool Papers in Language and Discourse. 3,

  • STOCKWELL, P.J., 1992. 'Do androids dream of electric sheep? Isomorphic relations in reading sciencefiction'Languageand Literature. 1(2), 79-99

  • SHAW, P. & STOCKWELL, P.J., ed., 1991. Subjectivity and Literature from the Romantics to the Present Day: Creating the Self London: Pinter.

  • STOCKWELL, P.J., 1991. 'Language, knowledge and the stylistics of science fiction'. In: SHAW, P. AND STOCKWELL, P.J., ed., Subjectivity and Literature from the Romantics to the Present Day Frances Pinter. 101-12

  • STOCKWELL, P.J., 1990. 'Scripts, frames and nuclear discourse in the Washington superpower summit, December 1987' Liverpool Papers in Language and Discourse. 2, 18-39



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