
专著推荐 | 翻译研究的社会维度(4卷本)

语言学通讯 语言学通讯 2021-05-15
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翻译的社会维度 | 国际著作推荐




联系人:孙老师 18321711365(电话同微信)

科研助力 | John Benjamins 翻译学国际期刊投稿及订阅方式 

Translating for the Community《为社区翻译》 

主编:  Mustapha Taibi


简介:Written by translation practitioners, teachers and researchers, this edited volume is a much-needed contribution to the under-researched area of community translation. Its chapters outline the specific nature and challenges of community translation (e.g. language policies, language variation within target communities, literacy levels), quality standards, training and the relationship between community translation as a professional practice and volunteer or crowd-sourced translation. A number of chapters also provide insights into the situation of community translation and initiatives taking place in different countries (e.g. Australia, South Africa, Spain, the USA or the UK). The book is of interest to translation practitioners, researchers and trainers, particularly those working or interested in the specific field of community translation, as well as to translation students on undergraduate, postgraduate or further education courses covering translation in general or community translation in particular.


Translation and Global Spaces of Power


主编: Stefan Baumgarten, Jordi Cornellà-Detrell


简介:This book focuses on the role of translation in a globalising world. It presents a series of case studies that explore the ways in which translation is subject to ideology and power play across diverging domains and genres. Broadly based on a discussion of 'translation and the economies of power', the chapters examine an array of contextual and textual factors, ranging from global, regional and institutional power relations to the linguistic, stylistic and rhetorical implications of translation decisions. The book maps the multiple ways in which power relations and ideological positions affect cross-cultural communication, with special reference to repressive practices in history, translation policies, media power and commercial hegemonies. It concludes that future translation research will benefit from a more sustained emphasis on the power of technology and economic capital.


Fast-forwarding With Audiovisual Translation 《快速发展的视听翻译》

主编:Jorge Díaz Cintas, Kristijan Nikolić


简介:This edited collection offers a rounded vision of some of the ways in which audiovisual translation (AVT) can be approached from an academic, professional and educational point of view. The studies provide a stimulating and thought-provoking account of some of the most representative themes that are currently being researched in the field of AVT, while also highlighting new directions of potential research from a cognitive perspective. A conscious effort has been made to cover not only cultural and linguistic approaches to traditional domains of AVT (such as dubbing and subtitling), but also to look into lesser known areas of research that are attracting substantial interest from various stakeholders and gradually becoming part of the remit of AVT (including subtitling for the deaf and audio description for the blind). In this respect, the chapters of this book tackle the field of AVT from a plural, comprehensive and up-to-date perspective; speak of a rich and complex academic subject in the making; broaden our existing knowledge on AVT; reflect the many crossroads and junctions it currently faces and outline some of the issues that will become topical in the near future in this fascinating, flourishing discipline.


Ideology, Ethics And Policy Development In Public Service Interpreting And Translation《公共服务口译与翻译中的意识形态、伦理与政策发展》

主编:   Carmen Valero-Garcés, Rebecca Tipton


简介:This edited collection brings together new research on public service interpreting and translation (PSIT) with a focus on ideology, ethics and policy development. The contributions provide fresh theoretical and empirical perspectives on the inconsistencies in translation and interpreting provision observed in different geonational contexts and the often-reported tensions between prescribed approaches to ethics and practitioner experience. The discussions are set against the backdrop of developments in rights-based discourses on language support services and the professionalisation of the field, drawing attention to how stakeholders and interpreting practitioners navigate the realities of service in the context of shifting ideological landscapes. Particular innovations in the collection include theorisations about policy and practice that draw on political science, applied ethics and paradigms of trauma-informed care. The volume also presents research on settings that have received limited attention to date such as prison and charitable services for survivors of violence and trauma.


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