

Love English 2 2022-12-23

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The two priests pushed the Tang Monk toward the enormous frying pan.

“Stop!” cried  Wukong.

The priests stopped. The Great Immortal looked around. Wukong appeared and landed on the floor.

“You came back!” cried the Tang Monk. “I was here the whole time,” said the monkey. He gave Bajie a nasty look. “I didn’t  escape without you.”

Wukong turned to the Great Immortal.

“Please don’t harm the Tang Monk,” he said. “I will fix your ginseng tree. But I need to get help.”

“He’s lying!” said Bajie. “He doesn’t know how to fix the tree!”

“Be quiet, Bajie!” said Wukong. “I’m not lying!”

The Great Immortal thought for a moment. “Okay, Wukong. I will give you until the end of the day to fix my ginseng tree. If you can’t, the Tang Monk goes into the frying pan.”

The monk shook with fear.

“Don’t worry, Master,” said the monkey. “I will find help. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

Wukong shot out of the abbey and was gone.

Bajie shook his head. “We’re doomed.”

*  *  *

Wukong soared through the air until he came to Mount Potalaka. Guanyin was meditating in her pagoda.

“Bodhisattva!” cried the monkey. “I need your help! A Daoist named the Great Immortal is going to fry the Tang Monk. I have until the end of the day to fix his ginseng tree.”

“What happened to the tree?” asked Guanyin. She gave the monkey a suspicious look.

“I, um, knocked it down,” said Wukong.

“That was a terrible thing to do, Wukong,” said Guanyin. “The Great Immortal’s ginseng tree is older than Heaven and Earth. It was a rare treasure.”

The monkey shrugged. “I was angry.”

“You must learn to control your anger,” said Guanyin.

The bodhisattva stood up. She went to a shelf and grabbed a vase.

“This vase is filled with magic dew,” she said. “It can bring spirit plants, such as the ginseng tree, back to life.”

*  *  *

A short while later, Wukong and Guanyin arrived at the abbey. Guanyin told Wukong, Bajie, and Wujing to stand the tree back up.

Guanyin rose into the air and poured the dew over the ginseng tree. As the dew droplets rolled over the branches, light sparkled. The tree’s color came back, and new leaves and fruit grew. Soon the tree looked just as it had the day before.

To thank everyone, the Great Immortal decided to host a feast. “I would like to share some ginseng fruit with everyone here,” he said.

Everyone went back into the abbey. The two priests brought in trays of ginseng fruits.

“Mmm,” said Bajie. “This fruit tastes wonderful if you eat it slowly.” He looked at Wukong. “Sorry I didn’t believe you earlier.”

“Don’t worry about it,” said the monkey. He took a bite of his fruit.

The Tang Monk looked nervously at his fruit. “It’s safe to eat,” Guanyin assured him.

The monk took a bite and smiled. He looked at the ginseng fruit again. “It doesn’t look like a baby anymore,” he said.

*  *  *

The next morning the travelers headed west along the road. Weeks went by as they continued their journey. They walked through rain and sunshine, heat and cold.

Up ahead, an evil spirit named Lady Whitebone sat by the side of the road. She had been waiting by the road for years.

On this day she sniffed the air and smiled. “The Tang Monk is finally approaching. I will eat him up, and I will live forever!”


1. nasty [ˈnæsti] adj.极差的;令人厌恶的;令人不悦的;不友好的;恶意的;令人不愉快的;危险的;严重的 n.令人不愉快的事物
nas 鼻 + (t)y 名词或形容词后缀 → 鼻子总是流鼻涕 → 令人讨厌的(事物)
I had a nasty feeling that he would follow me.
2. shoot out [ˈʃuːt aʊt]  单局限时赛;打飞碟;危险情人;射出;枪战
And late tonight, they're gonna shoot out of a lion in the sky.
3. suspicious [səˈspɪʃəs]  adj.感觉可疑的;怀疑的;令人怀疑的;可疑的;不信任的;持怀疑态度的
sus 向下 + spic看(两s略去一个) + i + ous 形容词后缀 → 多疑的
They became suspicious of his behaviour and contacted the police.
4. rare treasure [rer ˈtreʒər]  稀有宝物;稀世珍宝
Buddhism Art and rare treasure exhibition at the third floor gallery.
control one's anger [kənˈtroʊl wʌnz ˈæŋɡər]  抑制怒火
5. dew [duː]  n.露;露水  vt.弄湿
The grass was wet with early morning dew.
6. droplet [ˈdrɑːplət] n.小滴
合成词:drop + let
The deformation and breakup of liquid droplet is important in fuel explosive dispersal.
7. up ahead [ʌp əˈhed] 就在前面
I have an idea. there's a restaurant up ahead.
8. sniff [snɪf]  v.抽鼻子(尤指哭泣、患感冒等时出声地用鼻子吸气);(吸着气)嗅,闻;抱怨;不以为然地说 n.吸气(声);抽鼻子(声);嗅;闻;感觉;察觉;微小的可能性
We all had colds and couldn't stop sniffing and sneezing.


什么!三伏天的英语是dog days?



千万别把“发票”翻译成 invoice!否则误会大了...


为什么微信把“拍一拍”的翻译改成 tickle?有点污啊~









TED演讲 | 改变自己,只需要两年时间

