

Love English 2 2022-12-23

《你好,中国》— (Hello, China)全100集

1集  2集  3集  4集
The Jade Emperor was sitting on his throne in the Cloud Palace.
A messenger ran into the court. “Your Majesty,” he said. “The Dragon King of the Eastern Sea is here to see you.”
“Let him in,” said the emperor.
The Dragon King entered and bowed. “Your Majesty, I want to make a complaint. Sun Wukong came to my palace and demanded I give him a weapon. He was very rude.”
Another messenger came in. “The Judge of the Dead would like to speak with you, Your Majesty.”
The judge came in and bowed. “A monkey named Sun Wukong crossed out his name in the Directory. I beg you to punish him!”
The Jade Emperor rubbed his chin. “Who  is this Sun Wukong? And how did he become so powerful?”
The emperor’s captain stepped forward. “Sun Wukong is the monkey who was born from a rock three hundred years ago. I don’t know how he became so powerful.”
“I remember him,” said the Jade Emperor. “I don’t care how powerful he is. He is causing too much trouble on Earth. Gather some troops, and go down to the Fruit and Flower Mountain. I want Sun Wukong arrested!”
The spirit of the planet Venus stepped forward.
“Your Majesty,” said Venus. “Perhaps we could give Wukong a job here in Heaven.”The Jade Emperor raised his eyebrows. “Why would we do that?”
“If he’s here, we can keep an eye on him,” said Venus. “It will be easy to keep him out of trouble.”
“Very well,” said the emperor. “Invite Wukong to come to live in Heaven. He will be in charge of the Royal Peach Garden.”
* * *
Wukong was telling his subjects about his adventure in the Land of Darkness.
“After I crossed out my name,” he said, “I crossed out all of your names too. We will all live forever!”
The monkeys and apes cheered. “Hooray for the Monkey King!”
Wukong noticed a spirit standing nearby. He pulled out his iron bar. “Who are you?”
“I am Venus,” said the spirit. “I have an invitation from the Jade Emperor. He would like you to come to live in Heaven.”
Wukong smiled. “At last he has invited me.”
* * *
When Wukong entered the royal court in the Cloud Palace, he didn’t bow.
“You’re supposed to bow before the emperor,” whispered Venus.
Wukong laughed. “I’m just as powerful as he is. Maybe he should bow before me!”
Everyone but the Jade Emperor gasped.
Wukong looked at the emperor. “I’m glad you invited me. I guess you finally realized I should be living up here with all of you.”
“Show some respect,” said Venus.
The Jade Emperor looked at Venus and smiled. “Wukong is new here. He can be excused for not acting the right way.” He looked at Wukong. “I’m putting you in charge of the Royal Peach Garden. You will have a home here in Heaven. I hope you won’t cause any more trouble.”
“That sounds perfect!” said Wukong.
The next morning a gardener showed Wukong the peach garden.
Bright, glowing peaches hung from every branch.
“The peaches in this garden are not like peaches on Earth,” said the gardener. “These peaches take thousands of years to become ripe. Anybody who takes a bite of one will live forever.”
Each morning Wukong inspected the trees in the garden. He took his job very seriously.
“These peaches look delicious,” Wukong thought one day. He looked around. None of the gardeners were in sight. “Maybe I’ll eat one.”
①throne[θroʊn]  n.(国王、女王的)御座,宝座;王位;王权;帝位 vt.登上王座使即王位;使登基
thr(tri) 三,多 + one 一 → 多个里面选出一个 → 王位
the Queen's 50th anniversary on the throne.
女王登基 50 周年纪念日
②troop [truːp]  n.军队;部队;士兵;连队;坦克连;骑兵连;童子军中队 v.成群结队而行;列队行进
同源同音异形词:troupe [truːp]  n.(演员、歌手等的)班子,表演团  vi.巡回演出
The president decided to send in the troops .
The theatrical troupe is touring the country.
③Venus [ˈviːnəs]  n.金星;太白星
Venus, the Sun and Earth all moved into line.
④keep an eye on [kiːp ən aɪ ɑːn]  留意;密切注意
They're using villagers to keep an eye on each other, to spy on each other. 
in charge of [ɪn tʃɑːrdʒ əv]  负责看护;掌管;看管或经营;指导
You are in charge of the job. How could you evade the issue?
⑤royal [ˈrɔɪəl]  adj.国王的;女王的;皇家的;王室的;用于服务于国王或女王或受其赞助的组织名称;庄严的;盛大的;高贵的;适合国王(或女王)的 n.王室成员
Roy(reg) 统治 + al 形容词词尾 → 王室的
the Royal Navy
⑥hooray [huˈreɪ]  int.(表示快乐或赞同)好极了,好哇;再见
Hooray! It "s snowing! It" s time to make a snowman.
⑦gasp [ɡæsp]  v.(尤指由于惊讶或疼痛而)喘气,喘息,倒抽气;透不过气;气喘吁吁地说;渴望,很想要(尤指饮料或香烟) n.(常指由强烈情感引起的)深吸气,喘息,倒抽气
She gasped at the wonderful view.
⑧inspect [ɪnˈspekt]  v.检查;查看;审视;视察
in 向内 + spect 看 → 进去看 → 检查;视察
The plants are regularly inspected for disease.



