
《新概念英语》第三册Lesson 11 Not guilty

Love English 2 2022-12-23



Amazing China《美丽中国》
《你好,中国》— (Hello, China)全100集

Lesson 11 Not guilty

Listen to the tape then answer the question below.
What was the Customs Officer looking for?

Customs Officers are quite tolerant these days, but they can still stop you when you are going through the Green Channel and have nothing to declare. Even really honest people are often made to feel guilty. The hardened professional smuggler, on the other hand, is never troubled by such feelings, even if he has five hundred gold watches hidden in his suitcase. When I returned form abroad recently, a particularly officious young Customs Officer clearly regarded me as a smuggler.

'Have you anything to declare?' he asked, looking me in the eye.

'No', I answered confidently.

'Would you mind unlocking this suitcase please?'

'Not at all,' I answered.

The Officer went through the case with great care. All the thing I had packed so carefully were soon in a dreadful mess. I felt sure I would never be able to close the case again. Suddenly, I saw the Officer's face light up. He had spotted a tiny bottle at the bottom of my case and he pounced on it with delight.

'Perfume, eh?' he asked sarcastically. 'You should have declared that. Perfume is not exempt from import duty.'

'But it isn't perfume,' I said. 'It's hair gel.' Then I added with a smile, 'It's a strange mixture I make myself.'

As I expected, he did not believe me.

'Try it!' I said encouragingly.

The officer unscrewed the cap and put the bottle to his nostrils. He was greeted by an unpleasant smell which convinced him that I was telling the truth. A few minutes later, I was able to hurry away with precious chalk marks on my baggage.
New words and expressions


guilty  adj. 犯罪的,违法的

tolerant [ˈtɑːlərənt] adj. 宽容的
toler 容忍 + ant形容词后缀 → 能容忍的 → 心胸宽大的
He has a very tolerant attitude towards other religions.


declare  v.   申报
hardened  adj. 有经验的

professional  adj. 职业的,专业的

smuggler[ˈsmʌɡlər] n.  走私者
smuggle + er 名词后缀,表人 → 走私者
sumg(g) + le → 走私
The policeman hounded the smuggler until he caught him.


officious  adj. 爱管闲事的
confidently  adv. 自信地   

dreadful  adj. 可怕的,一团糟的

pounce [paʊns] v.  猛抓,扑住
同源词:punch, puncture
The lion crouched ready to pounce.


sarcastically [sɑrˈkæstɪkli] adv. 讽刺地
sarcastic 讽刺的,嘲笑的 + al形容词后缀 + ly 副词后缀 → 讽刺地,辛辣地
sarcastic [sɑːrˈkæstɪk] adj.讽刺的;嘲讽的;挖苦的
比较级:more sarcastic 最高级:most sarcastic
sarc 肉 + ast + ic 形容词后缀 → 讽刺的,嘲笑的
I said sarcastically to my son who was still playing computer games.


exempt[ɪɡˈzempt] adj. 被免除的
ex 出 + empt 拿;获得 → 获得出去〔的权利〕→ 豁免
Some students are exempt from certain exams.


duty  n.   税
gel [dʒel] n.   凝胶
mixture  n.   混合物
unscrew  v.   拧开
nostril  n.   鼻孔
chalk  n.   粉笔
baggage  n.   行李
perfume  n.   香水














“Love English 2”一周年了!
See China in 70 seconds全33集
Seasons of China(四季中国)全24集

《伊索寓言》—(Aesop's Fables)全30集

Journey to the West(西游记)全108集




Lesson 3 An unknown goddess
Lesson 4 The double life of Alfred Bloggs
Lesson 5 The facts
Lesson 6 Smash-and-grab
Lesson 7 Mutilated ladies
Lesson 8 A famous monastery
Lesson 9 Flying cats
Lesson 10 The loss of the Titanic

