
中国范儿 68 海南自贸区:“天涯海角”的坚定承诺

Love English 2 2022-12-23










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Hainan Free Trade Zone: For an Unshakeable Commitment


Hainan is a tropical island in South China. Located on the vast South China Sea, Hainan reaches the Qiongzhou Strait to the north, which separates Hainan from the LeizhouPeninsula. With a total area of around 35400 square kilometers, Hainan is the second largest island in China, only after Taiwan. This year, Chinarolled out a plan to build Hainan into a pilot free trade zone, which will become the largest of its kind in the country.

"Welcome to the end of the earth and enjoy beautiful spring days all year around. The spring breeze on Hainan Island is warm and beautiful flowers here can cheer you up". This lyric of Welcome to the End of the Earth, a popular song in the 1980s, depicts the wonderful sceneries of Hainan Island all year around. Sunshine, sand beach, waves, coconut trees, and unceasing breeze are the typical impressions people have on Hainan. Mild tropical climate, amazing tropical sceneries, and unmatched natural endowment make Hainan a prestigious tourist destination. The End of Earth, a tourist attraction in the southern part of Hainan Island, is the dream place to say “I love you” among many young Chinese.


Rulers of different Chinese dynasties tended to claim the mandate of heaven by dominating the Central Plain of China. Hainan, a periphery to the political center, was thus left to its own in the long history. That is why it got its nickname of the End of Earth. In the reform and opening up drive of China, however, Hainan became the frontier of China’s development.

第一个把总部设在中国的国际会议组织博鳌亚洲论坛。中国网 郑亮摄影

In April 1988, Hainan got the status of a province and became a Special Economic Zone of the country. In April 2002, Boao of Hainan Province became the permanent host of Boao Forum for Asia, the first international conference organization that headquarters in China. In December 2009, the central authorities unveiled the plan to turn Hainan into an international tourism island. In the three decades after it got the status of a province and became one Special Economic Zone, Haihan has made great strides in almost every field. It offered invaluable experiences for the reform and opening up drive of the whole country. In April 2018, Hainan made a further step. The Chinese government decided to build the entire Hainan Island into a pilot free trade zone. According to its plan, Hainan will steadily put in place policies and the institutional framework involving building a free trade harbor. On the opening ceremony of the first China International Import Expo held this November, Chinese President Xi Jinping delivered a keynote speech, in which he urged to expedite the study and explorations of relevant measures.

Hainan Island is a pivot that links Northeast Asia and Southeast Asia. Located in a region that the Pacific Ocean meets the Indian Ocean, Hainan is a juncture on the 21stCentury Maritime Silk Road. Hainan benefits a lot from its excellent geographic location in the process of tirelessly deepening the reform and opening up. A deep tourism culture is a unique advantage Hainan enjoys in its drive to become a pilot free trade zone.

Hainan is a free trade zone in the making. By focusing on the development of tourism, high-tech sectors, and modern services, Hainan is set to become a high-standard pilot free trade zone characterized by facilitating investment and trade environment, a sound legal system, quality financial services, reliable and efficient regulation, world-class ecological environment, and enormous trickle-down effects.

To build Hainan into a pilot free trade zone is a significant move by China at the juncture of the 40th anniversary of the Reform and Opening-up. As a demonstration of China’s commitment to further reform and opening up, it is set to expedite China’s pace for reform and opening up on one hand and the process of economic globalization on the other.

“The end of earth” is a romantic term in the Chinese culture. It represents unshakeable commitments. To build Hainan into a pilot free trade zone is afirm commitment China made to the whole world. China will never close its door.



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