

四万学者关注了→ 语言学心得 2022-12-05



International Conference on Chinese Second Language Teacher Education


University of Calgary, Canada



August 26-27, 2022


The International Conference on Chinese Second Language Teacher Education will be held in-person at the University of Calgary.



Join us to discuss Chinese second language (L2) teacher education and development, where we will work together to bridge theory and practice, research and teaching, post-secondary and K-12 education, Chinese L2 and other L2 languages, Canada and the world, past and future!



The International Conference on Chinese Second Language Teacher Education conference is to engage in scholarly exchanges on theoretical and pedagogical issues on Chinese L2 teacher education and development from diverse perspectives and develop solutions to real-world problems faced by Chinese L2 teachers. The conference is to respond to the increasing need for quality Chinese teachers and the growing attention to Chinese L2 teacher education and professional development in the world. The conference also includes a Canadian Chinese L2 education exhibit.



 Proudly sponsored by: 

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)

Calgary Institute for the Humanities, University of Calgary

Faculty of Arts, University of Calgary

Language Research Centre, University of Calgary

School of Languages, Linguistics, Literatures and Cultures, University of Calgary


Abstract submission guidelines   


The conference focuses on Chinese second language teacher education and professional development. Major themes include, but not limited to:


  • theoretical issues 理论问题

  • research methods 研究方法

  • action research 行动研究

  • classroom research 课堂研究

  • teacher education and second language acquisition 教师教育与第二语言习得

  • teacher education and applied linguistics 教师教育与应用语言学

  • teacher cognition 教师认知 (teacher reflection 教师反思、teacher knowledge 教师知识、teacher beliefs 教师信念)

  • teacher behaviors 教师行为

  • teacher identify 教师身份认同

  • novice or established teacher experiences 新手或熟手教师经历

  • professional standards of Chinese language teachers 汉语教师职业标准

  • curriculum and material development 课程及材料开发

  • designs, standards and evaluations of professional development programs  教师专业发展项目设计、标准及评估

  • classroom practice 课堂实践

  • technology and teacher education 技术与教师教育

  • teaching practicum 教学实习

  • Chinese language teacher supervision and mentoring 汉语教师指导

  • social and contextual factors affecting Chinese L2 teacher education  社会及环境因素


Proposals are encouraged from professors, researchers, teachers, graduate students, program administrators committed to scholarly and pedagogical inquiry into aspects of Chinese L2 teacher education and development. Abstracts should be no longer than 250 words in English or 500 characters in Chinese. Abstracts will be evaluated by an adjudication committee.



Important dates:


Abstract Submission: May 25, 2022

Abstract Acceptance Notification: June 1, 2022




The best graduate student paper


The conference will select the best graduate student paper. Applicants must be enrolled in a university Master’s or Ph.D. program in a Canadian institution on a full-time basis. In addition to submitting an abstract by the due day, applicants submit their full paper and arrange for their thesis supervisor to email a letter of recommendation confirming their current enrolment status by June 30.  The full paper and letter of recommendation should be sent to Dr. Wei Cai at wcai@ucalgary.ca

本次会议将评选最佳研究生论文。参选者须为加拿大高校全日制在读硕士或博士研究生。有意参选者须将表明在读状态的导师推荐信及完整论文于6月30日前通过电子邮件提交蔡薇博士 wcai@ucalgary.ca

The same adjudication committee will choose the best paper among all graduate student submissions. The conference will provide travel funding for the graduate student to present as a guest speaker (up to a certain limit).


Plenary speakers


Dr. Jianhua Bai is Professor of Chinese at Kenyon College and Director of the Chinese School of Middlebury College. He teaches Chinese language at all levels, linguistics and Chinese language pedagogy. He won the 2012 Senior Faculty Trustee Teaching Excellence Award of Kenyon College. His research interests include foreign language education and assessment, integration of technology into the CFL curriculum and action research. He has extensive experience in teacher training and supervision for various world languages. He has served as the Director of Kenyon Intensive Language Model, training, supervising and evaluating teaching assistants of seven world languages. He has also directed study-abroad programs: the ACC Program in Beijing and The Hopkins/ Nanjing/CET Summer Program at Nanjing University.

Dr. Paula Kristmanson is the Director of the Second Language Research Institute of Canada (L2RIC) and a Professor in the Faculty of Education at UNB. Her current research interests focus on teacher education and on teaching and learning in variety of second and additional language contexts. She is also the past-president of TESL Canada and an member of the Teacher Education Consortium for the Canadian Association of Second Language Teachers.

Yang Zhao, PhD (Cantab), professor and dean of the School of Chinese as a Second Language, Peking University, China. His research areas include second language acquisition, generative grammar and sociolinguistics. He has published two monographs, two works of translation and numerous articles in academic journals. He is currently vice president of the International Society for Chinese Language Teaching and chief editor of the journal International Chinese Language Education.

Featured speakers


Dr.  Wei Li taught in the Chinese English bilingual program in Edmonton Public Schools (EPS) for seventeen years and was also the curriculum coordinator, acting assistant principal and principal. In 2008, he worked in EPS as the Chinese consultant and assistant director and then director of the Confucius Institute in Edmonton. He is now the director of the Confucius Institute in Coquitlam and Chinese Language and Culture Institute of Coquitlam.

Professor Renzhong Wang has been on the EAS teaching faculty at McGill University since 1997. He currently serves as Chair of EAS language group at the Department of East Asian Studies, and Academic Coordinator for Faculty of Arts LKS Initiative Chinese Language and Advanced Culture Studies Program with STU since 2014. As a senior faculty member of the Faculty of Arts L2 teaching group, he co-founded McGill’s Multimedia Language Facility in 1998, where he and his team designed an e-learning model in CAN8 for EAS language courses, thus transforming traditional classroom-based teaching into a new concept of language teaching and learning. His other relevant experiences include designing and directing McGill-Peking University Summer Chinese Language Program, being a co-founder and President of Chinese Language Teachers Association of Canada. His scholarly interest centers around e-learning pedagogy and the cultural dimensions of Chinese L2 teaching and learning.


Registration Registration fee:  C$125 


Exhibit of Chinese L2 education in Canada 加拿大汉语二语教育展 

The exhibit presents overviews, achievements and features of Chinese L2 education in Canadian universities, K-12 public schools and community schools. More details coming soon! 

该展览将展示加拿大大学、K-12 公立学校和社区学校汉语作为第二语言教育的概况、成就和特点。更多细节即将发布!

Contact us for more information about our events

Dr. Wei Cai  蔡薇博士 

Associate Professor of Chinese 

Chair, Division of Chinese Studies and Japanese Studies 

School of Languages, Linguistics, Literatures and Cultures 

University of Calgary 

2500 University Drive N.W, Calgary, Alberta T2N 1N4 Canada 

E-mail: wcai@ucalgary.ca





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审    核:心得君





