
刊讯|SSCI 期刊《语言学习》2022年第1期

五万学者关注了→ 语言学心得 2022-12-05


Volume 72, Issue 1, June 2022

LANGUAGE LEARNING(SSCI一区,2020 IF:4.667)2022年第1期共发文8篇,其中实证研究4篇,理论综述3篇和方法综述1篇。研究论文涉语言测试、词汇知识、元认知、语料库语言学、计算机辅助测试、写作质量、元分析、眼动实验及病理语言学等。



■ Individual Differences in Second Language Listening: Examining the Role of Knowledge, Metacognitive Awareness, Memory, and Attention, by Matthew P. Wallace, Pages 5-44.

■ Second Language Chinese Computer-Based Writing by Learners With Alphabetic First Languages: Writing Behaviors, Second Language Proficiency, Genre, and Text Quality, by Xiaojun Lu, Pages 45-86.

■ Critical Period Claim Revisited: Reanalysis of Hartshorne, Tenenbaum, and Pinker (2018) Suggests Steady Decline and Learner-Type Differences, by Frans van der Slik, Job Schepens, Theo Bongaerts, Roeland van Hout, Pages 87-112.

■ Controlled and Automatic Processing in the Acceptability Judgment Task: An Eye-Tracking Study, by Ryo Maie, Aline Godfroid, Pages 158-197.


■ Relationships Between Phonological Awareness and Reading in Spanish: A Meta-Analysis, by Carla Míguez-Álvarez, Miguel Cuevas-Alonso, Ángeles Saavedra, Pages 113-157.

■ Proficiency Reporting Practices in Research on Second Language Acquisition: Have We Made any Progress? by Hae In Park, Megan Solon, Marzieh Dehghan-Chaleshtori, Hessameddin Ghanbar, Pages 198-236.

■ From a Molar to a Molecular Approach to the Developmental Trajectory of Syntax Comprehension of Persons with Intellectual Disability, by Bruno Facon, David Magis, Dominique Knutsen, Pages 237-268.


■ The Effects of Spaced Practice on Second Language Learning: A Meta-Analysis, by Su Kyung Kim, Stuart Webb, Pages 269-319.


Individual Differences in Second Language Listening: Examining the Role of Knowledge, Metacognitive Awareness, Memory, and Attention

Matthew P. Wallace, University of Macau, Nanyang Technological University

Abstract The aim of this study was to examine the direct and indirect effects of domain-specific knowledge (vocabulary knowledge and topical knowledge) and domain-general cognitive abilities (metacognitive awareness, memory, and attentional control) on second language listening comprehension. Data were collected from 226 Japanese senior high school EFL students. Data sources included a practice version of the TOEFL Junior Standard test, the Listening Vocabulary Levels Test, the Metacognitive Awareness Listening Questionnaire, memory recall tests, attentional control tests, and a study-generated questionnaire measuring topical knowledge. Scores from these instruments were examined using structural equation modeling. The results showed that vocabulary knowledge had the strongest total effect on listening performance. Topical knowledge and attentional control also had direct effects. Only metacognitive awareness had an indirect effect on listening comprehension through topical knowledge. The findings indicate that differences in domain-specific knowledge, particularly vocabulary knowledge, are the most important for predicting listening comprehension.

Second Language Chinese Computer-Based Writing by Learners With Alphabetic First Languages: Writing Behaviors, Second Language Proficiency, Genre, and Text Quality

Xiaojun Lu, Southeast University

Abstract This study examined the relationship of L2 Chinese proficiency with writing behaviors in L2 Chinese and whether this relationship is mediated by genre. It additionally investigated how writing behaviors relate to L2 Chinese text quality. A sample of 32 L2 writers of Chinese performed two argumentative and two narrative tasks on a computer. Their keystrokes were logged. Participants’ L2 Chinese proficiency was estimated by a cloze test. Writing behaviors were operationalized as online measures of fluency, pausing, and revision. Text quality was assessed via holistic rating. Regression analyses revealed positive relationships of L2 proficiency to fluency, between-word pause duration, between-clause and between-sentence pause frequency, and below-clause revision frequency. L2 proficiency was also found to negatively correlate with within-word and between-word pause frequency and between-sentence pause duration. Genre did not modulate the relationship of L2 proficiency to writing behaviors. More highly rated L2 Chinese texts were associated with fewer between-word pauses.

Critical Period Claim Revisited: Reanalysis of Hartshorne, Tenenbaum, and Pinker (2018) Suggests Steady Decline and Learner-Type Differences

Frans van der Slik, Centre for Language Studies, Radboud University, Nijmegen

Job Schepens, Center for Research on Education and School Development, TU Dortmund University

Theo Bongaerts, Centre for Language Studies, Radboud University, Nijmegen

Roeland van Hout, Centre for Language Studies, Radboud University, Nijmegen

Abstract A reanalysis of data drawn by Hartshorne, Tenenbaum, and Pinker (2018) from two-thirds of a million English speakers showed that their overall conclusion of one sharply defined critical age at 17.4 for all language learners is based on artificial results. We show that instead of a discontinuous exponential learning with sigmoidal decay (ELSD) model, a continuous ELSD model had a better fit when applied separately to monolinguals, bilinguals, and early immersion learners. Only for nonimmersion learners and later immersion learners did a discontinuous ELSD model have a better fit, with a critical age of 18.6 and 19.0 years of age, respectively. These age effects can be interpreted as schooling effects. We suggest that personal and societal factors, including differences in living circumstances and socialization, may bring about age-specific discontinuity patterns in language learning and in language learning rate. The implication is that they are not the outcome of cognition-driven developmental factors leading to one or more critical periods.

Relationships Between Phonological Awareness and Reading in Spanish: A Meta-Analysis

Carla Míguez-Álvarez, Department of Spanish Linguistics, Research Group LVTC, Universidade de Vigo

Miguel Cuevas-Alonso, Department of Spanish Linguistics, Research Group LVTC, Universidade de Vigo

Ángeles Saavedra, Department of Statistics and Operative Research, Universidade de Vigo

Abstract Previous meta-analyses of the relationship between phonological awareness (PA) and reading have been conducted mostly in children who speak English, a language with an opaque writing system. In this study, we present a meta-analysis that examined mean correlations between three PA tasks testing phonemic, syllabic, and intrasyllabic awareness and three reading tasks testing word reading, nonword reading, and reading comprehension in Spanish, a language with a near-transparent writing system. A random-effects model of 47 articles (N = 7,956) was used for a multiple correlation study that showed a significantly moderate correlation between some of the PA subcategories and the reading tasks in Spanish-speaking children. The largest correlation values were found between syllabic awareness and reading, which highlights the importance of syllable recognition during reading acquisition. In addition, we found that intrasyllabic awareness also plays an important role in reading in Spanish. The findings are discussed from a cross-linguistic perspective.

Controlled and Automatic Processing in the Acceptability Judgment Task: An Eye-Tracking Study

Ryo Maie, Michigan State University

Aline Godfroid, Michigan State University

Abstract We conducted an eye-tracking study of the acceptability judgment task (AJT) by drawing on the dual process theory of controlled and automatic processing. We conceptually replicated the work of Godfroid et al. (2015) and then extended it in two respects: (a) we analyzed both late and early measures of eye movement to differentiate between the effect of time pressure on controlled and on automatic processes, and (b) we examined how the automaticity of participants’ lexical processing moderated the effect of time pressure. Under timed and untimed conditions, 31 L1 and 40 L2 English speakers performed the AJT while their eye movements were recorded. Through statistical modeling of the eye-tracking data, we demonstrated that (a) time pressure inhibits not only controlled processing but also automatic processing and (b) the time pressure effect is most pronounced for the late eye-movement measures of L2 speakers with slow lexical decoding skills. We explain that time pressure may not work as theoretically predicted by L2 researchers (i.e., to suppress only controlled processes associated with explicit knowledge) and that its effect is not uniform across different L2 speakers.

Proficiency Reporting Practices in Research on Second Language Acquisition: Have We Made any Progress?

Hae In Park, University at Albany, State University of New York

Megan Solon, Indiana University

Marzieh Dehghan-Chaleshtori, University at Albany, State University of New York

Hessameddin Ghanbar, Islamic Azad University, Fereshtegaan International Branch

Abstract Given that 10 years have passed since the publication of the most recent synthesis of proficiency assessment standards, the present review revisits proficiency assessment practices in research on second language acquisition (SLA), with the goal of examining whether the way in which scholars measure and report proficiency has changed. Our sample included 500 studies from five major SLA-related journals published between 2012 and 2019. The findings indicate that whereas over 90% of the studies assessed and reported second language proficiency in some way, only 42% of them did so with an independent measure. In line with previous surveys, the most popular assessment technique was institutional status, suggesting that relatively little change has taken place over time. Use or not of an independent measure of proficiency was also found to differ by certain study characteristics (e.g., learner population, research context), providing insight into areas of focus for future improvement.

From a Molar to a Molecular Approach to the Developmental Trajectory of Syntax Comprehension of Persons with Intellectual Disability

Bruno Facon, Univ. Lille, CNRS, UMR 9193 - SCALab - Sciences Cognitives et Sciences Affectives, F-59000 Lille, France

David Magis, IQVIA Belgium, Corporate Village, Davos Building Da Vincilaan 7, Zaventem, 1930 Belgium

Dominique Knutsen, Univ. Lille, CNRS, UMR 9193 - SCALab - Sciences Cognitives et Sciences Affectives, F-59000 Lille, France

Abstract The aim of our study was to investigate whether the developmental trajectories of syntax comprehension of participants with or without intellectual disability are comparable. We obtained results from a syntax comprehension test of 615 typically developing participants (mean chronological age  =  4.61 years, SD  =  0.85) and 615 participants with intellectual disability (mean chronological age  =  12.22 years, SD  =  3.14) matched on a nonverbal cognitive measure. We examined these results by applying several statistical approaches to the overall scores for the syntax test and then to the scores for each of its 92 items. Results showed negligible between-group differences in developmental trajectories, at both levels of analysis (overall and item scores). This lack of effect suggests that the relationship between cognitive development and syntax comprehension is comparable for the two groups of participants. Theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed.

The Effects of Spaced Practice on Second Language Learning: A Meta-Analysis

Su Kyung Kim, University of Western Ontario

Stuart Webb, University of Western Ontario

Abstract This meta-analysis investigates earlier studies of spaced practice in second language learning. We retrieved 98 effect sizes from 48 experiments (N = 3,411). We compared the effects of three aspects of spacing (spaced vs. massed, longer vs. shorter spacing, and equal vs. expanding spacing) on immediate and delayed posttests to calculate mean effect sizes. We also examined the extent to which nine empirically motivated variables moderated the effects of spaced practice. Results showed that (a) spacing had a medium-to-large effect on second language learning; (b) shorter spacing was as effective as longer spacing in immediate posttests but was less effective in delayed posttests than longer spacing; (c) equal and expanding spacing were statistically equivalent; and (d) variability in spacing effect size across studies was explained methodologically by the learning target, number of sessions, type of practice, activity type, feedback timing, and retention interval. The methodological and pedagogical significance of the findings are discussed.


Language Learning is a scientific journal dedicated to the understanding of language learning broadly defined. It publishes research articles that systematically apply methods of inquiry from disciplines including psychology, linguistics, cognitive science, educational inquiry, neuroscience, ethnography, sociolinguistics, sociology, and anthropology. It is concerned with fundamental theoretical issues in language learning such as child, second, and foreign language acquisition, language education, bilingualism, literacy, language representation in mind and brain, culture, cognition, pragmatics, and intergroup relations. A subscription includes 4 regular issues, a biennial Supplement from the Cognitive Neuroscience Series, and Special Issues.


As one of the premier peer-reviewed journals in the field of applied linguistics, established in 1948 at the University of Michigan, Language Learning strives to promote research of the highest quality with thorough literature reviews and solid theoretical frameworks, rigorous data analysis, cogent argumentation, and clear presentation.







重  磅|2022软科中国大学专业排名(语言学)










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