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重  磅|面向语言研究的R语言数据分析工作坊









被引频次  778

摘  要   本研究以词汇知识类型分类为理论框架对代表初级、中级和高级英语水平的三组受试的词汇能力进行了测试,并描述了其发展路径。词汇能力的操作定义是:受试运用四类词汇知识(词义、同义词、派生词和搭配)的两种能力(接受性能力和产出性能力)。调查的测试词为6个高频名词。调查发现:学习的早期阶段词义知识发展极快;与此同时,同义词、派生词和搭配的知识也在发展之中,但无先后顺序可言,似乎是随机事件。随着受试的总体语言水平向中级程度发展,词义知识增长的速度逐渐放慢,而增长较快的则是同义词、派生词和搭配的知识。但是,在受试的水平达到中级程度后,单词的各类知识的增长也就基本停滞不前。此外,在运用方面,接受性能力的发展总是先于产出性能力,而且远远强于后者,这一情形贯穿于单词习得的整个过程。最后作者从语言习得的认知机制和学习环境两个方面对调查结果的可能原因进行了探讨。



被引频次  643

摘  要  本文探讨第二语言教学的一种新趋势——词汇组块教学。作者首先介绍了词汇组块的定义及其分类。然后 ,文章重点讨论了词汇组块教学的语言学及语言学习理论依据 ,词汇组块教学的优势及其给二语教学带来的启示。文章最后指出 ,词汇组块教学尽管还有一些不足之处 ,但它确实给二语教学提供了一种新思路。



被引频次  536


摘  要  本文是对课堂环境下二语词汇深度 (vocabularydepth)习得或二语词汇知识 (wordknowl edge)习得的横向调查。本研究力图从“深度”的层面来探索二语词汇知识 (如意义、词缀 )习得的发展路径或具体特征。本文的受试分别代表了四种不同英语水平的学习群体。然而 ,他们在接受本研究 1 0个高频词深度习得检测中所获得的结果却反映了二语词汇知识习得的复杂性和不一致性。本研究结果及发现不仅能弥补“宽度”研究的不足 ,而且对现时的外语教学、二语习得及词汇习得理论的建立具有一定的启发作用。



被引频次  341

摘  要  自从Nagy,Herman和Anderson等(1985)提出了“词汇附带习得”(incidentalvocabularyacquisition)的概念后,一些学者就对此进行了实证研究。本文主要从以下几个方面对第二语言词汇附带习得进行了论述:词汇附带习得的定义和解释,有关词汇附带习得的实证研究及其理论假设和词汇附带习得研究应该注意的几个问题等。词汇附带习得是相对于词汇有意学习的一种有效的学习方法,它对二语学习者的词汇量的增加起到重要的作用。这些研究结果给二语词汇学习及教学提供了有益的启示。



被引频次  332

摘  要  本文回顾了10年来发表于国内9大外语重要刊物①上有关二语词汇习得的研究成果,内容包括:1)二语词汇的附带习得与学得;2)二语词汇习得的策略研究;3)习得目标词汇的广度与深度研究;4)母语对二语词汇习得的影响;5)基于语料库的词汇习得与本族语者的比较。文章在回顾的基础上提出了国内二语词汇习得领域内有待进一步研究的几个问题,建议我国未来的二语词汇习得研究应该多方吸收国内外相关学科的最新理论和研究成果,探讨中国各层次二语学习者词汇习得过程中的特点和难点,更好地提高二语学习者的学习效率和习得效果。



被引频次  321


摘  要   本文试图在现有相关理论的基础上,构建一个二语词汇知识理论框架。这个框架由两个部分组成——元词汇知识和词汇知识。元词汇知识是有关词的一些宏观知识,涉及词的概念、词义和词的规则等知识。词汇知识包括习得一个二语词涉及的12种深度知识。



被引频次  279

张文忠,吴旭东湖南大学外国语学院 ,广东外语外贸大学外国语言学及应用语言学研究中心
摘  要  注意在第二语言习得过程中的作用受到越来越多研究者的重视。本文基于信息加工理论,提出了课堂环境下二语词汇能力发展的四维度和五阶段。四个维度分别是词汇量、词汇知识深度、词汇知识运用的精确度和词汇知识运用的自动化程度;五个阶段分别为学习者注意单词、注意单词信息、加工单词信息、记忆单词信息和提取单词信息。在词汇习得的每个阶段,注意机制以不同的方式产生作用,导致不同的学习结果。在每个阶段结果上的二分使习得的最终结果能得到较合理的解释。



被引频次  207

摘  要   动态系统理论是应用语言学界最新发展动态。本文详细梳理了该理论的基本概念,包括系统的全面联结性、非线性、自组性与吸引状态、以及初始状态的敏感性和差异性。该视角下的语言发展既不是单纯的认知心理过程,也不是纯粹的社会文化过程,相反是多重资源在多层次、多维度不断互动的动态过程。本文在探讨每个概念时均以二语词汇发展的实证研究为切入点,详细讨论了该视角在二语习得研究中的应用可能,并提出若干研究方法上的建议。本文最后指出了动态系统理论视角下二语习得研究的新方向和值得注意的问题。



被引频次  200


摘  要  本文研究二语综合水平和词汇知识水平与二语自然阅读过程中词汇附带习得的关系。自变量为二语综合水平和词汇知识水平,因变量为二语词汇附带习得。研究对象为某大学英语专业一年级的60名学生。受试学生阅读包含10个目标词的两篇短文,在阅读完成2天和14天后通过目标词辨认、目标词解释和母语对等词辨认三种方式检测受试学生附带习得词汇的情况。结果表明:二语综合水平和词汇知识水平与二语阅读过程中词汇附带习得呈正相关。

TOP 10


被引频次  199

摘  要  心理语言学界就二语心理词汇的性质一直有争议,主要有语音说、语义说和句法说三种观点。通过自由联想测试对二语心理词汇的性质进行的调查表明,对于相当一部分词来说,二语学习者还没有建立起有意义的联系,或即使建立起了某种语义联系,这种联系也不够强,无法通过联想词进行提取。这一发现反映出二语学习者词汇知识结构的缺陷,对二语词汇教学有重大意义。

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仅选Web of Science核心合集




Instructed second language vocabulary learningCited frequency  588Schmitt, NorbertUniversity of Nottingham

Abstract  This article overviews current research on second language vocabulary learning. It concludes that a large vocabulary is necessary to function in English: 8000-9000 word families for reading, and perhaps as many as 5000-7000 families for oral discourse. In addition, a number of word knowledge aspects need to be learned about each lexical item. Taken together, this amounts to a substantial lexical learning challenge, one which many/most learners fail to meet. To facilitate adequate vocabulary learning, four vocabulary learning partners (students, teachers, materials writers, and researchers) need to contribute to the learning process. Vocabulary learning programs need to include both an explicit, intentional learning component and a component based around maximizing exposure and incidental learning. The four learning strands (meaning-focused input, meaning-focused output, language-focused learning, and fluency development) suggested by Nation (2001) provide a structure by which to integrate intentional and incidental vocabulary learning. The overriding principle for maximizing vocabulary learning is to increase the amount of engagement learners have with lexical items. All four learning partners need to acknowledge the incremental nature of vocabulary learning, and to develop learning programs which are principled, long-term, and which recognize the richness and scope of the lexical knowledge that needs to be mastered.


Lexical access in bilingual speech production: Evidence from language switching in highly proficient bilinguals and L2 learners

Cited frequency  586

Costa, APompeu Fabra University ICREA Central European UniversitySantesteban, MUniversity of Basque Country University of Edinburgh
Abstract  Five experiments are reported in which the picture naming performance of bilingual speakers in a language-switching task was explored. In Experiment 1, Spanish learners of Catalan and Korean learners of Spanish were asked to perform a switching task between their first and dominant language (L1, Spanish or Korean) and their second language (L2, Catalan or Spanish). For these two groups switching from the weaker language (L2) to the more dominant language (L1) was harder than vice versa. This asymmetrical switching cost was not present when highly proficient Spanish-Catalan bilinguals performed the task either in their two dominant languages (Experiments 2 and 3) or in their dominant language (L1) and in their much weaker language (L3 English; Experiment 4). Furthermore, highly proficient bilinguals showed faster naming latencies in their weaker languages (L2 and L3) than in their dominant language (L1). Experiment 5 tested whether a bias in the triggering of lexicalization is at the basis of such a difference. Together these results reveal that the switching performance of highly proficient bilinguals does not seem to be subject to the same mechanisms as that of L2 learners. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


At the interface: Dynamic interactions of explicit and implicit language knowledge

Cited frequency  394

Ellis, Nick CUniversity of Michigan

Abstract This paper considers how implicit and explicit knowledge are dissociable but cooperative. It reviews various psychological and neurobiological processes by which explicit knowledge of form-meaning associations impacts upon implicit language learning. The interface is dynamic: It happens transiently during conscious processing, but the influence upon implicit cognition endures thereafter. The primary conscious involvement in SLA is the explicit learning involved in the initial registration of pattern recognizers for constructions that are then tuned and integrated into the system by implicit learning during subsequent input processing. Neural systems in the prefrontal cortex involved in working memory provide attentional selection, perceptual integration, and the unification of consciousness. Neural systems in the hippocampus then bind these disparate cortical representations into unitary episodic representations. These are the mechanisms by which Schmidt's (1990) noticing helps solve Quine's (1960) problem of referential indeterminacy. Explicit memories can also guide the conscious building of novel linguistic utterances through processes of analogy. Formulas, slot-and-frame patterns, drills, and declarative pedagogical grammar rules all contribute to the conscious creation of utterances whose subsequent usage promotes implicit learning and proceduralization. Flawed output can prompt focused feedback by way of recasts that present learners with psycholinguistic data ready for explicit analysis. Other processes of acquisition from output include differentiation, analysis, and preemption. These processes of conscious construction in working memory underpin relationships between individual differences in working memory capacities and language learning aptitude.


Predicting dyslexia from kindergarten: The importance of distinctness of phonological representations of lexical items

Cited frequency  324

Elbro, CarstenUniversity of CopenhagenBorstrom, IPetersen, Dorthe Klint, Aarhus University
Abstract This article presents results from a longitudinal study of children of dyslexic and of normally reading parents. The children were followed from the beginning of kindergarten (at the age of 6, 1 year before reading instruction in Denmark) until the beginning of the second grade. Children of dyslexic parents were found to have an increased risk of dyslexia (a 4.3 odds ratio) when dyslexia was defined as poor phonological recoding (poor reading of nonwords and pseudohomophones of real words). All language measures in kindergarten were statistically significant predictors of dyslexia. Logistic regression analyses with backwards stepwise selection indicated that three measures contributed independently to the prediction of dyslexia: letter naming, phoneme identification, and distinctness of phonological representations. The measure of distinctness of phonological representations also contributed significantly to the prediction of poor phoneme awareness in Grade 2-even when differences in early syllable and phoneme awareness, articulation, and productive and receptive vocabulary were accounted for. The results suggest that the quality of phonological representations in the mental lexicon is a determinant of the development of both segmental (e.g., phoneme) awareness and of the acquisition of phonological recoding skills in reading.


MANULEX:: A grade-level lexical database from French elementary school readers

Cited frequency  311

Bernard LétéUniversite Lyon 2 Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)Sprenger-Charolles, Lthane ,Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) Universite Paris CitePascale Colé , Aix-Marseille Universite Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) UDICE-French Research Universities
Abstract This article presents MANULEX, a Web-accessible database that provides grade-level word frequency lists of nonlemmatized and lemmatized words (48,886 and 23,812 entries, respectively) computed from the 1.9 million words taken from 54 French elementary school readers. Word frequencies are provided for four levels: first grade (G1), second grade (G2), third to fifth grades (G3-5), and all grades (G1-5). The frequencies were computed following the methods described by Carroll, Davies, and Richman (1971) and Zeno, Ivenz, Millard, and Duvvuri (1995), with four statistics at each level (F, overall word frequency; D, index of dispersion across the selected readers; U, estimated frequency per million words; and SFI, standard frequency index). The database also provides the number of letters in the word and syntactic category information. MANULEX is intended to be a useful tool for studying language development through the selection of stimuli based on precise frequency norms. Researchers in artificial intelligence can also use it as a source of information on natural language processing to simulate written language acquisition in children. Finally, it may serve an educational purpose by providing basic vocabulary lists.


Context, contact, and cognition in oral fluency acquisition - Learning Spanish in at home and study abroad contexts

Cited frequency  310

Norman Segalowitz Queensland University of Technology (QUT) Concordia University - Canada
Abstract  This study investigates the role of context of learning in second language (L2) acquisition. Participants were 40 native speakers of English studying Spanish for one semester in one of two different learning contexts-a formal classroom at a home university (AH) and a study abroad (SA) setting. The research looks at various indexes of oral performance gains-particularly gains in oral fluency as measured by temporal and hesitation phenomena and gains in oral proficiency based on the Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI). The study also examines the relation these oral gains bore to L2-specific cognitive measures of speed of lexical access (word recognition), efficiency (automaticity) of lexical access, and speed and efficiency of attention control hypothesized to underlie oral performance. The learners also provided estimates of the number of hours they spent in extracurricular language-contact activities. The results show that in some respects learners in the SA context made greater gains, both in terms of temporal and hesitation phenomena and in oral proficiency as measured by the OPI, than learners in the AH context. There were also, however, significant interaction effects and correlational patterns indicating complex relationships between oral proficiency, cognitive abilities, and language contact. The results demonstrate the importance of the dynamic interactions that exist among oral, cognitive, and contextual variables. Such interactions may help explain the enormous individual variation one sees in learning outcomes, and they underscore the importance of studying such variables together rather than in isolation.


Neuroplasticity as a function of second language learning: Anatomical changes in the human brain

Cited frequency  96

Li, PingGuangdong Polytechnic Normal University Hong Kong Polytechnic UniversityLegault, Jennifer ,University of Delaware Pennsylvania State University Litcofsky, Kaitlyn A. ,Northwestern University

Abstract  The brain has an extraordinary ability to functionally and physically change or reconfigure its structure in response to environmental stimulus, cognitive demand, or behavioral experience. This property, known as neuroplasticity, has been examined extensively in many domains. But how does neuroplasticity occur in the brain as a function of an individual's experience with a second language? It is not until recently that we have gained some understanding of this question by examining the anatomical changes as well as functional neural patterns that are induced by the learning and use of multiple languages. In this article we review emerging evidence regarding how structural neuroplasticity occurs in the brain as a result of one's bilingual experience. Our review aims at identifying the processes and mechanisms that drive experience-dependent anatomical changes, and integrating structural imaging evidence with current knowledge of functional neural plasticity of language and other cognitive skills. The evidence reviewed so far portrays a picture that is highly consistent with structural neuroplasticity observed for other domains: second language experience-induced brain changes, including increased gray matter (GM) density and white matter (WM) integrity, can be found in children, young adults, and the elderly; can occur rapidly with short-term language learning or training; and are sensitive to age, age of acquisition, proficiency or performance level, language-specific characteristics, and individual differences. We conclude with a theoretical perspective on neuroplasticity in language and bilingualism, and point to future directions for research. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


Lexical representation and development in a second language

Cited frequency  281

Jiang, NAuburn University

Abstract  A psycholinguistic model of vocabulary acquisition in a second language (L2) in instructional settings is outlined in this paper. Considered in light of how the lexical entries in the L2 lexicon evolve, L2 vocabulary acquisition is seen as consisting of three stages: the formal stage when a lexical entry with formal specifications is established, the first language (L1) lemma mediation stage when the lemma information of the L1 counterpart is copied into the L2 lexical entry and mediates L2 word use, and the L2 integration stage when semantic, syntactic, morphological specifications are integrated into the lexical entry. It is argued that due to the practical constraints imposed on L2 learning, a majority of L2 words fossilize at the second stage. Thus, lexical representation in L2 in general has three unique features: (a) a lexical entry consists of L2 lexeme and L1 lemma; (b) little morphological specifications are integrated within the entry; (c) the links between L2 words and concepts are weak. The processing consequences of these features, relevant research evidence in support of this model, and its implications for L2 vocabulary acquisition research ape discussed.


Selective attention and transfer phenomena in L2 acquisition: Contingency, cue competition, salience, interference, overshadowing, blocking, and perceptual learning

Cited frequency  271

Ellis, Nick C. University of Michigan
Abstract  If first language is rational in the sense that acquisition produces an end-state model of language that is a proper reflection of input and that optimally prepares speakers for comprehension and production, second language is usually not. This paper considers the apparent irrationalities of L2 acquisition, that is the shortcomings where input fails to become intake. It describes how 'learned attention', a key concept in contemporary associative and connectionist theories of animal and human learning, explains these effects. The fragile features of L2 acquisition are those which, however available as a result of frequency, recency, or context, fall short of intake because of one of the factors of contingency, cue competition, salience, interference, overshadowing, blocking, or perceptual learning, which are all shaped by the L1. Each phenomenon is explained within associative learning theory and exemplified in language learning. Paradoxically, the successes of L1 acquisition and the limitations of L2 acquisition both derive from the same basic learning principles.

TOP 10

Does bilingualism hamper lexical access in speech production?

Cited frequency  270

Iva Ivanova University of Texas El Paso, University of California San DiegoAlbert Costa,Pompeu Fabra University ICREA Central European University
Abstract  In the present study, we tested the hypothesis that bilingualism may cause a linguistic disadvantage in lexical access even for bilinguals' first and dominant language. To this purpose, we conducted a picture naming experiment comparing the performance of monolinguals and highly-proficient, L1-dominant bilinguals. The results revealed that monolinguals name pictures faster than bilinguals, both when bilinguals perform picture naming in their first and dominant language and when they do so in their weaker second language. This is the first time it has been demonstrated that bilinguals show a naming disadvantage in their L1 in comparison to monolingual speakers. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

\ 作者分析 /


Haspelmath M, H.,Brysbaert, M; Ghyselinck, M,Kyle, K; Crossley, SA,Yamashita, J; Jiang, N,Llanes, A; Muñoz, C,Ellis, NC,Segalowitz, N; Freed, BF,Storch, N; Wigglesworth, G,Stæhr, LS,Sunderman, G; Kroll, JF,Marinis, T; Roberts, L; Felser, C; Clahsen, H

Collentine, J,Smith, B,Pellicer-Sánchez, A,Isaacs, T; Trofimovich, P,Wolter, B; Gyllstad, H,Barcroft, J; Sommers, MS,Lardiere, D,Grüter, T; Lew-Williams, C; Fernald, A,Hopp, H.

\ 单位分析 /


Pennsylvania state university, university Park,university PSL, french research universities, MAX planck society, Washington University (WUSTL), Free University of Brussels, mcgill university, university of nottingham, pennsylvania commonwealth system of higher education.

\ 篇名分析 /

以100篇论文的所有篇名为数据,分词后统计词频(筛选):language,second, lexical, acquisition, learning, vocabulary, english, processing, children, learners, development, evidence, writing, word, frequency, study, effects, reading, bilingual.

\关键词分析 /

以100篇论文的所有关键词为数据,分词后统计词频(筛选):grammaticalization, English, language, grammar, acquisition, discourse, time, usage, syntax, markers, word, evolution, weird, history, morphology, emergence, memory, communication, speech, evidentiality, model, agreement, perception, construction.

\ 期刊分析 /

以100篇论文的所有期刊为数据,分词后词频排名(筛选):Study in second language acquisition, second language research, psychological science, language learning, journal of second language writing, cognition, applied psycholinguistic, annual reeview of applied linguistics,behavior research methods instruments&computers.



推  荐

重  磅|2023年度教育部哲社科研究后期资助项目(语言学)








重  磅|面向语言研究的R语言数据分析工作坊








重  磅|第三批国家语言文字推广基地拟认定名单(共计65所)








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