

当地时间​2022年5月10日,英国举行议会开幕式。按照惯例,英国国王​在开幕式上宣读政府的施政纲要。鉴于英国女王伊丽莎白二世行动不便,英国王储查尔斯王子在议会开幕仪式上首次代替英女王发表演讲。在演讲中,英国政府宣布将制定《数据改革法案》(Data reform bill)。​以下是演讲中披露的该法案的相关内容。



● 利用英国退欧带来的好处,创建世界级的数据权这一机制将使我们能够创造一种新的有利于增长和值得信任的英国数据保护框架可以减轻企业负担,促进经济,帮助科学家创新,改善英国人民的生活。

● 对信息专员办公室进行现代化改造,确保它拥有有能力和权力对违规组织采取更强有力的行动同时要求它对议会和公众更加负责。

● 增加行业参与智能数据计划,这将给公民小型企业对他们的数据有了更多的控制。该法案也将帮助那些需要医疗保健治疗,通过帮助改善对数据的适当访问健康和社会关怀背景。


● 通过降低成本,提高英国企业的竞争力和效率他们面临的负担,例如创建一个数据保护框架关注隐私结果,而不是勾选。

● 确保数据能够被用来赋予公民权力,改善他们的生活,通过更有效地提供公共医疗保健、安全和政府服务。

● 为个人数据的使用创造更清晰的监管环境,这将推动负责任创新,推动科学进步。

● 确保监管机构对下列组织采取适当行动侵犯数据权利,公民对自己的权利有更清晰的认识。

● 简化研究规则,巩固英国作为一门科学的地位和技术超级大国。


● 确保英国公民的个人数据受到黄金标准的保护,同时使公共机构能够共享数据,以改善服务的提供。

● 利用数据和改革法规,改善人们的日常生活例如,在英国,通过让数据在两国之间更有效地共享公共机构,以便改善为人民提供的服务。

● 设计一种更灵活、更注重结果的数据保护方法帮助创建一种数据保护的文化,而不是“勾框”练习。




● 英国《通用数据保护条例》和《2018年数据保护法案》是高度复杂和规定性的立法。他们鼓励过度文书工作,给企业带来负担,对公民几乎没有好处。因为我们已经离开了欧盟,我们现在有机会改革数据保护框架。这项法案也将减轻企业的负担向研究人员提供关于如何最好地使用个人数据的清晰信息。

● 数字、文化、媒体和体育部门的分析表明,我们的改革将在未来十年内通过减少开支为企业节省超过10亿英镑各种规模的企业的负担。

● 2020年,英国的数据市场约占GDP的4%数据支持的贸易占英国国际服务贸易的最大部分(2019年出口2340亿英镑)。

● ​根据英国数字、文化、媒体和体育部2018年经济分析和Ctrl-Shift评估,安全高效的数据流动所带来的生产力和竞争方便的收益,将为英国GDP带来278亿英镑的增长。

​Data Reform Bill

“The United Kingdom’s data protection regime will be reformed.”

The purpose of the Bill is to:

· Take advantage of the benefits of Brexit to create a world class data rights

regime that will allow us to create a new pro-growth and trusted UK data protection framework that reduces burdens on businesses, boosts the economy helps scientists to innovate and improves the lives of people in the UK.

· Modernise the Information Commissioner’s Office making sure it has the capabilities and powers to take stronger action against organisations who breach data rules while requiring it to be more accountable to Parliament and the public.

· Increase industry participation in Smart Data Schemeswhich will give citizens and small businesses more control of their data The Bill will also help those who need health care treatments, by helping improve appropriate access to data in health and social care contexts.

The main benefits of the Bill would be:

· Increasing the competitiveness and efficiencies of UK businesses by reducing the burdens they face, for example by creating a data protection framework that is focused on privacy outcomes rather than box-ticking

· Making sure that data can be used to empower citizens and improve their lives, via more effective delivery of public healthcare, security, and government services.

· Creating a clearer regulatory environment for personal data use that will fuel responsible innovation and drive scientific progress.

· Ensuring that the regulator takes appropriate action againstorganisations who breach data rights and that citizens have greater clarity on their rights.

· Simplifving the rules around research to cement the UK's position as a science and technology superpower.

The main elements of the Bill are:

· Ensuring that UK citizens personal data is protected to a gold standard while enabling public bodies to share data to improve the delivery of services.

· Using data and reforming regulations to improve the everyday lives of people in the UK, for example, by enabling data to be shared more efficiently between public bodies, so that delivery of services can be improved for people.

· Designing a more flexible, outcomes-focused approach to data protection that helps create a culture of data protection, rather than“tick box" exercises.

Territorial extent and application

· The Bill will, in the main, extend and apply across the UK, with some measures extending and applying to England and Wales only.

Key facts

· The UK General Data Protection Regulation and Data Protection Act 2018 are highly complex and prescriptive pieces of legislation. They encourage excessive paperwork, and create burdens on businesses with little benefit to citizens. Because we have left the EU, we now have the opportunity to reform the data protection framework. This Bill will reduce burdens on businesses as well as provide clarity to researchers on how best to use personal data.

· Analysis by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport indicates our reforms will create over £1 billion in business savings over ten years by reducing burdens on businesses of all sizes.

· The UK's data market represented around four per cent of GDP in 2020, and data-enabled trade makes up the largest part of UKintenational services trade(exports of £234 billion in 2019).

· 2018 economic analysis by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport and Ctrl-Shift estimates that the productivity and competition benefits enabled by safe and efficient data flows would create a £27.8 billion uplift in UK GDP.​

