
讲座预告||Gerald Cupchik:探索想象的风景:形式与内容



Exploring landscapes of the imagination: Form and Content

Imagination is never really far from everyday real life. During the ongoing COVID lockdown, people have found creative ways to survive in the midst of collective quarantine. When challenged by the stresses of life, we can also withdraw into our imaginations to find stories and images that calm and sustain us. These are the two sides of imagination, instrumental (problem solving) and expressive (story telling), that we have found in our research a few years ago with Chinese, North American, and European participants. How then do we understand creative imagination so we can experience our lives in a fulfilled way? The Chinese culture is blessed with a rich history reaching back to calligraphy and the ancient ways of writing characters that invited imagination to interpret their meaning. Is this tradition lost in more modern ways of writing Chinese characters? The Daoist tradition, in aesthetics and everyday life, also encouraged people to enter nature and free their spirits. I will discuss these traditions with an eye to showing how imagination can help us all face the challenges of today. By seeing ourselves as layered persons, nourished by traditional ideas and rich cultures, we can balance our lives in healthier ways both in China and the West. Imagination and an authentic self are two faces of a creative life.


 Gerald Cupchik

Gerald Cupchik has been a professor of psychology at the University of Toronto since 1974. He was president of three international organizations, including: IAEA, the International Association for Empirical Aesthetics (1990-94), Division 10, Psychology and the Arts, of the American Psychological Association (1996-97), and IGEL, the International Society for the Empirical Study of Literature (1998-2000). He received the Rudolf Arnheim Award in 2010 from the APA and the Gustav Fechner Award in August 2018 from the International Association for Empirical Aesthetics, both for distinguished research and service. His research interests include aesthetics, design and imagination processes, emotional experience, and social communication. He published The aesthetics of emotion: Up the down staircase of the mind-bodyin 2016 (Cambridge University Press).


王婷婷王婷婷,心理学博士,中国教育科学研究院国际合作交流处副处长。研究兴趣: 认知神经审美,审美心理与教育。
Wang Tingting, PhD of psychology, Deputy Director of Department for International Cooperation and Communication of China National Academy of Educational Sciences. Research interests: neuroaesthetics, aresthetic psychology abd education.


Fourth year PhD Candidate at the department of Applied Psychology and Human Development in the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto. Using mixed methods and cross-cultural approaches, primary areas of research include investigating the implicit theories of wisdom and wisdom exemplars in China, and the intergenerational transmission of wisdom in Chinese families, and, under the supervision of Dr. G. Cupchik, exploring the theoretical roots and behavioural expressions of imagination in China and the West. Previously also involved in research projects studying the characteristics of anti-East Asian and anti-Chinese sentiments on Twitter since COVID-19.


王霞,上海大学外语学院英语系副教授,比较文学博士,从事中西诗学对话研究,目前的研究兴趣是中国传统文论《二十四诗品》与西方典型审美类型的平行对话关系。                                                  Wang Xia, Associate Professor of English at Shanghai University; Ph.D. in Comparative Literature, has been working in the field of Chinese-Western comparative poetics for twenty years. Her current research interest is the Chinese classic literary criticism *Twenty-Four Categories of Poetry* from the perspective of the Chinese-Western dialogue on the typical artistic and aesthetic qualities in poetic works. 


吴维忆,南京大学艺术学院副研究员、爱尔兰国立科克大学博士(University College Cork, Ireland),美国德州大学达拉斯分校艺术史中心、加拿大多伦多大学心理学系访问学者。研究方向为艺术史论、文化研究。
Weiyi Wu, Research Associate of the School of Arts, Nanjing University. She received her PhD from University College Cork, Ireland. She was a visiting scholar at the Institute of Art History at UT Dallas, and Department of Psychology at University of Toronto. Her research areas are Art Theory and Art History, Cultural Studies.




Siying Duan is a lecturer at College of Liberal Arts, Shanghai University. She has worked as a postdoc fellow at School for the Contemporary Arts, Simon Fraser University. Her research interest focuses mainly on the study of media arts, contemporary art theory, and comparative aesthetics.


讲座时间:2022.9.16 9:00-11:00
腾讯会议号:384 385 227



