
园冶杯参赛作品 | Brönnimann & Gottreux Architects SA:瑞士雀巢E2V新办公楼

国际设计 2023-09-17

项目概览 Project Overview ©Adrien Barakat

感谢 Brönnimann & Gottreux Architects SA 分享

E2V, which stands for Entre-deux-villes (between two towns), is multinational Nestlé’s newest administrative building. It stands on the border between the towns of Vevey and La Tour-de-Peilz, on a plot that was a parking lot for years.

新办公楼卫星图 Satellite map ©Google maps

办公楼外观 Appearance of new office building ©Thomas Jantscher


The H-shape of the building come directly from a deep evaluation of neighbourhood planning structure designed twenty years ago. On the base of this planning, surface and volume study has been developed to provide the best exposition toward the lake. As result, we achieve to a solution that ensures the maximum comfort of the employees and a completely integration with the surrounding environment.

玻璃外立面 Glass facade ©Thomas Jantscher

对湖景的最佳展示面 Best exposition toward the lake ©Adrien Barakat


The structure of the building is articulated in two different parts connected by a panoramic footbridge. The internal courtyard generated between two blocks of the building has been enhance by a vibrant façade. Volumetry, building geometry, the passage between two block of the building and the slabs on facade facilitate the insertion of the new volume in this area.

全景人行桥 Panoramic footbridge ©Adrien Barakat

两个建筑体量之间形成内部庭院 The internal courtyard generated between two blocks of the building ©Adrien Barakat

建筑内通行步梯 Staircase ©Thomas Jantscher


The new construction allowed Nestlé to tune an ergonomic layout of workplaces which will be extended to all the administrative centers of the group.


This tailormade Smart Office aim to increase the efficiency of the workplace instead of reducing the dedicated square meters. This strategy has been developed after a deep analysis of Nestlé working environment pointed out the extreme dynamism of employees with a workplace occupancy of 40%. Our solution consists in creating a variety of working areas with multipurpose use, such as: green areas for discussion and brainstorming, meditation room to focus on company matters, cafeterias, multifunctional rooms, conference rooms, touch and go workstations.


As result the employees no longer have an assigned workplace station but instead they have a private locker, fully equipped with their personal items, a company mobile phone and a laptop. They can also choose to use, when needed, a fully equipped workstation aligned with their current workneeds.


Technology and Design find the perfect combination in the new Nestlé Offices Building designed specifically for their needs.


总平 Site plan ©Brönnimann & Gottreux Architects SA

平面图 Floor plan ©Brönnimann & Gottreux Architects SA

剖面图 Section ©Brönnimann & Gottreux Architects SA


项目名称 Project Name: NESTLÉ E2V

项目位置 Project Location: La Tour-de-Peilz, 1814 Switzerland

场地面积 Site Area: 13500 sqm

建筑面积 Building Area: 22000 sqm (footprint 3834 sqm)

项目业主 Client: Nestlé Group

设计机构 Design Firm: Brönnimann & Gottreux Architects SA

设计总监 Design Director: Pasqualino Tomassi 

主创设计 Chief Designer: Laurent Sauvageat

设计团队 Teams: Davide Antonucci, Pauline Aebischer, Anna Fenini 

设计周期 Design period: 2016-2017

建设周期 Construction period: 2018-2020


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