
HAO Design: WFF – 未来梦工厂 | 园冶杯参赛作品

国际设计 2023-09-17

未来梦工厂主入口广场 Main entrance square ©HAO Design

感谢 HAO Design 分享




What will the future factory look like in the era of digital intelligence and experience economy? How can architecture be embedded in the urban fabric, unleash the deep cultural charm behind the industry, and activate the vitality and inner self-drive of urban areas? 

The location of the W Factory project on the shores of the West Lake in Hangzhou, Zhejiang is no coincidence. The history of silk in Hangzhou goes back to the Liangzhu fabric, and the high standard of silk in Hangzhou was praised by Bai Juyi, the famous Tang Dynasty Poets, in an ancient poem. The elegant and flowing silk, as a traditional Chinese cultural symbol, becomes an important factor in the project's brand positioning, spatial composition, architectural form and dialogue with the urban fabric, thus shifting the design thinking from the traditional factory model to a new perspective of discursive cultural production and cultural experience, creating an integrated narrative spatial solution.

项目位置 Site location ©HAO Design




Build a smart factory park that is different from traditional development elements and combines corporate culture with modern innovation.


Inheriting the thousand-year-old southern Song Dynasty craft and continuing the hundred-year enterprise culture.

主入口水景 Water feature at main entrance ©HAO Design


The project site is located in Qiantang New District, about 5 kilometres from the Qiantang River, with a unique Jiangnan atmosphere.W Group has made many proud achievements since its establishment in 1975. it is the only enterprise in The Chinese business community to attend the four grand events including APEC Meeting , Beijing Olympic Games, Shanghai World Expo and Guangzhou Asian Games. It has made a particularly outstanding contribution to the introduction of Chinese silk culture to the world. In 2019, it was listed among China's top 500 private enterprises. These achievements are inseparable from the innovative spirit of the enterprise. The new industrial park still adheres to the principle of innovation and breakthrough, and strives to break down the barriers of traditional culture and emerging technologies to realize the exploration and breakthrough of future factories.

主入口广场 Main entrance square ©HAO Design

总平面图 Master plan ©HAO Design



德国著名现代主义建筑大师密斯·凡德罗坚持“少即是多”的建筑设计哲学。HAO DESIGN站在大师的肩膀上,提出“以少胜多”的设计理念,用极简的造型语言、合理的资源成本,便捷高效的企业运行方式,实现生产、运营、品牌效益的最大化。

The famous German modernist architect Ludwig Mies, Van Der Rohe insisted on the architectural design philosophy of "Less is more". HAO DESIGN hope to stand on the shoulder of the master, put forward the design concept of "Gain More With Less", With minimalist modeling language, reasonable resource cost, convenient and efficient enterprise operation mode, to achieve the maximum benefit of productivity, operation and firm’s branding influence.

对于企业园区项目,生产效益必然是话题的中心。如何通过建筑设计达到效能的提升? HAO DESIGN给出了一份特殊的答卷:效能环 —— 1)以廊桥连接生产、研发及管理一体化的“功能性效能环; 2)以网络连接人工智能和5G工厂的“智能化效能环; 3)以动线连接工业旅游、展览陈列及沉浸式体验的“品牌效能环”,三环相扣,创立世界级丝绸品牌圣地,打造区域城市地标建筑。

For enterprise park projects, production efficiency must be the center of the topic. How to improve the efficiency through architectural design? HAO DESIGN gives a special answer:EFFICIENCY LOOP  - - 1) connecting the "Functional Efficiency Ring" integrating production, R & D and management with corridor bridges; 2) "Intelligent Efficiency Ring" connecting artificial intelligence and 5G factory with network; 3) The "Brand Effectiveness Ring" connecting industrial tourism, exhibition and immersive experience by tourising routes, with three rings, creates a world-class silk brand attraction and creates regional urban landmark buildings.

效能环设计概念 Efficiency loop design concept ©HAO Design

体块研究 Massing study ©HAO Design

功能流线 Function circulation ©HAO Design




The core of industrial tourism is the spread of corporate culture and the display of innovative technology. Many established large enterprises, such as Tesla and Boeing factory, take enterprise parks as the image display of brand culture to attract tourists and promote their own products as well as promote the tourism industry. W Factory of the Future explores innovative production concepts that integrate modern manufacturing and customer experience.The display of enterprise brand culture and the transparency of production process are the "scenery" of tourism, supporting tourism "service" , to achieve the experience of industrial tourism through "the scenery to be seen, the things to be enjoied, the places could offer to rest" etc..

北侧人视图 North perspective ©HAO Design



工业建筑巨型的体量冲击激发了HAO DESIGN的灵感——四个侧立面和顶面的使用。秉承资源最大化利用的设计原则,北侧临城市道路的建筑立面承担着与城市对话的作用,一部分展示工厂的品牌与形象,另一部分作为广告位招商带来收益。东侧与南侧建筑立面则作为主要出入口与客户对话。屋顶花园结合品牌形象logo与世界对话。

The massive impact of the industrial building inspired the use of four side facades and a roof. Adhering to the design principle of maximizing the use of resources, the facade of the building facing the urban road on the north side bears the responsibility .Part of the dialogue with the city is to show the brand and image of the factory, and the other part is to attract investment as an advertising space to bring profits. The east and south facades serve as the main entrances and exits to communicate with the client. The roof garden speaks to the world in combination with the brand image logo.

城市界面 City image ©HAO Design



当HAO DESIGN思考研发大楼与员工宿舍的设计时,以人为本的设计情怀驱使着HAO DESIGN将绿色引入工厂。从研发大楼内向外观看,周边绿植错落有致,搭配相宜,为员工提供良好的休憩环境。穿越研发大楼向北,员工宿舍俯瞰周边绿树成荫,以厂房第五立面为后花园,营造“所见之处,皆为绿意”的体验。印象中传统的“灰色工广”在这里向“绿色工厂”、“花园工厂”及“生态工厂”的设计理念转变。

When HAO DESIGN thought about the concept of R & D building and staff dormitory, the people-oriented design sentiment drove HAO DESIGN to introduce green into the factory. Viewed from the inside of the R & D building, the surrounding green plants are scattered and matched appropriately, providing a good relaxing environment for employees. Across the R & D building to the north, the staff dormitory overlooks the surrounding trees, and takes the fifth facade of factory roof plant as the back garden to create an experience of "everything to be seen as green". The impression of the traditional "gray industrial" has changed to the design concept of "green factory", "garden factory" and "ecological factory".

生态分析 Ecology analysis ©HAO Design




Looking back on the design process of the whole project, we always maintain the spirit of exploration, coincide with the corporate culture of innovation and breakthrough of the owner, and complete the project step by step. We hope to practice the design concept in a multi-dimensional, diversified, humanized and more natural and intelligent way.

WFF建筑鸟瞰 Aerial view ©HAO Design

建筑入口夜景 Night view of building entrance ©HAO Design

建筑入口水景 Fountain water feature at the entrance of the building ©HAO Design



一层平面图 Ground floor plan ©HAO Design

轴测图 Axonometric drawing ©HAO Design

功能分析图 Function analysis ©HAO Design

流线分析图 Circulation analysis ©HAO Design

北立面图 North elevation ©HAO Design

东立面图 East elevation ©HAO Design

南立面图 South elevation ©HAO Design

西立面图 West elevation ©HAO Design

剖面图 Section ©HAO Design










设计单位:HAO DESIGN(上海承延建筑规划设计有限公司)


主创设计:林豪 / 孟艺

设计团队:黄晓菲、朱藤丽、余洪峰、吴群瑛、邹旺 / 张溯天、徐辉、吴磊、陈吉女、伍文娟、高嘉忆


Project Name: W Future Factory Project 

Project category: Enterprise Park

Location: Zhejiang Province, China
Site area:60356m²
Building area:149482m²(Including basement floor area 4628m²)
Plot ratio: 2.40

Number of ground floors: 5(Production area)15(Non-production area)

Number of underground floors: 1

Design Firm: HAO DESIGN

Cooperative organization: Zhejiang Architectural Design and Research Institute

Chief Designer: Lin Hao / Meng Yi 

Design Team: Anna Huang , Zhu Tengli , Yu Hongfeng , Wu Qunying , Zou Wang / Zhang Sutian , Xu Hui ,Wu lei , Chen Jinv , Wu Wenjuan , Gao Jiayi 

Design period: 2021.07-2021.08


园冶杯参赛作品 | Brönnimann & Gottreux Architects SA:瑞士雀巢E2V新办公楼
园冶杯参赛作品 | LATZ+PARTNER:法国里昂塔塞丝织厂公共空间改造
三文建筑 | 宜昌809兵工厂遗址改造-崖顶茶吧
3LHD | 锐马克汽车工厂园区



