
莱镇活动早知道 - Lexington Happenings I 2021 年 05 月

莱镇活动早知道 莱镇华协 2022-06-28


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The Molly Nye Gallery

The State of Clay Exhibit

Open:5/15 to 6/13

Address:130 Waltham Street

拥有80多年历史的莱镇LexArt重新装修The Molly Harding Nye展廊,正以焕然一新的面貌欢迎游客。让大家在舒适,美观时尚而现代的氛围中享受由当地艺术家制作的艺术品和手工艺品。展廊由莱镇居民Joseph S. Nye与他的妻子Molly Nye 及朋友和家人慷慨捐助,并以Molly的名字命名。画廊将用于展示来自LexArt会员的工匠艺术品以及客座艺术家和社区组织的一系列展览品。五月的陶瓷展是麻州和当地的黏土艺术家制作的72件原始陶瓷艺术品。

Slide to See More  LexArt

Photos credit: Nicole Moredecai & Jessie C

May 01 - May 21


Proud to Be American: Celebrating Asian American Pacific Islanders

Submission thru May 21



May 06

Together We Rise

Reimagining Public Safety in Lexington

Fri. 5/6 @ 7-8:30pm

莱镇急需要重建一个警察局或者说公共安全设施,这需要花费好几百万美元,但一旦建成可以用上好几十年。因此, “Together We Rise”希望对这个设施的设计尽可能具有前瞻性。让社区提供更多关于公设施操作程序、模式的建议应该会对重建有帮助。“Together We Rise”特此召开讨论会,希望能达成以下几个目的:

  •   为重新构建莱镇的公共安全具有前瞻性的模式提供国家和地区层面的背景材料。

  • 分享Brookline在这方面的经验;并且可以提问。

  • 邀请社区领袖和镇政府官员们谈谈怎样把所有这些建议融合到新警察局或者说公共安全设施的设计中去。   


May 06

Friends of Lexington Bikeway

E-Bike Info Session

Thursday 5/6 @ 7-8:30pm



May 07

LexPride, Cary Library , LHSD, LICA

Uncovering Anti-Asian Racism

Fri. 5/7 @ 7-8:45pm


此项活动是与Cary Memorial Library, Lexington Human Services Department, and Lexington Interfaith Clergy Association (LICA)共同举办。


May 07

Cary Memoiral Library 

Family Trivia Night: Star Wars - Beat the Librarians edition

Fri. 5/7 @ 7pm



May 08

Lexington  Arts &  Craft Society

Outdoor Art Fair/Sale

Sat. 5/8 12pm-3pm (rain date, May 9)

@LexArt parking lot (130 Waltham Street)



May 8

Munroe Center for the Arts

A Revolutionary Encounter in London - An Online Play Reading

Saturday, May 8th@7:30-8:45pm

“革命者偶遇在伦敦”是Debbie Wiess的独幕剧,描述的是殖民时期的两个美国人令人震惊又不为人所知的一次见面。

Debbie Wiess的剧本“革命者相遇在伦敦”是一个75分钟长的独幕剧,剧中共有3个角色,描写的身为奴隶的非裔美国诗人Phillis Wheatley和美国开国元勋本杰明.富兰克林之间不太为人所知的一次见面。这是他们之间的第一次也是唯一的一次见面。见面发生在1773年的伦敦。


作者很荣幸能在她的家乡莱镇的Munroe艺术中心首次完整地呈献这部剧,没有改动没有删减。她的早期手稿的浓缩版曾在2020年二月的波士顿雅典娜演出过,后期手稿的前半部分也在2020年九月由Moving Parts Paris通过zoom演出过。



May 09

Mother's Day /LexArt




May 08/09


LexFarm Seedling Sale

Sat 9-4pm, Sun 10-4pm

52 Lowell St Lexington





May 10

Lexington goes purple

Coloring and Memory Book

Deadline is May 10

我们邀请社区参与编写一本书,以纪念那些患有阿尔茨海默氏病和其他形式的痴呆症的人。您提交的材料可以用作书中的小插图/推荐书,或被运用到本地作者Roser Rovira编写的儿童读物中,或用于活动簿的页面,并与莱镇Memory Care中心共享并在他们的居住生活计划中使用。


May 18


LexChat spring series #2

May 18 8-9:30 pm



May 19

A Starting Line

College admissions consulting 

& academic support 

      5/19 7:30pm & 5/20 12:00pm



May 21

Lexington Field & Garden Club

Plants sale

5/17 & 5/18 

大丽花和美人蕉开始抽芽吐青了,本土的植物将会把虫儿和鸟儿们引到院子里来, 室内的植物会装点你的家。请您看一下我们的宣传册(上周末印发的现已经发送到所有莱镇花园俱乐部的会员手上)并给您的花园添购些一些植物。所有的植物都是先到先得,卖完为止。您可以把订单在5月17日上午8时到18日晚上8时之间邮件给我们,也可以取货时付支票。支票抬头是“Lexington Field & GardenClub”。取货时间是5月21日(下午1-5点)和22日(上午9点-下午4点),您下完订单后我们将通知您什么时间来取货。

May 31

Lexington Council for the Arts

Go Out Doors - Lexington



入围的艺术家包括Ann Forbush, Karla Collins,Jim Chyung, Terumi Irizawa, Maria & Kathy Lobo, Nick Peterson-Davis, Jill Strait, 和Erik Zou。4位高中生艺术家有Tieren Adams, Clara Fu, Jinn Janpathompong, 和Julien Song. 


Lexington Human Rights Committee

Visions of Race Amity Virtual Art Show

征集作品:呼吁所有本地艺术家包括各个年龄段的初学者,创作和提交就Race Amity的个人观点和社区意义的艺术作品。将于6月13日主办一个线上的艺术展,来和社区分享Race Amity的观点。届时将有幻灯片展示,陈述交叉性流派理论,也会与其他镇和社区分享这类艺术作品和表演(例如LHRC, Community Coalition, Munroe Center)。主办方会在莱镇寻找一个地方,现场展示一部分或所有这些艺术作品。  


Lexington Happenings  - English Version

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Highlight of the Month

The Molly Nye Gallery

The State of Clay Exhibit

Open:5/15 to 6/13

Address:130 Waltham Street

LexArt’s newly-renovated Molly Harding Nye Gallery welcomes visitors to enjoy the best, locally-made art and craft in a that is both cozy and intimate, yet sleek and modern.  They gallery renovation was made possible through the generosity of Joseph S. Nye, Jr, along with friends, family and admirers of his wife Molly.  The gallery will offer a changing series of exhibits from both LexArt’s member artisans as well as guest artists and community organizations. See 72 pieces of original ceramic artwork made by clay artists who live in or have ties to the state of Massachusetts.

Slide to See More  LexArt

Photos credit: Nicole Moredecai & Jessie C

May 01 - May 21


Proud to Be American: Celebrating Asian American Pacific Islanders

Submision thru May 21

All PreK-12 students can participate,AAPI Heritage Month project is underway! We encourage all youth to highlight an Asian American or Pacific Islander (past or present) who has made an impact on society or culture. Submit your artwork, video, picture, or write-up. Help build up our collage of AAPI honorees. Share why they inspire you and make you proud to be an American! All submissions are eligible for weekly $10-50 gift card drawings and final grand drawing for a $100 gift card. Multiple entries welcome!

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May 06

Together We Rise

Reimagining Public Safety in Lexington

Fri. 5/6 @ 7-8:30pm

The Town of Lexington needs a new police station or public safety facility. A new facility will cost many millions of dollars and serve as our public safety infrastructure for several decades. Therefore, Together We Rise would like the process of envisioning this facility to be as forward-looking as possible. To provide meaningful input, we believe it will be helpful for the community to have more information about public safety processes, topics, and models to consider.

Together We Rise is holding this forum to:

1. Provide national and local context for reimagining a forward-looking model of public safety in Lexington.

2. Share Brookline's experience in soliciting community input and updating their model of public safety; a Q&A time will follow.

3. Ask community leaders and town officials to reflect on how all of this might feed into the design of a new Lexington police station or integrated public safety facility (up to 2 minutes each)

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May 06

Friends of Lexington Bikeway

E-Bike Info Session

Thursday 5/6 @ 7-8:30pm

Join the Executive Director of MassBikes and local resident e-bike owners to learn if an e-bike is for you! Panelists will discuss the pros, cons, speed regulations, and tips on riding, purchasing, maintaining and more.

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May 07

LexPride, Cary Library , LHSD, LICA

Uncovering Anti-Asian Racism

Fri. 5/7 @ 7-8:45pm

The event offer a short introduction to the topic, then True Story Theater will facilitate an interactive theater process, inviting members of the audience to share stories about anti-Asian racism (in all forms, in all settings), and stories of what people have done that has been meaningful or helpful. Actors will transform the stories improvisationally; actors will include people of various races, including Asian American. We will have a couple of short breakouts to discuss as well.

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May 07

Cary Memoiral Library 

Family Trivia Night: Star Wars - Beat the Librarians edition

Fri. 5/7 @ 7pm

Calling all young Padawan and Jedi Masters - is your knowledge of Star Wars such that you can beat our team of librarian experts? Put your skills to the test in our next special Family Trivia Night with The Trivia Brothers on Friday May 7th at 7 pm.  Space is limited, registration required.  Sign up online beginning Monday April 26th at 7 pm. Space is limited.

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May 08

Lexington  Arts &  Craft Society

Outdoor Art Fair/Sale

Sat. 5/8 12pm-3pm (rain date, May 9)

@LexArt parking lot (130 Waltham Street)

Spring is here and we are excited to share our latest art creations! The parking lot will be filled with our art; please use street parking or lexington public parking sites.

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May 8

Munroe Center for the Arts

A Revolutionary Encounter in London - An Online Play Reading

Saturday, May 8th@7:30-8:45pm

Join Munroe Saturday Nights for A Revolutionary Encounter in London – A one-act play by Debbie Wiess about the astounding little-known meeting of 2 Colonial Americans in 1770s London. 

This is a 75-minute 3-character one-act play about the largely unknown meeting of enslaved African-American poet Phillis Wheatley and American Founding Father Benjamin Franklin.

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May 09

Mother's Day /LexArt

This holiday is all about celebrating the mothers and mother figures in our lives who have made an impact on who we are today. Honor the women in your life by giving her a hug and sending your love.    

Ideas for that perfect Mother's Day gift, shop at LexArt online!

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May 08/09


LexFarm Seedling Sale

Sat 9-4pm, Sun 10-4pm

52 Lowell St Lexington

New seedlings going out each week. 


Reminder: the sale will be staffed.

The rest of May, all sale will be self serve, but monitored and restocked. Selfserve will be available 7 days/week during daylight hours. Produce sales start in June.            

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May 10

Lexington goes purple

Coloring and Memory Book

Deadline is May 10

We invite community participation in the creation of a books honoring those suffering from Alzheimer's Disease and other forms of dementia.  Your submissions may be used as vignettes/testimonials to be included in a children's book written by local author Roser Rovira and/or for pages in activity book to shared with Memory Care centers in the Lexington area and used in their residential life programs.

The name and photo associated with your Google account will be recorded when you upload files and submit this form. 

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May 18


LexChat spring series #2

May 18 8-9:30 pm

We’ll be discussing Anti-Asian violence, violence against Asian-owned businesses, immigration, and the immigrant experience in America today.

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May 19

A Starting Line

College admissions consulting 

& academic support 

      5/19 7:30pm & 5/20 12:00pm

Trying to figure out how you'll still have a retirement fund after paying for your child's college? Join us for our webinars on May 19 and 20 to learn the tricks to financing college.

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May 21

Lexington Field & Garden Club

Plants sale

5/17 & 5/18 

Our dahlias and cannas have already leafed out; our native plants will attract pollinators and birdlife to your property; our house plants will help you decorate your home. We invite you to browse our brochure (published the weekend before and sent to all garden club members) and do some shopping for your garden! All items are available to purchase on a “First Come, First Serve” basis. Then email your order on Monday May 17 starting at 8 am until Tuesday May 18 at 8 pm. Payment only by check made payable to Lexington Field & Garden Club when you pick up your order. Pick up days are May 21 (1 PM to 5 PM) or May 22 (9 AM to 4 PM). You will be assigned a time to pick up your plants. 

May 31

Lexington Council for the Arts

Go Out Doors - Lexington

The public art exhibit, “Go Out Doors - Lexington,” sponsored by the Lexington Council for the Arts, in partnership with the Town of Lexington and the Massachusetts Cultural Council, will reappear this May in Lexington.

The winning artists were provided with standard doors (roughly 30” x 80”) and a $300 stipend. The completed doors are installed in proximity to bike and walking trails in areas where there is space for people to pause and enjoy the art.

The winning artists are Ann Forbush, Karla Collins,Jim Chyung, Terumi Irizawa, Maria & Kathy Lobo, Nick Peterson-Davis, Jill Strait, and Erik Zou. The four high school artists are Tieren Adams, Clara Fu, Jinn Janpathompong, and Julien Song.

Event Previews

Lexington Human Rights Committee

Visions of Race Amity Virtual Art Show

Calling all local artists - beginner to experienced of all ages to submit their vision of what Race Amity means to them both personally and within our community.

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Lexington Happening Event Submission

Please submit by the 20th of each month for next month's events to publish on our "Lexington Happengings".

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往期回顾 莱镇人文(点击图片阅读文章)


编辑部:Joe 月涌  匡匡 鱼儿


封面摄影: Nicole Moredecai



