
12月晨读-Day 4 “别装了,我已经看透你了”

快乐的月亮邮递员 枫林悦读 2021-02-10
Lesson 8
要不要尝一口 want a bite?迅速的吃完 have a quick bite. 在最新一期的 Rick and Morty 中还出现过 okay, I‘ll bite 大意是 “好吧,我就随你愿”.

bite 是个非常丰富的词,和 bite 有关的短语也有很多, 可以一起打包学习: 对人发了一通无名火 bite one's head off, 这个比喻画面是不是有点血腥;忍住某种情感 bite one's lip. I really wanted to cry, but I had to bite my lip;缄口不言,沉默不语 bite one's tongue, 比如我方卧底所抓, 无论敌人怎么严刑拷打, 他都始终不透露半个字, the enemies racked their brains to get him to talk, but he just bit his tongue;少跟我来这一套 bite me; 自不量力, 妄想一口吃成个大胖子 bite off more than you can chew咬牙勇敢面对 bite the bullet; 忘恩负义,恩将仇报 bite the hand that feeds you (注意 hand 在这里是单数 ); 做 xx 事的第二次机会 another/a second bite of cherry, 比如眼看着你就要把敌方水晶给推倒了,但残血的你直接被塔点死,好在你买了一件复活甲, you failed to destroy the turret, but you still have another bite of cherry.
bite one's lip

关于"吃"一些表达。当形容一个人很饿超级能吃的时候常常会借用一些夸张的表现手法, 饿坏我了 I could eat a horse, 你怎么吃得这么少 why you eat like a bird, 你好能喝啊 you really drink like a fish. 此外, 表示大吃特吃, 暴饮暴食可以用 pig out, 工作一天很累心情不好的时候我常常一个人坐在房间电视机前狂吃各种零食, when I was dog-tired, I would sit in front of the TV, pigging out on snacks. 还有一个和中文表达很像的词,狼吞虎咽 wolf down, 表示大口快吃,速度很快,可以和 gobble 同义替换。

和朋友分享某事,叙旧 You have no idea what I had been through these days, we have a lot to catch up on. 你是不知道我最近过得多惨, 我有太多事情想和你说了.

在我家过夜吧 sleep over at my place.之前还学过另外一个类似的表达, can I crash at your place? 意思是问我今晚能不能去你家打地铺。注意 sleep over 这个词有如果是异性这么提的话,时候有性暗示的意味。

扫兴泼冷水的人 a buzz kill / wet blanket / party pooper. 在 Lesson 9 还学到一个类似的短语 put a damper on sth, 韩剧《请回答1988》中德善跟随全班出游,兴致勃勃的带上家里的珍贵的数码相机,但却不小心在路途中弄丢了, that must have put a damper on her trip.

听着耳熟 ring a bell, 注意这个短语大多数都是指某个名字/说法很耳熟,比如贾宝玉初识林黛玉的时候当着面说的那句 “这位妹妹好像在哪见过”, 说的是似曾相识( 眼熟 ),可用 I‘m getting a deja vu 或者简单的 you look familiar 但不能用 you ring a bell.

我一时半会想不起来 I can't remember much off the top of my head. 注意另外一个词组 blurt out 除了类似有脱口而出的意思,还有说漏了嘴的意味。Rick blurted the news out before Morty coud stop him.

腿跑断事儿难办 give someone the runaround, 可以用来形容互相推诿, 脾气又臭的办事人员. 记得之前想补办医保卡, 跑了三四次都没办成, they keep giving me the runaround.

Lesson 9

多管闲事 stick sb's nose where it doesn't belong. 过年的时候总会又有一些惹人烦的亲戚问你一些和她无关的问题, 比如催你结婚什么的, 或许这时候你内心只想默默来一句 don't be so nosy, it's none of your business.

怒火中烧,火冒三丈; 热血沸腾, 有点上头 make one's blood boil, 在 Lesson 10中有一个类似的表达,表示大发雷霆,有种把某人到变形的意思在里面 be/get bent out of shape, 比我因为工作繁忙放了他的鸽子,完全忘了晚上跟他约定一起吃饭的事, he must be bent out of shape because I cancelled on ( backed out on ) him.
我要给他一点颜色瞧瞧 I am gonna give him a piece of my mind.

把某人惹毛了、惹发飙了、使某人心烦 get on someone's bad side.比如你的室友听歌外放很大声, 打扰到了你学习Would you please keep it down? It really gets on my nerves.

养眼的“花瓶eye candy, 除了可以用来形容吸人眼球但虚有其表的人, 也可以比喻华而不实的物品, 比如约会了一个性感的足球运动员, 但没多久两人就掰了, I was going out with this gorgeous footballer but it didn't last. He was just a eye candy. 这大概是始于颜值, 毁于才华, 崩于人品吧. 平时一些配有诱人美食图片的烹饪教材总是让人觉得自己也能做出一样好吃的菜品,但里面大部分食材都很难找得到, this illustrated cookbook looks good but you can never find the ingredients for the recipes. These pictures are just eye candy ! 这些图完全就是华而不实!

'妇女之友' ladies' man,指那些那些喜欢混女人堆,自以为讨人喜欢的男人, 这个词有贬义的意味。除此之外,我们还学过 arm candy (在社交场合充当别人伴侣的美女/俊男), trophy wife (年长男人用以炫耀的宝贝娇妻), sugar daddy (专门博年轻女人欢心的老色迷), bimbo ( 胸大无脑的小傻妞, 特别注意这个词比较有侮辱性,慎用).

是我错了,不该提这事 sorry I brought it up.这句话可以和昨天学到的一句话进行造句, -Drop it! Don't go there. -Sorry I brought it up.

雪上加霜 add insult to injury, 也可以说是 to rub salt in a wound, 光是想想就觉得很疼. 说到比惨这件事, 屋漏偏逢连夜雨可以这么说 when it rains,it pours misfortune never comes singly ( 祸不单行 ). 
拓展:这里再补充几个之前积累过的四字成语, 锦上添花 ( icing on the cake )、韬光养晦 ( hide one's capacities and bide one's time)、实话实说 ( call a spade a spade)、息事宁人 ( pour oil on troubled waters)、众矢之的 ( target of public criticism)。

我还不至于···/我很清楚不该··· I known better than to xxx, 当这个词组加上一个 should've 就有一种「本来不该···或者早知道就···」这样一种后悔的语气在里面 I should‘ve known better than to xxx, 早知道她这么大嘴巴我就不告诉她了 I should‘ve known better than to told her about that secret.
Eric 在Why Women Kill 中的截图
晨读小伙伴 Solitude 供图

Lesson 10

瞎扯胡诌,无稽之谈 cock-and-bull story. 你个骗子,我再也不会相信你了 Don't give me a cock-and-bull story, I won't buy it. 与之相对应的善意的谎言就是 white lie.

让人崩溃、抓狂 someone go to pieces, 也就是 mental breakdown. 

别演了, 已经看透你了 have someone's number (注意单数). 够了,我已经知道你的面目了/我知道你葫芦里卖的什么药, I‘ve got your number.The jig is up!
Erc 在Why Women Kill 中的截图

家丑外扬 air one's dirty laundry in public. 比如一对夫妇举办 party, 但突然之间两人吵起来了, 引来不少客人侧目, 这时男主人突然降低语调说 let's not air our dirty laundry in front of our guests.

Ps: 今天晨读学到的表达中就有两个来自《致命女人》, Eric 也专门写了这部剧的实用口语赏析,感兴趣的朋友请戳链接 如何看《致命女人》学口语?

