
4月晨读 | “她太优秀了,你配不上”用英文可以怎么说?

快乐的月亮邮递员 枫林悦读 2021-02-10





(3)利用搜索帮助回忆,比如找 thesaurus,synonym。


>>Search me!

>>You shouldn't have.

>>Can I run something by you?

>>Can I pick your brain?

>>What do you see yourself in five years?

>>I owe you one.

>>I scratch your back, you scratch mine.

>>It's in the pipeline.

>>You think you can knock my daughter up and then not marry her?

>>She's way out of your league, bro.

>>I told you so.

>>From nobody to somebody.

>>Abs are not made in the kitchen.

01“我不知道”除了 I don't know,还可以怎么说?


  • I don't have a clue.

  • I have no idea.

  • It beats me.

  • It's beyond me.

  • You've got me.

  • Search me!

  • Who knows?

  • I'm stumped (by).

  • I can't make head or tail of it.

  • Your guess is as good as mine.

  • It's all guesswork.

  • It's anybody's guess.

  • I wish I knew.

  • I have not the foggiest/faintest idea.

  • I don't know shit about it.

  • I have the same question.

  • I don't recall. I have to look that up.

  • I can't remember off the top of my head.

  • I'll get back to you on that.

  • I'll double check and let you know.

  • It's a mystery to me.

  • I'm not the best person to answer that.

上面一共有 22 种“I don't know”的替换表达,那么关于“谢谢 ”除了可以用“Thank you”,你还可以想到哪些说法?


参考说法:You shouldn't have.


02 嘿,我能和你商量个事吗

run sth by someone

Hey,uh... Can I run something by you?

反向思考造句,“我用不着经过你的同意”这句话也可以这么说 I don't have to run things by you.

03 我想听听你的意见

Can I pick your brain?

04 我要兼顾家庭和事业

当尽力同时应付两个甚至两个以上的活动(multitasking)的时候,就可以用到 juggle 这个词来形容这样一种状态。

我既要工作,又要照顾孩子,还得做家务 I was juggling my work, my housework and the baby.

05 你将来想做什么

What do you see yourself in five years?


I don't know what's gonna happen to me down the road.

06 “熟人”英文怎么说?

I have some contacts in the police department. 我局里有()人。

07 没问题

Sure thing.

08 你真帮了我大忙,我欠你个人情

I owe you a favor.

I owe you one.


If you need anything next time, just give me a hooller / give me a shout.

09 我希望没有给你添麻烦/我不想麻烦你

I hope it's not too much trouble.

I hope that I haven't inconvenienced you.

10 咱们互相帮助

I scratch your back, you scratch mine.

11 她太优秀了,我不配上 / xx 太贵,被劝退

out of my league  可以理解为“超出能力承受范围”。

I'm way out of my league.


She is smart, funny, beautiful, the whole package. She's way out of your league. 


12 尬聊小套路

和不太熟的人不知道聊什么话题,逐渐冷场的时候,可以用类似 “Really? You do? Tell me about it”“Don't you? Aren't you?”这样的短句接住对方的话茬子。

13 交际小贴士

建议少用 Thank you in advance 这个表达,有道德绑架的嫌疑。

14 早就跟你讲过,你偏偏不听

当想要表达“你看看,我当时怎么说来着”这个意思的时候就可以来一句“I told you so” 不过也要警惕,说这样话的人,也可能只是个“事后诸葛亮”而已。

15 我怂了,我让步,我认输,我投降

I am throwing in the towel.


Did you think I was gonna throw in the towel?

16 “把她肚子搞大了”,英文可以怎么说?

我们都知道 knock someone down 意思是“把某人打倒”,在口语中 knock someone up 有着“让人怀孕了,把某人肚子搞大”的意思。

17 emergency 紧急情况

This is a xx emergency


This is a toliet paper emergency!

17 提上了日程,正在筹备 in the pipeline

in the pipeline 意思是“being planned or prepared in order to happen or be available”,可以理解为“有 xx 计划,xx 马上到来,xx正在筹备中”。



-在准备了 It's in the pipeline.


The vaccinations/drugs are in the pipeline.

18 从平民百姓到官场大佬

from nobody to somebody

from plumber to president

普通人:everyday person/everyday people

19 光靠吃是练不成腹肌的

Abs are not made in the kitchen (they are made in the gym) 注意这句话中的连读现象

你可能听说过“三分锻炼,七分饮食”这句话,30% gym,70% nutrition。英文中也有一个很有意思的说法“Abs are made in the kitchen and sculpted in the gym”,所以把这句话稍作改动“Abs are not made in the kitchen” 就能传达出“光靠吃是练不成腹肌的”这个意思了。






















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