
【顶级期刊创业研究速递】JBV 2019年3月中英文摘要(上)

王陆峰 志阳创谈 2023-05-24

Increasing quantity without compromising quality How managerial framing affects intrapreneurship



J.P.C. (Coen) Rigtering ,a, G.U. (Utz) Weitzela ,b, K. (Katrin) Muehlfeld ,a,c

a Utrecht University, Utrecht University School of Economics, P.O. Box 80125, 3508 TC Utrecht, the Netherlands

b Radboud University, Nijmegen School of Management, Institute for Management Research, P.O. Box 9108, 6525 GD Nijmegen, the Netherlands

c Trier University, Department of Business Administration, Chair of Management, Organization Studies, and HRM, P.O. Box 28, 54296 Trier, Germany




Individual-level opportunity recognition processes are vital to corporate entrepreneurship. However, little is known regarding how managerial communication impacts the effectiveness of idea suggestion systems in stimulating individuals' participation in intrapreneurial ideation. Integrating self-determination theory, creativity, and framing research, we theorize how different ways of inviting employees to submit proposals (opt-out/opt-in registration; provision of examples) affect the number and quality of submitted ideas. Our multi-method study (field experiment, vignette experiment, interviews) shows that (i) opt-out increases employee participation without reducing idea quality and (ii) the provision of examples enhances the usefulness of ideas but decreases novelty and the number of submissions.

Knocking at the gate The path to publication for entrepreneurship experiments through the lens of gatekeeping theory



Regan M. Stevenson, Matthew Josefy

Department of Management & Entrepreneurship, Kelley School of Business, Indiana University, 1309 E 10th St., Bloomington 47405, IN, USA




We draw on gatekeeping theory to explore the individual and routine-level criticisms that entrepreneurship experimentalists receive during the review process. Using a multi-study approach, we categorize common gatekeeping themes and present illustrative critiques derived from a unique sample of decision letters and a supplemental survey of entrepreneurship editors. In combination, we extend gatekeeping theory by considering how it applies to the scholarly domain, contribute to the literature by exploring an alternative theoretical explanation as to why entrepreneurship experiments might fail to survive the review process, and finally, provide contextualized recommendations for authors and reviewers of experimental research

The effect of a tax training program on tax compliance and business outcomes of starting entrepreneurs Evidence from a field experiment



Hanskje Nagela,b,*, Laura Rosendahl Huberc, Mirjam Van Praagd,e,f, Sjoerd Goslingaa,g

a Belastingdienst\Centrum voor kennis en communicatie, Herman Gorterstraat 75, Utrecht, postbus 18200, 3501 CE, the Netherlands

b University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands

c Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition, Marstallplatz 1, 80539 München, Germany

d Copenhagen Business School, Dept. of Innovation and Organizational Economics, Kilevej 14a, Frederiksberg 2000, Copenhagen, Denmark

e Tinbergen Institute, the Netherlands

f CEPR, United States of America

g Department of Social and Organisational Psychology, Leiden University, Leiden, the Netherlands




This paper estimates the long-term impact of a short, partly personalized, mandatory tax training program on tax compliance and business outcomes of first-time entrepreneurs. To this end, we combine survey data, audit data and unique register data from the Netherlands' Tax and Customs Administration with a three year long randomized experiment. The results show that the training affects specific domains of tax compliant behavior. Moreover, it has no impact on business survival, but treated entrepreneurs have significantly higher profits compared to the control group due to lower business costs. These outcomes are partially supportive of our hypotheses developed from theories on tax compliance and mental accounting.

Navigating the validity tradeoffs of entrepreneurship research experiments A systematic review and best-practice suggestions



Denis A. Grégoire ,a, Julia K. Binder ,b, Andreas Rauch ,c

a HEC Montréal, Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 3000, Chemin de la C e-Sainte-Catherine, Montréal (Québec), Canada H3T 2A7

b école Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), College of Management of Technology, Chair of Entrepreneurship and Technology Commercialization, Odyssea 3.17, Station 5, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland

c The University of Sydney Business School, Rm 4231, Abercrombie Building, University of Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia



Experimental methods provide important advantages for advancing academic understanding of entrepreneurship. Yet, the complex and comingled relationships between some of entrepreneurship's key characteristics pose thorny methodological challenges to entrepreneurship researchers – notably to negotiate important tradeoffs between the ideals of external and construct validity. To facilitate the sound mobilization of experimental methods in entrepreneurship research, we present an overview of critical validity challenges plaguing entrepreneurship research experiments and assess the validation practices mobilized in 144 studies using such methods. Building on these findings, we develop a practical guide of actionable validation strategies to help experimenters navigate the above tradeoffs and conduct entrepreneurship research experiments that are realistic, theoretically meaningful, and that help establish the causal effects of their focal variables. By doing so, we contribute a set of pragmatic means to support the mobilization of experimental methods for advancing entrepreneurship research.



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【顶级期刊创业研究速递】JBV 2019年1月文献中英文摘要(下)

【顶级期刊创业研究速递】JBV 2019年1月文献中英文摘要(上)

- 图文编辑:王陆峰 -



