
“句法制图丝路之约”之Aquiles Tescari Neto篇



《理论语言学五道口站》(2020年第69期,总第133期)继续与大家分享 “Syntax Silk Road: Meetings in Cartography (句法制图丝路之约)” 系列线上讲座。句法丝路系列讲座由北京语言大学语言学系、意大利帕多瓦大学及句法制图国际研究协会(澳门)共同组织。第四场讲座时间为2020年12月11日,巴西坎皮纳斯州立大学语言学系助理教授Aquiles Tescari Neto做了题为“Why we should not call high adverbs ‘sentence adverbs’”的报告,报告由北京语言大学语言学系教师Giuseppe Samo博士主持。



About the Speaker


Aquiles Tescari Neto博士

Aquiles Tescari Neto,巴西坎皮纳斯州立大学语言学系助理教授。师从Guglielmo Cinque,获得威尼斯大学博士学位。主要研究兴趣为巴西和非洲葡萄牙语的动词提升、副词结构整合、制图理论和语法教学。

Aquiles Tescari Neto is an assistant professor at the Linguistics Department of the University of Campinas, UNICAMP, Brazil. He got a Ph.D. from the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, under the supervision of Guglielmo Cinque. His main areas of interest are verb raising in Brazilian and African Portuguese, the integration of adverbs into structure, Cartographic methodology, and grammar teaching.


Why we should not call high adverbs 'sentence adverbs'


摘要: 很多副词的理论研究及类型学研究都宣称了存在“句子副词”这一子类。这类副词修饰句子内容,被认为具有“命题转化功能”。例如,句(1)含有副词“probably”,句(2)没有,因此两者所表达的意义与所具有的真值不尽相同。





Abstract: Many theoretical and typological approaches to adverbs acknowledge the existence of a subgroup of items descriptively called "sentence adverbs". These adverbs modify the content of the sentence in which they appear, being characterised as "functions taking propositions into propositions". A sentence like (1) would differ in meaning and truth value if compared to a sentence without the adverb probably (2), in that they have different truth values.

(1) Phillip has probably forgotten his credit card number.

(2) Phillip has forgotten his credit card number.

The main goal of this paper is to argue against the existence of "sentence adverbs" or—to put it in a more elaborated way—to present some reasons why scholars should take care when they use the label "sentence adverb". First, the assumption of enriched structural representations for the clause—which is very typical in the Cartographic versions of the Principles and Parameters Theory of Generative Grammar—casts doubts on the putative use of the labels "sentence-"/"VP-adverbs" etc. Second, the very fact that the appearance of the main verb to the left of a "SA" in Romance triggers a narrow scope interpretation for the adverb would again question the direct connection often established between the scope of an adverb and its syntactic status. Third, given that low adverbs may be displaced to the left periphery of the clause, any attempt to favour the aforementioned connection between scope and the syntactic status of an adverb would be blurred by the effects carried by these displacements.

In my talk, I will present eleven syntactic tests which—instead of discriminating between "sentence" and "VP adverbs"—rather illustrate a cluster of syntactic properties which characterise high adverbs, i.e. those adjuncts occupying the highest positions within Cinque’s Universal Hierarchy of adverbs. All things considered, the properties characterising high adverbs are a direct effect of their position in the functional sequence of the clause which is a very important conclusion for every cartographic approach.


Syntax Silk Road: Meetings in Cartography





20/11 Linda Badan


27/11 Masatoshi Honda


04/12 Caterina Bonan


11/12 Aquiles Tescari Neto


此系列讲座于zoom平台直播(发送邮件至samo@blcu. edu. cn,您将在每场讲座开始24小时前收到会议链接及相关信息通知)。


The cycle of webinars entitled "Syntax Silk Road: Meetings in Cartography" organized is between the Beijing Language & Culture University andthe University of Padua and co-organized with the International Association of Syntactic Cartographic Studies (based in Macao). During these events, held on a weekly basis on Fridays (19h Beijing Time, 12h Padua Time), researchers will discuss (advanced)presentations in Cartography.

The calendar is set as follows.


20/11 Linda Badan 

(Ghent University)

27/11 Masatoshi Honda 

(Yokohama College of Commerce)

4/12  Caterina Bonan 

(University of Cambridge)

11/12 Aquiles Tescari Neto (UniCampinas)


The event will be broadcast live on the zoom platform (send an email to samo@blcu.edu.cn,to be added to a mailing list which will provide the link 24 hours before the talk). 


理论与方法专栏 | 对照与句法表征

“句法制图丝路之约”之Caterina Bonan篇


Richard Kayne & Ad Neeleman | Linearisation

“句法制图丝路之约”之Masatoshi Honda篇


编辑:高洁 陈金玉

排版:高洁 陈金玉

审校:李芳芳 王丽媛

