
【视频】凯特王妃最新演讲 快来感受纯正皇室英音

甲申翻译 2021-03-17

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9月10日,37岁的凯特王妃在萨里郡的威斯利皇家园艺学院正式宣布“回归自然”花园开幕。 凯特与他人共同创建的花园曾在切尔西花展和汉普顿宫花园节上展出,旨在强调户外时间如何丰富孩子的早期发育。这个花园是由一个英国皇家园艺学会的团队设计建造的,景观设计师戴维斯·怀特也参与其中,并设计了比之前更大更适合儿童玩耍的乐园。在开幕式上,凯特王妃用优雅纯正的英音致辞,大家一起来感受一下吧~~


Speech by The Duchess of Cambridge at the ‘Back to Nature’ Festival at RHS Wisley Garden

10 September 2019

Thank you, Mary.

And thank you to everyone for coming here today. The ‘Back to Nature’ Festival is a fitting finale to a project I have been thrilled to be part of.  

As many of you know, I was invited by the RHS to co-design a garden for families and children for this year’s Chelsea Flower Show and Hampton Court Palace Garden Festival. It’s been the most amazing experience and I can’t thank the RHS enough for giving me this wonderful opportunity.  

I’m delighted that many of those features that first appeared in those gardens, have found a permanent home here at Wisley in the new children’s play garden. I hope it will enable thousands of children to discover and explore the natural world around them.

I am not as green-fingered as many of you here, but I was passionate about creating a garden that inspired children and adults alike to get back to nature and reap the positive mental and physical health benefits that it can bring. 

The gardens were, I suppose, a manifestation of some of the work I have been focusing on around how best we can support our children in the earliest years.

The physical benefits of being outdoors and in nature are well documented. More recently, however, I have learnt that these often safe and supportive environments can also bring significant benefits to the cognitive, social and emotional development of our children too. The experiences we gain during our earliest years influence who we become as people. They influence how we interact in school, in work and in society and, ultimately, how we bring up our own children.

Whether it is planting, exploring, digging, creating, or playing; quality time spent outside provides children with the perfect environment to form those positive relationships with the people in their lives and the world around them. 

As a parent, I have learnt just how important it is to foster our child’s [children’s] development, in all areas, not just physical, as soon as they are born. We build the blocks, the foundations, for future success and happiness later in their lives. 

These relationships, however, stretch far beyond the crucial one that a parent or carer has with its child. 

Like in the animal kingdom, whether a pod, a pack, or a pride, the interactions we have with the broader community – be it with our grandparent, our teachers, our neighbours – play a crucial role in the growth and learning of our young. 

There is a well-known proverb – that it takes a village to raise a child – everyone here represents an integral part of that very village.

By coming together, having fun, learning and experiencing new things, we can all impart life-long benefits on our children.

That is why I wanted to invite you here today – many of whom I have met in my pursuit to learn more about the early years – to celebrate the work that you are doing, thank you personally and to continue working with you to inspire even more people to follow your lead. 

I hope you all have a wonderful day.







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