
专著推荐 | Introducing M.A.K. Halliday

通讯君 语言学通讯 2023-03-04

通讯君与Routledge合作推广语言学及应用语言学国际前沿著作(注“专著推荐”栏目包括books和edited books)



M.A.K. Halliday (1925–2018) was the founder of Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) and, undoubtedly, one of the most influential linguists of his time, credited with changing the way that language and linguistics have been taught. SFL, as an appliable theory that approaches language as social semiotic, is the study of the relationship between language and its functions in social settings. Moreover, SFL conceives of language as a resource for making meaning and organizes language systemically as a huge network of interrelated choices of meaning.

This book is an introduction to the life and seminal works of Halliday. Targeting both SFL and non-SFL scholars, this book introduces Halliday’s life and work in simple terms, expounds his theoretical conceptions, illustrates how his theories have been applied to various areas of linguistics and offers additional readings for researchers who want to explore this area further.

Divided into six sections covering Hallidayan connections, theory and architecture of language, Hallidayan conceptions of language, systems and the modes of meaning, and applications of SFL, this accessible introduction is a key resource for researchers and students within the fields of linguistics and applied linguistics.


Introducing M.A.K. Halliday

Bo Wang, Yuanyi Ma

Copyright Year 2022

ISBN 9780367763725

2022年5月6日出版 by Routledge




Bo Wang and Yuanyi Ma are independent researchers in China. Their research interests include Systemic Functional Linguistics, translation studies, discourse analysis and language description. They are co-authors of Lao She’s Teahouse and Its Two English Translations: Exploring Chinese Drama Translation with Systemic Functional Linguistics (Routledge, 2020), Systemic Functional Translation Studies: Theoretical Insights and New Directions (Equinox, 2021), Translating Tagore’s Stray Birds into Chinese: Applying Systemic Functional Linguistics to Chinese Poetry Translation (Routledge, 2021), Systemic Functional Insights on Language and Linguistics (Springer, 2022, with Christian M.I.M. Matthiessen and Isaac N. Mwinlaaru), Introducing Chinese Discourse (Routledge, forthcoming), Mini-explorations of Systemic Functional Grammar (Equinox, forthcoming, with Christian M.I.M. Matthiessen) and Mini-explorations of Language (Equinox, forthcoming, with Christian M.I.M. Matthiessen). They are co-editors of Key Themes and New Directions in Systemic Functional Translation Studies (Routledge, 2022), Readings in Systemic Functional Translation Studies (Volumes 1 & 2) (Equinox, forthcoming, with Christian M.I.M. Matthiessen) and Theorizing and Applying Systemic Functional Linguistics: Developments by Christian M.I.M. Matthiessen (Routledge, forthcoming). They are translators of Wang Li’s Modern Chinese Grammar (Volumes 1-4) (Routledge, in press) and co-editors of the Chinese Culture Section of The Routledge Encyclopedia of Chinese Studies.



List of Figures

List of Tables

Abbreviations and symbols



Section 1 The Hallidayan connections

Section 2 Towards an appliable theory of language

Section 3 The architecture of language

Section 4 The Hallidayan conceptions of language

Section 5 Systems and the modes of meaning

Section 6 Applications of Systemic Functional Linguistics


Appendix: M.A.K. Halliday’s publications


Foreword to Introducing M.A.K. Halliday

Donna R. Miller

The authors of this impressive volume have a quite distinguished calling card. To begin with, they are two young scholars who did their PhD theses under the supervision of Christian Matthiessen. They also have already published various noteworthy books on SFL and translation in collaboration (e.g., the recent Ma & Wang 2021; Wang & Ma 2020; Wang & Ma 2021). Now I have the honour, and pleasure, to present their latest effort, this fine introduction to one of the foremost researchers on language and linguistics of our times: M.A.K. Halliday, the ‘founding father of Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL)’, as the authors rightly point out. With the recent passing of Michael Halliday, the very idea of such a work is not just well-timed, it is also essential. The volume is definitely attractive – also to SFL scholars who, despite being experts, perhaps know less about the growth of the scholar, Halliday, than about his linguistics. However, the authors knowingly aim to reach scholars outside the SFL community who may be even only vaguely interested in Halliday and Hallidayan SFL as well.

The task the authors set themselves was not an easy one: constructing a book merging ample coverage of Halliday himself, along with the diachronic development of his linguistics and its key theoretical conceptions, as well as the influences of other scholars upon Halliday – both western and eastern – and his influence upon not only systemic functional linguists, but also scholars outside the community. Moreover, a welcome chapter is dedicated to SFL as an appliable linguistics. The areas covered are many and varied, as were Halliday’s own copious writings, including: translation studies; language description and typology; child language development; computational linguistics; educational linguistics; text analysis, as well as verbal art. And although we have Halliday’s collected works in print, this book offers a conceptually and methodologically rigorous and stimulating pathway into his work. More than a rough guide, however, at every turn it displays the necessary knowledge of the linguist, Halliday, and his model, which receive laudable coverage, as does the relevant literature on all topics. It also organizes its contents in a logical and systematic fashion.

In sum, despite the challenging aims that the authors set themselves, they have done a fine job of meeting them. With all that has been written by and about M.A.K. Halliday, there is really nothing quite like this volume available today.

Donna R. Miller



Ma, Y. and B. Wang. 2021. Translating Tagore’s Stray Birds into Chinese: Applying systemic functional linguistics to Chinese poetry translation. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.

Wang, B. and Y. Ma. 2020. Lao She’s Teahouse and its two English translations: Exploring Chinese drama translation with systemic functional linguistics. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.

Wang, B. and Y. Ma. 2021. Systemic functional translation studies: Theoretical insights and new directions. Sheffield: Equinox Publishing Ltd.




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