
中国范儿 79 中国尊:北京新地标

Love English 2 2022-12-23



Amazing China《美丽中国》全集

《你好,中国》— (Hello, China)全100集

China Zun: the New Landmark Building of Beijing

  In October 2018, a528-meter high skyscraper built in an area that requires an 8.0-intensity seismic fortification erected in the core area of Beijing’s central business district (CBD), the first of its kind in the world. The building has a very oriental name: China Zun.

So, what is Zun? To answer this question, wemust go back to the long history of Chinese culture. Originally an etiquettevessel, Zun was the symbol of enormous courtesy. As a Chinese saying goes, oneshould raise the Zun above his or her head with both hands and pay their respectsas sincerely as possible. The famous Four-goat Square Zun of the Shang Dynastyhas elegant decorations and amazing curving styles. Inspired by the beauty ofZun in its design, China Zun distinguishes itself from the typically straightform of supertall towers in Beijing. Standing among the skyscrapers concentratingin Beijing’s CBD, China Zun exhibits distinctive and stately oriental featuresand an impressively solemn style.
With a height of 528 meters, China Zun has sevenlevels of basement and a mega tower of 108-storeys. Its diamond-shaped designwas inspired by the bamboo-ware, one of the traditional vessels in China. TheChinese are fond of bamboo. In their eyes, bamboo, like a nobleman, is decentbut not flamboyant. As an old Chinese saying goes, a residence is unlivablewithout the bamboo. The space design at the top of the tower brings to mind arising Kongming lantern.

With a profile of subtle beauty that isfull of allegories,China Zun applied some state-of-the-art technologies, many of which were putinto use the first time in the world. This list here includes the IntelligentJumping Steel Platform, Integration of Temporary and Permanent FirefightingSystems, and the overall implementation of the BIM technology. The designers ofChina Zun paid much attention to such important details like a well-functioningfirefighting system, the capability to withstand earthquakes, and low-carbonand environment-friendly designs. By taking into account the height, structure,and azimuth orientation of the building, the designers established anintegrated energy system and put in place a central heating and cooling system.They can save 20%-40% energy consumption thanks to the full exploitation of thesunshine in the winter season and the natural wind in the summer. Meanwhile,China Zun is the first in the world to use jump liftswith a service height over 500 meters.

The top floor of China Zun offers a panoramicview of Beijing. Here one can indulge in breathtaking scenery and take theirease. As a Chinese poem says, I dare not speak aloud here lest it disturb thosein heaven.



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