
莱镇活动早知道 - Lexington Happenings I 2021 年 06 月

莱镇活动早知道 莱镇华协 2022-06-28

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走出病毒的阴霾 迎接夏天的灿烂

久违的人群 熟悉的面容

6月自由的风里 飘过淡淡的花香

浓浓的色彩 恰似父亲的情怀


Go Out Doors - Lexington

- Lexington Council for the Arts

走出户外, 享受自由的风, 欣赏由莱镇高中生和本地艺术家们创作的16扇艺术门。


  1. Minuteman Bikeway between the Visitor's Center and Hancock Street; 

  2. Minuteman Bikeway between Cary Hall and Fletcher Avenue;

  3. Lexington High School;

Slide to See More Doors

Photos credit: Jessie C

June 01- Oct 26

Lexington Farmers Market


新地点:Worthen Road练习场
日期:每周二 6月1日-10月26日





June 05

Munroe Saturday Nights



6/5/2021 7:30pm Zoom

Munroe周六之夜:莫扎特作品的演出和讨论会。小提琴手Jenny Stirling和钢琴家George Larivee将表演莫扎特小提琴和钢琴奏鸣曲作品454号的行板乐章。音乐演出后将会有一个讨论会。我们将用通俗易懂的语言着重探讨莫扎特是怎样巧妙地把最基本的音乐片段串联起来的, 也将会研究曲调音型、韵律手势、前件后因的分段、和声的应用等等,我们会注意这些因素在琴弦和键盘之间的交替。目的是帮助听众们强化他们内心的经历,对所听所感建立自己独特的反应和感受。有些人可能会感觉到莫扎特在展现优雅和美丽方面的非凡能力,而另一些人可能会有完全不同的收获。请千万不要错过这场音乐讨论会!让我们一起度过一个神奇的晚上。节目接受参与者捐赠,每人10美元(家庭20美元)。



June 06

Munroe Center for the Arts


6/6/2021 12:00pm

授课老师:Boriana Kantcheva

两个学习班适合所有对水彩画有兴趣的同学。课程将提供项目让学员们学习和实践怎样用模板、层次、盐以及多种形成纹路的材料。除了探索水彩这种表现形式以外,学员们也将在织物、表面设计、图案和自然界中找到灵感, 并在学习和实践时可以采用具象风格或者抽象风格。

  • 学习班之一将会集中于怎样运用模板、怎样用各种材料来产生纹路以及把绘图作为制取图像的一个组成部分来介绍。我们将采用中性笔和丙烯酸记号笔把图画因素整合到水彩当中。

  • 学习班之二的学员们除了传统的水彩颜料之外,还将尝试液体水彩和水粉画颜料。并从大自然中找到灵感,采用这些源于大自然的主题和运用其他自然界的元素来创造图案和更加抽象的作品。



June 09


Meet Historic Monumental Women

6/09/2021 12-1:00 pm 



  • 莱镇历史协会Stacey Fraser: Anna Harrington; 

  • 莱镇历史协会Sarah McDonough:Ruth Buckman

  • LexSeeHer Leslie Masson:Margaret Tullop

  • LexSeeHer Jessie Steigerwald:Vera Lane


June 10

LGBT Aging Project

LGBT Aging Project


6/10/2021 5:00pm

他们属于不同的年龄段,他们公开了他们的同性恋身份。通常人们在公开他们同性恋身份时的经历和感受因为他们处于不同的历史时刻、所在不同地区、拥有不同的文化归属或其他原因而不同。Bob Linscott将主持嘉宾座谈会,由LGBTQ人士们分享他们的故事。然后我们一起讨论不同年龄段的人们是怎样过着他们各自的真实生活的。


June 11

Cary Library, LexPride


6/11/2021 14:00


请和我们一起来庆祝PRIDE,一起来聆听LGBTQIA 儿童和他们家人的故事!



June 11

Cary Memorial Library


6/11/2021 18:30


请和我们还有来自The Trivia Brothers的朋友们一起参加下一次的家庭知识竞赛! 这个月的主题是迪士尼!




Lexington Education Foundation

LEF Hunt 4 Fun

6/12/2021 3:00pm

莱镇教育基金会(LEF)邀请您的亲朋好友们(年龄不限)一起来参加我们6月12日星期六的户外寻宝(Hunt 4 Fun)活动。



报名时间:5月9日 – 6月9日





June 12

LexPride, Cambridge LGBTQ+ Commission

Pride Celebration

6/12/2021 Sat 1:30pm


这次Pride举办的家庭艺术活动我们请到了Bren Bataclan!Bren 是我们本地(也是全国知名)的艺术家。他在世界各地赠送绘画作品,他在每个赠品上都留一个字条,上面写着“如果你能保证你会多对平常人微笑这幅画就归你了"。子们在专门为儿童们办的工作坊里学到的不仅仅是艺术还有社会良知。


June 12

Munroe Center for the Arts


6月12日 2-4pm

让我们和艺术家Marina Strauss,执行总监Cristina Burwell一起探索版画复制的工艺和方法。欢迎不同年龄和不同水平的爱好者参加!我们将印出蔬菜和水果,尝试盖印、标记、凝胶印花、触画以及泡沫塑料印花。此项活动不限年龄,免费,但人数有限需要登记参与。所有艺术品制作都将在户外进行。遇雨改为6月13日。



Lexington Goes Purple


06/12 Sat 9:30am

Lexington Goes Purple 举办的莱镇一年一度支持和纪念阿尔茨海默氏症筹款活动。很高兴地宣布紫色小狗长廊的回归 - 为友好的小狗和他们的人类伙伴亲自遛狗。

为您最喜欢的狗穿上紫色衣服,在莱镇Depot Square集中,与我们一起愉快地漫步莱镇镇中心,终点是 Agility Playing Field。奖品将颁发给最佳技巧和最佳服装。欢迎捐款并支持阿尔茨海默氏症协会。


June 13

Lexington Human Rights Committee

Visions of Race Amity Virtual Art Show


我们将主办一个在线的艺术表演来展示我们社区对Race Amity(种族和睦)的认知。6月13日举办一个“关于交叉性流派的对话”的活动,同时有幻灯片展示。艺术作品和表演的节目将分享到莱镇和社区的网站,如莱镇人权委员会(LHRC)、社区联盟(Community Coalition)、Munroe中心等。并在6月底之前在莱镇现场展示一部分或所有的艺术作品。


June 13

Lexington Human Rights Committee

Visions of Race Amity Through Art, Song & Stories

6/13/2021 1pm Zoom



June 13


Pride Car Parade

  6/13 2:30-3:30pm


装饰好你的房子、你的汽车还有你自己,带上Pride的旗帜,标语装饰, 加入我们的游行庆祝莱镇的“自豪月”(Pride Month)! 


  • 神奇的游行总指挥Noah Stang-Osborne(LexPride董事、发言人、艺术家和杰出的活动家)

  • 专心奉献的助理指挥 Celeste Freeman(Hastings小学顾问)

  • 各界政治领袖

  • 我们每个人(包括你)!欢迎所有人加入!



June 20

Happy Father's Day


父亲是条河, 流转着岁月, 诉说人世的沧桑

父亲是片海, 擎起了太阳, 放飞天空的翅膀

父亲是座山, 坚韧起脊梁, 挺拔大地的芬芳

June 21

Munroe Center for the Arts

Full day summer camp


9am - 3pm



June 23

Lexington Fields and Garden Club

Asian Vegetables

6/23/2021 1-2 pm Zoom

Chetana Keltcher, Sirinya Matchacheep 和 Rose Xu去年夏天通过“Lexington Gardening” 的脸书群组认识,并开始热情地交流对园艺、植物和农作物的知识。她们将和大家分享种植亚洲美食中不同蔬菜的经验和她们最喜欢的食谱。和莱镇园艺俱乐部的Ashley Rooney一起,您会很兴奋听到一些可以在新英格兰种植的有趣草药和蔬菜。


June - Summer

Lexington Council for the Arts

Go Out Doors - Lexington

A scavenger hunt for kids



1)自行车道上的艺术门:一束鲜花;在玩耍的狐狸;蝾螈; 一只大蓝鹭;一只火鸡和小鸡;小溪边的青蛙;一只蜂鸟;一朵巨大的水仙花;番红花;行军的蚂蚁;一件乐器;一只蝴蝶;高蜀葵.


Lexington Happenings  - English Version

Scroll down to read in English

June 01 

Lexington Farmers Market

Lexington Farmer's Market Opening

New location:Worthen Road Practice Field
Date:June 1- Oct 26
2 - 6:30 pm
Purchase in advance 

Any questions please email to Lexingtonfarmersmkt@gmail.com

We accept SNAP,WIC,Senior Coupons,FMNP & HIP!

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June 05

Munroe Saturday Nights

The Composer's Craft: Mozart

Join Munroe Saturday Nights for The Composer’s Craft: Mozart – A Performance and Discussion, Saturday, June 5th at 7:30pm. The concert will be streamed over zoom.

Jenny Stirling, violist, and George Larivee, pianist, will perform the Andante movement from Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s Sonata for Violin and Piano, K. 454. A discussion will follow (in layman’s terms), in which we will explore the basic building blocks of the music that Mozart so brilliantly interweaves. Melodic figures, rhythmic gestures, antecedent-consequent phrasing, and the use of harmony will all be considered as we trace the interchange of these ingredients between violin and keyboard. The goal is to help listeners strengthen their inner experience, developing a uniquely personal response to what they hear and feel. Some might have a sense of Mozart’s extraordinary ability to transmit grace and beauty, while others might glean something entirely different. 

To support our programming, there's a suggested donation for this event of $10 ($20 for a family). 

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June 06 

Munroe Center for the Arts

Contemporary Approaches to Watercolor I and II

Contemporary Approaches to Watercolor Workshops I and II can be taken together or as separate workshops. 

They are for everyone who would like to experience watercolors. It will offer a number of projects that use this medium in an experimental and very enjoyable way from learning to use stencils, layers, salt and a variety of texture creating materials. In addition to exploring the medium of watercolor, students will find inspiration in textiles, surface designs, patterns and the natural world. Students will be able to work both representationally and abstractly. 

Workshop I will focus on how to use stencils, how to create textures with variety of materials and introduce drawing as an integral part of making an image. We will use gel pens and acrylic markers to integrate the drawing element into the watercolors. 

In Workshop II students will be able to try liquid watercolors and gouache in addition to traditional watercolor paints. The workshop will focus on using nature inspired themes and using natural elements to create patterns and more abstract compositions. 

In both workshops students will be shown images of contemporary artists using the medium in very inspiring and unexpected ways.

Taught by Boriana Kantcheva

Workshop I, June 6, Sunday 12:00 pm – 3:00 pm $65 (ages 16+)

Workshop II, June 13, Sunday, 12:00 pm – 3:00 pm $65 (ages 16+)

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June 09


Meet Historic Monumental Women

6/09/2021 12-1:00 pm 

LexSeeHer and the Lexington Historical Society will present research on four historic Lexington women. Join us to learn about the Lexington women who are being researched as potential figures in a new monument to honor women.

Presenters and women researched will include:

  • Stacey Fraser of Lexington Historical Society on Anna Harrington

  • Sarah McDonough of Lexington Historical Society on Ruth Buckman

  • Leslie Masson of LexSeeHer on Margaret Tullop

  • Jessie Steigerwald of LexSeeHer on Vera Lane


June 10

LexPride, Lexington Human Services

Coming Out Across the Generations

6/10/2021 17:00

Join us as we listen to stories about coming out across ages! People’s experiences with coming out vary greatly by moment in history, geographic region, identities, and more. Bob Linscott (LGBT Aging Project) will moderate a diverse panel of LGBTQ+ folks who will share their stories. Then we’ll have an engaging discussion about what it’s like for people of all ages to live their authentic lives.

Sponsored by Lexington Human Services and LexPride. 
Cosponsored by the SHAC LGBTQIA+ Subcommittee and Human Rights Committee

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June 11

Cary Memorial Library

Family Trivia Night - Disney Trivia

6/11/2021 6:30pm Zoom

Join us for our next Family Trivia Night with our friends The Trivia Brothers! This month's theme is Disney Trivia!

Space is limited. Sign up online beginning on Tuesday June 1st at 7 pm. Please register once per family and only log in once to the event.

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June 11

Cary Library, LexPride

Cary Library's Pride Story Time

6/11/2021 2pm Zoom

Join us as we celebrate PRIDE with some stories that celebrate LGBTQIA+ children and their families!

Registration Required. Online sign-up begins on Tuesday, June 1, at 7pm.

Sponsored by Cary Library. Cosponsored by LexPride and the Lexington Human Rights Committee.

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June 12

Lexington Education Foundation

LEF Hunt 4 Fun

6/12/2021 15:00

Lexington Education Foundation (LEF) invites your family and groups of friends of all ages to participate in our Hunt 4 Fun outdoor event on Saturday, June 12 from 3-5 p.m.

Teams of 4-6 people will walk, bike, and/or drive around Lexington to solve clues, complete challenges and answer trivia questions. Hunt 4 Fun teams will download the easy to use CityHunt app to enter answers and upload pictures taken around Lexington during the day.

Creative team names, costumes, and general community spirit is encouraged and prizes will be awarded in several categories.

Proceeds benefit LEF, which donates $250,000 annually to Lexington Public Schools to fund exceptional educational activities that address the Lexington Public Schools' priorities but fall outside the scope of the LPS budget.

Registration: May 9 -June 9 $125 for 4-person team; $150 for 5 people and $175 for 6 people

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June 12

LexPride, Cambridge LGBTQ+ Commission

Pride Art for Families

6/12/2021 13:30

This Pride art event for families features Bren Bataclan! Bren is a local (and internationally renown) artist who gives away paintings around the world with a note saying ”This painting is yours if you promise to smile at random people more often.” His workshops with kids are celebrated for being able to inspire kids to both art and social conscience.

Sponsored by LexPride, Cambridge LGBTQ+ Commission, Cambridge Mayor Sumbul Siddiqui, Museum of Science, Arlington LGBTQIA+ Rainbow Commission, Arlington Center for the Arts, and Somerville LGBTQ Liaison.

All are welcome.

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June 12

Munroe Center for the Arts

Intergeneration Discovery Workshop: Print Making

All Ages
June 12 2:00pm - 4:00pm

Join artist Marina Strauss, and Executive Director, Cristina Burwell in a supportive space to come explore with different printmaking techniques and approaches. All ages and abilities welcomed! We will print with veggies and fruits, experiment with stamping and mark making, gelli printing and touchdrawing, as well as styrofoam printing. This event is free, but with enrollment limited and registration required. Artmaking will be outdoors. Rain date is June 13th.

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Lexington Goes Purple

Purple Puppy Promenade

06/12 Sat 9:30am

Lexington Goes Purple, Lexington's Annual Awareness and Fundraiser to support and honor Alzheimer's patents and caregivers is pleased to announce the return of the Purple Puppy Promenade - an in-person dog walk for friendly pups and their human partners.

Dress your favorite pooch in purple and join us at 9:30am next Saturday, June 12 in front of the Lexington Depot for a pleasant walk around Lexington Center ending at our Agility Playing Field.  Prizes will be awarded for best tricks and best costumes.  Donations are welcome and will benefit the Alzheimer's Association.


June 13

Lexington Human Rights Committee

Lexington: Visions of Race Amity Through Art, Song & Stories

Sun. 6/13 @ 1pm

Join us for a virtual presentation of Lexington's visions of race amity through art, photos, and song; celebrate stories of friendships and race amity in our community; test your knowledge with race amity trivia.

Scan QR Code|Registration

June 13


Pride Car Parade

6/13/2021 2:30pm

Decorate your home, car, and yourself and join our car parade to celebrate Pride Month in Lexington! Assemble at Lexington Public Works parking lot (201 Bedford Street). The car parade will feature:

* Our fabulous Grand Marshall, Noah Stang-Osborne (LexPride Board member, speaker, artist, and activist extraordinaire).
* Our dedicated Ally Marshall, Celeste Freeman (Hastings Elementary School Counselor and longtime ally).
* Various political leaders.
* And all of us (which includes you)! All are welcome!

Bring Pride flags, signs, and decorations! If you don’t have any, please feel free to print our Pride signs

Sponsored by LexPride. Cosponsored by the Lexington Human Rights Committee.

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June 13

Lexington Human Rights Committee

Lexington: Visions of Race Amity Virtual Art Show


We are hosting a virtual art show sharing our communities vision of Race Amity. Slideshow will be part of a Conversation on Intersectionality on June 13. Artwork/performances will then be shared on other town/community sites (LHRC, Community Coalition, Munroe Center). We are looking for a site to share a selection or all of the artwork live somewhere in Lexington for the remainder of June. 

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June 20

Happy Father's Day

June 21

Munroe Center for the Arts

Full day summer camp

The Munroe Center for the Arts offers its 26th year of summer camp with a full day, onsite, summer art camp to help your child develop their creativity and have some fun this summer! 9 weeks, 9am-3pm for ages 5-12. Centrally located in Lexington with all classes outdoors unless inclement weather (then indoors in socially distant, well ventilated, sanitized rooms).

Enrollment is limited to 32 students per week. Sign up for the Center's monthly newsletter to stay up to date with more summer classes to be offered for teens and adults.

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June 23

Lexington Fields and Garden Club

Asian Vegetables

6/23/2021 1-2 pm Zoom

Last summer, three women, Sirinya Matchacheep, Rose Xu, and Chetana Keltcher met through the Gardening in Lexington Facebook group and began exchanging their knowledge and passion for gardening, plants, and crops. Now, they will share their experiences with growing vegetables and how to make their favorite recipes with what they grow. Ashley Rooney will host this exciting discussion -- learn about the variety of vegetables you can grow and eat this summer.

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June - Summer

Lexington Council for the Arts

Lexington Happening Event Submission

Please submit by the 25th of each month for next month's events to publish on our "Lexington Happengings".

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Go Out Doors - Lexington

A scavenger hunt for kids

A public art exhibit that seeks to promote connectedness to nature and healthy outdoor activity.

How many of these can you spot?

1) At the Bikeway exhibit: A bouquet of flowers;Foxes Playing;A salamander; A Great Blue Heron; A turkey and chicks; Frogs by a stream; A hummingbird; A giant daffodil; Crocuses; Sunflowers; Ants marching; A musical instrument; A butterfly; Tall hollyhock.

2) At the LHS exhibit: A runner; A sunset; People planting a tree; A sunrise; Shelf mushrooms; Pink flowers.




往期回顾 莱镇人文


编辑部:Joe 月涌  匡匡 鱼儿



封面/封底摄影:Jilian Tung




