
莱镇活动早知道 - Lexington Happenings I 2021 年 08 月

莱镇活动早知道 莱镇华协 2022-06-28

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Munroe Center for the Arts

     地址:1403 Mass Ave, Lexington

Community Art

为了纪念莱镇中心的街景项目,ArtWalk 展示的其中一个街景艺术项目是一系列的装饰砖。诚邀艺术家和创意人士来绘画。装饰好的砖块将在艺术中心前的马萨诸塞大街和埃默里公园展出。目前艺术中心后面还有几块砖,欢迎大家参与装饰使用。

Aug 03-24

Lexington Bicentennial Band

       Lexington Bicentennial Band 


              Summer Concert

本月每周二晚上会举办一场免费的户外音乐会。音乐会在 Hastings Park 举行, 时间:8/3,8/10,8/17,8/24 晚上7点开始。

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Aug 3

Lexington Famers' Market


时间:06/01 - 10/26
2:00 – 6:30 PM

地址:Worthen Road Practice Field

莱克星顿农贸市场(Lexington Farmers' Market)与全国各地市场联手庆祝2021年8月1日至7日全国农贸市场周。 8月3日(星期二)下午2时至6时30分,LFM将有很多有趣的活动,包括给孩子们可参加的"了解你的农民"有奖寻宝活动, 为年轻人和童心未泯的人准备的蔬菜面具手工活动,以及关于当地最好的健康食物的趣味知识等。

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Aug 11 



  时间:8/11, 星期三, 1pm

园丁大师Shelly Henderson和Ashley Rooney将带领我们参观位于Cambridge 的Longfellow House。它是华盛顿总部国家历史遗址。1882年Alice Longfellow的父亲去世后,Alice委托美国第一批景观女设计师中的其中两位,设计了这个正式的花园。这个美丽的花园种植着二十世纪初的传家宝植物,是一个不断变化的色彩盛会。

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Aug 15


Sandra David A Life's Celebration

8/15 - 8/22

地点:Molly Harding Nye 画廊

30 Waltham St, Lexington,

通过艺术家、母亲、祖母、姐妹和朋友的眼睛来呈现艺术家Sandra David的生活与激情以及她的艺术作品。


周二至周五: 11am -5pm

 周六/周日: 10am - 5pm


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Aug 16

Munroe Center for the Art

Fall Class Registration Opens


Munroe 艺术中心正在为秋季课程做准备,将开设陶瓷、绘画、戏剧等课程和工作坊!注册始于 8 月 16 日 (上午 9 点)   

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Aug 01 - 24/7


LexArt Online Market

汇集来自本地艺术家们的创作,24/7 网上购买自己心仪的艺术品

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Aug 18

Cary Library & Lexington Garden Club

Favorite Trees & Shrubs

时间: 8/18/2021 1pm

想美化花园,种植的品种有太多的选择!这么多的树木和灌木 ,使我们困惑,无从下手。灌木是低维护美化的绝妙选择。园艺大师Terry Hale 和 Ashley Rooney将介绍 一些最适合我们地区的树木和灌木,分享如何种植的经验。

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Aug 19

What's Up for August 2021?

Photo credit: NASA/JPL

What's Up for August 2021?

Jupiter at Opposition 

时间: 8/19/2021 8pm

地球将在 8 月 19 日晚上 8 点左右位于木星和太阳之间,这意味着木星与太阳对冲。在那一天,当太阳从西边落下时,木星从东边升起,整夜都可见。木星将是夜空中最亮的天体之一。


Scan QR | Oppositions of Jupiter and Saturn

Aug 21

Cary Library 

Nature Photography with 

David Ewing

时间: 8/21/2021 10am -12pm

Offsite TBD

户外自然摄影的计划恢复了!本月的第三个星期六, 摄影师大卫将在预先确定的地点与参与者会面,一起探索并拍照。您只需要携带您的相机或设备,David 将指导您完成剩下的工作。请为天气做好准备!如果预测到恶劣天气而推迟活动,我们将通知已经注册的人。


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Aug 22

Lexington Recreation & Community Programs

 The Recreation and Community Programs Department

夏季开放 2 个户外游泳设施:

  1. Irving H. Mabee Town Pool Complex:内设有 2 个游泳池和一个适合儿童的嬉水区。 

  2. The Old Reservoir Pond:有沙滩,设有救生员。 

Town Pool Complex 时间 

 6 月 28 日 - 8 月 22 日

周一和周三:10am - 8:30pm

周二、周四和周五:9:00am - 8:30pm

周六和周日:9:00am - 8:45pm 

8 月 23 日- 9 月 7日

 星期一至星期五: 11:00am - 7:00 pm 

Old Reservoir Pond时间

 6 月 28 日 - 8 月 22 日

每天 12:00 PM - 7:30 PM

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Aug 27

Lexington Recreation & Community Programs

Cooking with Anastasia

免费烹饪课 Zoom

Time:8/27 11am- 12pm

Location:Community Center - Human Services Virtual Classroom #1

来自希腊海岸的阿纳斯塔西娅将带着我们深入了解居住在地中海岸的希腊人和他们夏季的日常生活。 学习如何做希腊人日常吃的简单的以柑橘、橄榄油、香料、植物和海鲜为主的季节性小盘子。乐趣,笑声、音乐和社交是地中海生活方式的关键要素。

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Sep 2

Town of Lexington

Lexington Citizens Academy

时间: 2021/9/2 

星期四 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

加入一年一度的公民学院,来了解莱镇政府的内部运作!该计划旨在让居民了解镇的各个部门,以便他们更好地了解镇政府的工作方式。通过介绍、讨论和访问镇部门,参与者有机会听取各董事和经理的意见,并了解镇项目和服务的运作情况。 它是作为城镇工作人员和居民之间的双向对话。参与者可发现公众参与的新机会以及他们在镇政府中发挥的作用。

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Lexington Happenings  - English Version

Highlight of the Month

Munroe Center for the Arts

     Address:1403 Mass Ave

Community Art

In honor of the Streetscape Project downtown, ArtWalk unfolds its StreetScape Art project with a collection of decorated bricks. We are inviting artists and creatives to paint and beautify them.

Bricks will be displayed along Mass. Ave. in front of the arts center, and in Emery Park for the remainder of the summer.

There are still a few bricks behind the arts center for anyone who would like to decorate one.

Aug 03-24

Lexington Bicentennial Band


 Lexington Bicentennial Band

Location: Hasting Park

 Summer Concert Schedule

 8/03/2021 7pm

8/10/2021 7pm

8/17/2021 7pm

8/24/2021 7pm

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Aug 03

Lexington Famers' Market

Lexington Farmers' Market

 Opens Every Thuesday

Date:06/01 - 10/26

Time: 2:00 – 6:30 PM

Address:Worthen Rd Practice Field

This year, the Lexington Farmers' Market joins markets across the country in celebrating National Farmers' Market Week August 1-7, 2021.Tuesday, August 3 from 2 pm - 6:30 pm, the LFM will have a market full of fun, including information highlighting the importance of farmers’ markets, a “Know Your Farmer” scavenger hunt for kids with fun prizes, a veggie mask craft for the young and young at heart, fun facts about the LFM farmers and vendors, not to mention the best in healthy, local food around.

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Cary Library & Lexington Garden Club

Longfellow Garden Tour

Date: Wed, 8/11 1pm

Master Gardener Shelly Henderson with Ashley Rooney will take us on a tour of the garden at Longfellow House, Washington's Headquarters National Historic Site in Cambridge. After her father's death in 1882, Alice Longfellow commissioned two of America's first female landscape architects to design a formal garden. Planted with early twentieth century heirloom plants, this beautiful garden is an ever-changing pageant of color.

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Aug 15


Gallery Exhibition

Sandra David A Life's Celebration

Date: August 15-22

Molly Harding Nye Gallery

Address: 130 Waltham St

A retrospective journey through the eyes of an artist, mother, grandmother, sister, and friend. Sandra David's life, passion, and art celebrated by her family and friends.

Gallery Hours

Tues-Fri 11am-5pm

Sat/Sun: 10am-5pm
Closed Mondays 

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Aug 16

Munroe Center for the Art

Fall Class Registration Opens

Time:8/16/2021 9am

The Munroe Center for the Arts is gearing up for a creative fall, with classes and workshops in ceramics, painting/drawing, theatre and more!
Registration opens on August 16 (9am)  

Scan QR code to preview programs.

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Aug 01 - 24/7


LexArt Online Market

Shop online 24/7

Art works from our local artists!

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Cary Library & Lexington

Favorite Trees & Shrubs

Time: Wed August 18, 1 PM 


Too many choices! There are so many tantalizing trees and shrubs to select from these days that it can become confusing and overwhelming. Shrubs are a fabulous choice for low maintenance landscaping. Gardening guru Terry Hale with Ashley Rooney will identify some of the best for our region and where and how they should be planted.

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Aug 19

What's Up for August 2021?

Photo credit: NASA/JPL

What's Up for August 2021?

Jupiter at Opposition

Time: 8/19/2021 8pm

Earth will be between Jupiter and the Sun on August 19 at approximately 8:00 PM, meaning Jupiter is at opposition. On that date, Jupiter rises in the east as the Sun sets in the west, remaining visible the entire night. Jupiter will be one of the brightest objects in the night sky. Its four largest moons and cloud bands are easily spotted with even a small telescope. 

Scan QR | Oppositions of Jupiter and Saturn

Aug 21

Cary Library 

Nature Photography with 

David Ewing

Date: 8/21/2021 10am -12pm

Offsite TBD

We are delighted to be resuming our in-person outdoor gatherings of the Nature Photography program! On the third Saturday of the month, David Ewing will meet participants at a pre-determined location to explore and take photographs. All you need to bring is your camera or device and David will guide you through the rest. Events will take place rain or shine so come prepared for the weather! (If severe weather is predicted, we will notify those who registered if we decide to postpone an event.)

This is a program for adults 18+. Registration is required for each individual event.

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Aug 22

Lexington Recreation & Community Programs


            Town Aquatics - 2021

The Recreation and Community Programs Department operates 2 outdoor swimming facilities during the summer months:

Pool Complex Schedule

June 28 - August 22
Monday & Wednesday - 10:00 AM - 8:30 PM
Tuesday, Thursday & Friday - 9:00 AM - 8:30 PM
Saturday & Sunday - 9:00 AM - 8:45 PM

August 23 - September 7
Monday - Friday 11:00 AM - 7:00 PM

Old Reservoir

June 28 - August 22
12:00 PM - 7:30 PM every day

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Aug 27

Lexington Recreation & Community Programs

Cooking with Anastasia


Time:8/27 11am- 12pm

Location:Community Center - Human Services Virtual Classroom #1

We'll take an intimate look at the everyday summer life of people living and eating around the Mediterranean. Greeks eat simple, seasonal, small plates, centered on variety, citrus, olive oil, spices, plants and seafood. Pleasure,laughter, music, and socialization are key elements of the Mediterranean way of life. Join us in location to see for yourself!

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Sep 2

Town of Lexington

Lexington Citizens Academy

Join the annual Citizens' Academy and learn about the inner workings of Lexington Town Government! The program is designed to expose residents to the various Town departments so they can gain a better understanding of how municipal government works. Through presentations, discussions, and visits to Town departments, participants have the opportunity to hear from various Directors and Managers and learn about the operations of Town programs and services.

  • Begins Thursday, September 2, 2021

  • Approximately 11 VIRTUAL sessions held via Zoom

  • Thursday nights from 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

  • Presentations by department heads and managers

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Lexington Happening Event Submission

Please submit by the 20th of each month for next month's events to publish on our "Lexington Happengings".

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往期精彩 镇人文

莱镇活动早知道 · 八月

编辑部:Joe Zhou  月涌  匡匡 

鱼儿  Carrie Wu


封面封底摄影: 单东旭





月刊 I 莱镇华协(CAAL) 2021 年 06 月

