
莱镇活动早知道 - Lexington Happenings I 2021 年 11 月

莱镇活动早知道 莱镇华协 2022-06-28

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如果您在镇上漫步,可以在沃尔瑟姆街和林肯公园寻找涂漆的电缆盒子。这些彩绘电箱位于莱镇不同的街区,为街景增添了不少艺术气氛。镇上将有九个箱子,四个新粉刷的电箱位于镇上中心休区和林肯公园,其他的五个分别位于Waltham, Marret, Bedford & Worthen街道。有的已经完成,有的还在创作中。

 图一:艺术家 Liz LaManche

 图二:艺术家 Markus Lewis

 图三:艺术家 Sarah Scoville


Nov 3


Conversation with the Charles Yu Author of Interior Chinatown


时间:星期三, 11/3 6 -7:00 pm

地点:Lexington High School Auditorium

251 Waltham St  

与“Interior Chinatown” 作者Charles Yu 见面会,活动由Cary 图书馆, 莱镇高中和莱镇华协共同举办。 



通过莱克星顿社区教育在线注册费为 15 美元/人Lexington Community Education

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Nov 6


The Never Fading Poppy Project

Veterans Day Card Making Event


感念历史 珍惜和平 


手工制作卡片将送给Bedford VA Hospital 的退伍军人和参加莱镇老兵节游行的老兵们。发挥你的艺术才华,画出你的爱心,感谢老兵们的服务和付出,写上温暖的祝福.  


扫描二维码,微表登记注册领取白卡片,在家制作卡片,11/1-11/6日 提交。

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Nov 6



The 2021 Instructors Show 

LexArt 2021 年导师精品展

展览时间:11/6 - 11/21

开幕酒会:Sun, 11/7 2 - 4pm

地点:LexArt Molly Nye Gallery

130 Waltham Street 



星期二至星期五 11am – 5pm 

星期六至星期天 10am – 5pm

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Nov 6

Unitarian Universalist

Community Sand Painting


时间:Sat, 11/6, 4:30- 6:30pm

地点:First Parish

7 Harrington Road 

欢迎大家参加第二届印度排灯节的年度庆祝活动。这是一个社区范围的户外晚间节目。我们将制作一幅名为 Rangoli 的传统印度沙画。这是一个适合儿童和家庭的户外活动,请穿保暖的衣服。

Nov 10

Munroe Center for the Arts


时间:10 /6 - 11 /10


请访问我们的艺术地点页面,查看每位艺术家, 下载 Scavenger Hunt 页面,将引导您了解今年艺术作品中的一些细节.


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Nov 8

Lexington Veterans Association

Lexington Veterans Meeting

Mark Thompson - Dieppe: Good Decision? Bad Decision?





时间:11/8/2021 1:15pm



1942 年 8 月 19 日,在英吉利海峡对法国小镇迪耶普的一次长达 9 小时的突袭中,1000 名盟军军人(主要是加拿大士兵)被杀,另外 3000 人伤亡。这次袭击几乎没有取得任何成果,历史学家称之为“鲁莽的愚蠢”。英国几位最精明的决策者——包括艾伦·布鲁克将军和伯纳德·蒙哥马利将军是如何炮制这一悲剧性惨败的?由决策科学和博弈论退休教授 Mark Thompson 提出,欢迎来参加讨论.

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Nov 8

League of Women Voters, Lexington

League of Women Voters


时间:11/19 9:30am


诚邀您参加莱镇每月第一个周五论坛的女选民联盟的第二期。Martha Duffield于今年 7 月被任命为莱镇的第一任首席股权官。作为首席权益官,Duffield 女士将支持该镇的多样性、公平性和包容性 (DEI) 工作。她将与镇领导、镇各级工作人员和社区领袖合作,培养莱镇多元、公平和包容的文化。  在小组成员的介绍之后,观众将有充足的时间提问。

如需更多信息,请通过 mecoppe@gmail.com 联系联盟召集人 Margaret Coppe。

Nov 10


True Story Theater 

What Sustains Us 


2pm – 3:30pm

地点:Lexington Community Center

39 Marrett Rd


该活动由 LexPride 赞助,作为庆祝 LGBTQ+ 老年人项目的一部分,该项目得到了 Dana 家庭基金会的资助。它由莱克星顿高级服务、阿灵顿老龄化委员会和阿灵顿 LGBTQIA+ 彩虹委员会共同发起。

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Nov 10

Cary Memorial Library


时间:星期三, 11/10 

5pm —6 pm 


青少年图书馆领导委员会向 7-12 年级的青少年开放。如果您有兴趣在青少年的图书馆体验中发表意见,并有兴趣开发支持整个社区的计划,请考虑加入此小组。我们随时欢迎新成员!注册你的名字添加到我们的每月电子邮件列表中。如果您对此项目有任何疑问,请直接通过 lexteen@minlib.net 给青少年图书馆员发送电子邮件。 

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Nov 11




7:30pm – 9:00pm

地点:Lexington High School Auditorium

251 Waltham St


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Nov 11

Town Celebrations Committee



时间:星期四, 11/11 1:00pm



这是一个绝对不容错过的机会,来瞻仰退伍军人的特色。其中陆军航空兵二战和韩国陆军元帅詹姆斯席尔瓦将带领其他退伍军人参加阅兵式!从莱镇社区中心出发,沿着马萨诸塞大道穿过镇中心在圣布里吉德教堂前结束。您将看到: 老爷车,莱克星顿男子漂浮,退伍军人摩托车队。莱克星顿高中乐队,侦察兵, 公安部仪仗队将在Battle Green队列。

如需更多信息,请联络 gong.yifang@gmail.com

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Nov 13

Lexington Symphony

The Bard and The Baronet

Elgar | Violin Concerto, Op. 61

— Callum Smart, Violin

Tchaikovsky | Romeo and Juliet, Overture Fantasy


时间:星期六, 11/13

7:30pm – 9:30pm

地点:Cary Hall

1605 Massachusetts Avenue

2021 年 11 月 13 日星期六 晚上来欣赏:埃尔加 | 小提琴协奏曲——卡勒姆·斯马特(柴可夫斯基 | 罗密欧与朱丽叶,序曲幻想)


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Nov 18


Intergenerational SAGE Table


6:30pm – 8:30pm

地点:Arlington Town Hall

730 Massachusetts Avenue

 Arlington, MA, 02476

SAGE Table 是可以帮助人们建立真诚的联络,随着年龄的增长,这样的联络可以让我们的生活保鲜。请加入我们,参加免费的面对面活动!一起吃饭,跳舞,唱卡拉OK吧。活动对所有年龄段的人开放, 由阿灵顿老龄化委员会、阿灵顿 GSA、阿灵顿彩虹委员会和 LexPride 赞助。




Nov 20




7pm – 8:15pm


LexPride 将举办一年一度的跨性别纪念日活动。今年将纪念在跨性别暴力中丧生的人们。该活动将包括对当地跨性别女性和非二元有色人种(受跨性别暴力影响最大的人)的反思,以及阅读姓名和谈论盟友等。


本次活动由 LexPride 赞助,由莱克星顿人类服务部、阿灵顿 LGBTQIA+ 彩虹委员会、贝尔蒙特 LGBTQ+ 联盟和社会正义网络共同赞助。该活动得到莱克星顿社区捐赠基金的资助,该基金是MetroWest 基金会的捐赠基金。


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Nov 24

Cary Memorial Library


 时间:星期三, 11/24

10:15am – 10:45am

Age 2-5 years old 

地点:Cary Memorial Library

Parking Lot

1874 Massachusetts Avenue

没有音乐的生活,就像世界没有颜色一样无滋无味。Cary Library 专为2一5岁的孩子举办的主题为“一起来歌唱”的活动。线上线下同时举办。

在活动开始前 48小时,会发送提醒邮件。 

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Nov 26-30

Lexington Historical Society

Historic Houses Open

Thanksgiving Weekend 

时间:11/26 - 11/28

Buckman Tavern、Hancock-Clarke House 和 Munroe Tavern 将于 11 月 26 日星期五至 11 月 28 日星期日向公众开放。

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Nov 30

Science Cafe

Science Café 

Discovering our Cosmos with Nobel Laureate and Lexingtonian

Dr. Samuel Ting

时间:星期二, 11/30

7:30pm – 8:30pm 



诺贝尔奖得主丁肇中和莱镇居民 Samuel Ting 博士一起来探索我们的宇宙.

丁教授是世界著名的粒子物理学家和麻省理工学院物理学教授。由于发现了 J/ψ 介子粒子,他于 1976 年与伯顿·里希特 (Burton Richter) 共享诺贝尔物理学奖。


加入我们,与丁教授进行 Zoom 对话,了解他的突破性发现以及它们如何帮助我们了解宇宙的构成。

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Lexington Happenings  - English Version

Highlight of the Month

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The Lexington Council for the Arts (LCOA) determined that this town needed something bright and fun loving on our streets. Working with Laurie Bogdan, collage artist and art curator, it kicked off a utility box painting project to transform some of the town’s utility boxes into unique works of art. 

Located in different neighborhood districts, these painted boxes contribute to the vitality and attractiveness of the streetscape. Four of the newly painted boxes are at the recreation areas (Center Recreation Complex and Lincoln Park) and five are at street locations: Waltham & Marrett, Waltham & Worthen, and three on Bedford Street. Some have been completed, some are still in the middle of being painted. 

Image one: Artist Liz LaManche

Image two: Artist Markus Lewis

Artist three: Sarah Scoville

Nov 3


Conversation with the Charles Yu Author of Interior Chinatown



6:00-7:00 pm

Location:Lexington High School Auditorium

251 Waltham St  


Exciting news! Acclaimed author of Interior Chinatown, Charles Yu is coming to Lexington!

This visit is made possible through donations to Lexington Education Foundation and the Lexington in Conversation project led by LHS educator Samantha St. Lawrence.

All LHS students read Charles Yu's book this summer and have completed in-class projects this fall. Interior Chinatown is a deeply personal novel about race, pop culture, immigration, assimilation, and escaping the roles we are forced to play. Mr. Yu will visit students throughout the day on Nov. 3 and then the community is invited to hear a discussion between Samantha St. Lawrence and Charles Yu in the evening at the LHS auditorium. 

Registration is $15/person online through Lexington Community Education.

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Nov 6


The Never Fading Poppy Project

Veterans Day Card Making Event

Deadline: 11 / 06


Create handmade cards for Bedford VA Hospital veterans and veterans joining the Lexington Veterans Day parade.  Draw and write with your loving heart and show your appreciation to veterans for their service and dedication.

Scan the QR code, register to receive blank cards, make cards at home, and return back by 11/06.

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Nov 6



The 2021 Instructors Show 

Exhibit Open:11/6 - 11/21

Opening Reception:Sunday,11/7,  2 - 4pm

Address:LexArt Molly Nye Gallery

130 Waltham Street 

Visit LexArt to view the artwork of our talented and inspiring instructors. Find lovely fine art paintings, ceramics, jewelry, and more for your own home or to give as gifts. Discover an instructor and class to further your own learning in 2022!

Gallery Open Hours

Tue - Friday: 11am – 5pm 

Sat & Sun: 10am – 5pm

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Nov 6

Unitarian Universalist

Community Sand Painting


Time:Sat, 11/6, 4:30- 6:30pm

Location:First Parish

7 Harrington Road 

First Parish invites everyone to our second annual celebration of the Hindu festival of Diwali. There will be a community wide OUTDOOR evening program on Saturday, November 6th from 4:30 to 6:30 PM in front of the church steps across from the Battle Green. We will be making a traditional Indian sand painting called Rangoli.

This is a kid and family friendly event. Please wear warm clothing as we will be outdoors.

Nov 10

Munroe Center for the Arts

 ArtWalk 2021

Time:10 /6 - 11 /10

Location:Lexington Center

Artwork will be on display in Lexington Center from October 6 - November 10.

Artwork that is for sale has the price listed on the artwork's accompanying label, and all purchases need to be made directly with the artist, who's contact information is also on the label.

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Nov 8

Lexington Veterans Association

Lexington Veterans Meeting

Disputed Decisions of World II

The Dieppe Raid 

Time:11/8/2021 1:15pm


Presented by Mark Thompson, retired professor of decision science and game theory. On August 19, 1942, one thousand Allied servicemen, the majority Canadian soldiers, were killed and another 3,000 casualties were suffered in a nine-hour raid on the French town of Dieppe on the English Channel. Next to nothing was achieved in this attack, which historians have called “recklessly hare-brained.”  How could several of the most astute decision makers of Great Britain – including Generals Alan Brooke and Bernard Montgomery – have concocted this tragic fiasco?

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Nov 8

League of Women Voters, Lexington

League of Women Voters 

Time:11/19 9:30am


Please join us for the second installment of the League of Women Voters of Lexington’s First Fridays forum which will be held on the 3rd Friday of the month, on November 19th at 9:30 AM on Zoom.

We will welcome Martha Duffield who was appointed as the Town’s first Chief Equity Officer in July of this year. As Chief Equity Officer, Ms. Duffield will champion the Town’s diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) efforts. She will work with the Town’s leadership, Town staff at all levels, and community leaders to foster a diverse, equitable, and inclusive culture in Lexington. She will also serve as the staff liaison to the Human Rights Committee and the Commission on Disability.

Ms. Duffield will be joined by Tanya Gisolfi-McCready, Chair of the Lexington Human Rights Committee. The Human Rights Committee was instrumental in promoting the creation of the Chief Equity Officer position to advance the efforts to make Lexington a more just and equitable community.

Following the panelists’ presentations there will be ample time for questions from the audience.

Question: Margaret Coppe


Nov 10


True Story Theater 

What Sustains Us 

Time:Wed,11/10 2pm – 3:30pm:Location: Lexington Community Center

            39 Marrett Rd

In this interactive performance, True Story Theater will share (and ask us to share) stories about what nourishes us as we age. What improves or enriches our lives? What strengths do we bring that help us thrive? How do we tackle challenges? Actors will enact the heart of the stories and help us process them. This will be an experience filled with heart and insight.

All seniors and friends are welcome.

This event is sponsored by LexPride as part of our Celebrating LGBTQ+ Seniors project, which is supported by a grant from the Dana Home Foundation. It is cosponsored by Lexington Senior Services, Arlington Council on Aging, and Arlington LGBTQIA+ Rainbow Commission.

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Nov 10

Cary Memorial Library

Teen Library Leadership Council Meeting 

Time:Wed, 11/10 5pm —6 pm


7-12 Grade

We meet 1-2 times a month during the school year (September - June) on Wednesdays from 5-6PM. Occasionally, there will be a need for additional meetings when we are working on a specific project. This fall, we will sometimes meet in person, and sometimes meet virtually. If you are interested in having a voice in teens' experience of the library and in developing programs to support out entire community, consider joining this group. We welcome new members at any time! Register to have your name added to the our monthly email list. If you have any questions about the Teen LLC, please email the Teen Librarian directly at lexteen@minlib.net.

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Nov 11



Asian American and Pacific Islanders

History Inclusion Benefit Concert 

Time:Thur,11/11, 7:30pm – 9:00pm

Location:Lexington High School Auditorium

251 Waltham St 


The “Asian American History Inclusion” Benefit Concert organized by Lexington High School students will be held on November 11th at the Lexington High School Auditorium during Veterans Day. The purpose of this concert is to raise funds for the inclusion of Asian American history in our textbooks. We will invite veterans as honorable guests to this event. All proceeds from the concert will be donated to support our cause.

If you are willing to make a donation, please either:

  • Write a check to CAAL, memo AAPI Benefit Concert, and ship to the address CAAL, PO Box 453, Lexington, MA 02420

  • PayPal to CAAL using “Sending to friends and family” at donation@caal-ma.org and memo AAPI Benefit Concert.

  • Venmo pay to @CAAL-Lexington, last 4 digits of phone 2775, memo AAPI Benefit Concert

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Nov 11

Town Celebrations Committee

Town Celebrations Committee

Second Annual Veterans Auto Parade 

Time:Thur, 11/11 1:00pm 

Begins at the COMMUNITY CENTER Travels along Massachusetts Avenue through the town center, Passes the green.Ends in front of St. Brigid’s Church.

Parade Features:

Grand Marshal James Silva, Army Air Corps WWII & Korea will lead fellow Veterans in the parade: 

Classic Cars

Lexington Minute Men Float
Veterans Motorcycle Group

At the Battle Green:
Lexington High School Band
Scout Troops
Police Department Honor Guard
Parade Route

Question: gong.yifang@gmail.com 

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Nov 13

Lexington Symphony

Time:Saturday, 11/13

7:30pm – 9:30pm

Location:Cary Hall

1605 Massachusetts Avenue

The Bard and The Baronet

Elgar | Violin Concerto, Op. 61

—Callum Smart, Violin


 Romeo and Juliet, Overture Fantasy   

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Nov 18


Intergenerational SAGE Table

Time:Thurs, 11/18, 6:30 – 8:30pm

Location:Arlington Town Hall

730 Massachusetts Avenue

 Arlington, MA, 02476

AGE Table is about building real connections that can sustain us as we age. Join us for a free in-person event! Share a meal, dance, and sing karaoke. Open to all and all ages. Sponsored by the Arlington Council on Aging, Arlington GSA, Arlington Rainbow Commission, and LexPride.

Contact us:



Nov 20


Transgender Day of Remembrance 


7pm – 8:15pm


As we do every year, LexPride will host a Transgender Day of Remembrance commemoration to honor the lives of people killed in transphobic violence this year. The event will include reflections by local transgender women and nonbinary people of color (those most impacted by transphobic violence), a reading of names, and opportunities to talk about allyship.

This event is sponsored by LexPride and cosponsored by Lexington Human Services, Arlington LGBTQIA+ Rainbow Commission, Belmont LGBTQ+ Alliance, and Network for Social Justice. The event is supported by a grant from the Community Endowment of Lexington, an endowed fund of the Foundation for MetroWest.LexPride.


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Nov 24

Cary Memorial Library


 Time:Wed, 11/24

10:15am – 10:45am

Age 2-5 years old 

Location:Cary Memorial Library

Parking Lot

1874 Massachusetts Avenue

Without music, life would b-flat! Singalong with us! Join us in person or virtually. Registration required to participate virtually.

Registration is required for this event.. Email reminders are sent 48 hours before the event takes place.

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Nov 26-30

Lexington Historical Society

Historic Houses Open

Thanksgiving Weekend

Time:11/26 - 11/28

Mark your calendars! Buckman Tavern, Hancock-Clarke House, and Munroe Tavern will be open to the public from Friday November 26 to Sunday November 28. Stay tuned for more details! 

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Nov 30

Science Cafe

Science Café 

Discovering our Cosmos with Nobel Laureate and Lexingtonian

Dr. Samuel Ting

Time: Tue, 11/30

7:30pm – 8:30pm



Professor Ting is a world-renowned particle physicist and MIT Professor of Physics. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1976, which he shared with Burton Richter, for the discovery of the J/ψ meson particle.

Professor Ting currently leads the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) experiment on the International Space Station, searching for the origins of antimatter, dark matter and cosmic rays.

Join us for a Zoom conversation with Professor Ting about his ground-breaking discoveries and how they are helping us learn about the makeup of our Cosmos. 

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Lexington Happening Event Submission

Please submit by the 20th of each month for next month to be published on our "Lexington Happengings".

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莱镇活动早知道 · 十一月

编辑部:Joe Zhou I 月涌 I 匡匡 

  Carrie Wu I Lily Zeng I 鱼儿







莱镇生活百科第八期 :

秋冬养生 l 冬虫夏草进补

