
会讯 | Digital Meeting for Conversation Analysis (DMCA)

Call for abstracts: 

Digital Meeting for Conversation Analysis (DMCA)


The Committee of the Digital Meeting for Conversation Analysis (DMCA) with support from the International Society for Conversation Analysis (ISCA) is delighted to announce a global virtual conference to be held from 31 October to 4 November 2022. We are inviting submissions addressing both analytic and methodological topics in Ethnomethodology, Conversation Analysis, Interactional Linguistics, Multimodal Interaction Analysis, Membership Categorisation Analysis, Discursive Psychology, and related fields of interactional research.This online event will provide an accessible environment for the global EMCA community to present their research, build their academic network, and develop their skills in EMCA methods. Postgraduate research students and Early Career Researchers are strongly encouraged to present their work.

Keynote speakers 

The keynote speakers will be Prof. Emma Betz from the University of Waterloo and Prof. Nick Enfield from the University of Sydney.

 Plenaries, workshops, socials 

Please join us for panels on publishing, grant writing, and a career in academia, as well as an Ask Me Anything session and a live episode of the State of Talk podcast. There will also be workshops on a range of topics, and, of course, presentations from researchers in all areas of the field. Various social events will allow you to catch up with colleagues and make new connections.


To accommodate different time zones, the conference will consist of two streams taking place in tandem: one for the EMCA community in Oceania and East Asia, and one for the community in the Americas, Europe, and Africa.

While abstracts are attributed to the most appropriate stream based on your location, we hope that both conference streams will connect researchers from around the globe and you are welcome to attend presentations and events from both streams.


The virtual environment of the conference offers a range of presentation formats to showcase your research. We encourage participants to consider innovative formats. You have the choice to submit one of the following:

Paper: A conventional presentation lasting a total of 20 minutes (15 minutes presentation + 5 minutes discussion). 

Poster with an allocated poster session for discussion. Posters will be available throughout the conference. Note that digital posters can include multimedia and interactive elements. 

Creative presentation such as a PechaKucha (20 slides x 20 seconds each), a 5- minute lightning talk, Three Minute Thesis, or any other original format suitable to present the research. 

Panel for emerging EMCA communities around the world. The panel format provides the opportunity to present and discuss the research conducted in your EMCA community, or to discuss how your EMCA community was created and present ideas on how one could do so elsewhere. Panels usually involve 5-6 people, including a moderator, panelists and optional discussants. Depending on the number of speakers, a panel slot can be one or two hours long, with three speakers per hour. Please submit one abstract for the whole panel.

 Abstract submission Please submit an anonymised abstract of between 300 and 400 words (including examples, if applicable) through EasyChair athttps://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=dmca2022. Abstracts should be submitted in English with appropriate glossing and/or translations for non-English data. The deadline for submissions is 30 April 2022. If your submission is for a poster, a creative presentation, or a panel, please specify this by writing "POSTER", "CREATIVE PRESENTATION", or "PANEL" before the title of your abstract, so that your submission can be allocated to the appropriate session. For creative presentations, please indicate what specific format you envisage and how much time is required. For panel proposals, please indicate the number of speakers and proposed outline for the session.
 Venue The conference will be held virtually on the platform Whova using the teleconferencing software Zoom.
 Conference Registration Registrations for this conference will open on 10 June 2022. Details of registration fees will be published soon.
 Contact and further information For any further information and updates, please seehttps://dmca.conversationanalysis.org/  or contact us atdigitalmeetingforca@gmail.com. Information about the Scientific Committee will be published in due course.
 Important Dates

We look forward to your submission.

Kind regards, 

The DMCA Organising Committee


  1. 老龄社会与老年语言学:《语言战略研究》专题研究栏目
  2. 老年语言学 | 老年语言学研究的语用维度:视角、方法与议题
  3. 老年语言学 | 阿尔茨海默症患者话语的非名词性资源蚀失
  4. 老年语言学 | 日本老年护理沟通研究之文献综述
  5. 老年语言学 | 什么是Elderspeak?
  6. 老龄化社会呼唤老年语言学的出场
  7. 《语言战略研究》| 侯柏村,罗昊,王刚石:中国老年学和老年医学的现状与思考
  8. 《语言战略研究》| 顾曰国:老年语言学发端
  9. 《语言战略研究》| 黄立鹤  王晶  李云霞:阿尔茨海默病言语障碍表现及相关神经心理学量表
  10. 分享 |《东亚语用学》:痴呆症老年人话语语用研究
  11. 观点 | 老年人口语 “呃”类填塞语研究
  12. 观点 | 老年人认知退化或与听力损伤有关
  13. 观点 | 老年人健康信息搜寻行为的现象学研究
  14. 观点 | 信息化时代的“老年孤独”
  15. 观点 | 赫琳等:我国老年人语言能力问题及语言服务路径研究
  16. 观点丨老年人数字鸿沟问题亟待解决
  17. 观点丨何谓老年:从“居室适老化改造”谈起
  18. 观点丨迟暮之年的人脑及语言(王士元著 王筱瑒 冯韵译)
  19. 观点丨人口老龄、老年学与老年语言学
  20. 观点丨基于叙事医学理论的老病死叙事话语探析
  21. 观点丨蒋燕、顾曰国:老人上当受骗案:调查、语用和决策推理分析
  22. 观点丨言语幽默的认知老化及其神经基础
  23. 观点 | 马东什么?什么冬梅?瞬时性遗忘究竟咋回事?
  24. 观点 | 构建中国特色适老语言服务与产品供给体系
  25. 视点 |《忘不了餐厅(第二季)》:同济老龄中心约您见证宝藏老人温暖回归
  26. 重磅!国家卫健委发布《探索老年痴呆防治特色服务工作方案》
  27. 消息 | 上海已在这些街道启动“适老化改造”
  28. 专访 | 上海电视台、上海教育电视台报道同济大学老龄语言与看护研究中心
  29. 正式出版!顾曰国 黄立鹤:《老年语言学与多模态研究》
  30. 合作丨同济大学老龄语言与看护研究中心参与上海四平路街道认知障碍友好社区建设
  31. 一图读懂《关于建立完善老年健康服务体系的指导意见》
  32. 我们需要你!同济拾忆团队开展老年人语言认知健康社会实践并招募志愿者
  33. “拾忆”公益服务团队会员大会暨老年语言学培训会举行
  34. 同济大学与四平路街道共建的上海市老年认知障碍友好社区建设项目启动
  35. 上海市语言文字会议召开:加强针对视听障碍、老年人口等人群的语言服务
  36. 同济大学组织第十七届国际语用学大会“老龄化与老年人语用交际”专题会议
  37. 资源 | 香港理工大学语言认知神经科学中心“认知退变及语言”参考文献平台
  38. “老而不衰”的大脑,你的认知功能到七十岁仍未达到巅峰
  39. “语言增强认知 拾忆为老服务” 同济“拾忆”团队暑期实践成果总结
  40. 同济大学老龄中心携手《忘不了餐厅》开展世界阿尔茨海默病日主题活动
  41. 重磅!2020年度国家老龄事业发展公报发布
  42. 会议议程 | 第九届全国认知神经语言学大会(线上免费)
  43. “拾忆认知”系列科普视频第三集《如何自我评估认知健康状态》
  44. 第五届全国特殊人群话语研究求索论坛暨第三届老年语言学讲习班顺利举行
  45. 会议通知 | 第十届全国认知神经语言学国际学术研讨会(第1号通知
  46. 同济老龄语言中心研制的语言干预课程获上海市督导评估工作组高度肯定

  47. 关注老年语言认知健康 | 黄立鹤译《变化的头脑 语言如何延缓衰老》出版

  48. 向未来、启新程:2021年度中国老龄社会十件大事

  49. 赠书 | 你有写作障碍吗?阅读虚构作品真的能长寿?

  50. 主持人语 | 黄立鹤:语言与健康研究的发展与创新

  51. 周德宇、张惟 | 语言与健康的关系:标记、媒介与资源

  52. 马博森,倪文君,曾小荣:自闭症儿童与正常儿童的他发自我修正策略对比研究

  53. 会议通知 | 第四届全国认知神经语言学高层论坛(第1号通知)

  54. 黄立鹤,杨晶晶,刘卓娅:认知障碍老年人语用补偿研究

  55. 线上讲座 | 认知老化与词汇提取困难 When words fail us (Nichol Castro)

  56. 会讯 | 第四届全国医学语言与翻译学术研讨会(第1号通知)

  57. 征稿通知(1号) | 第八届全国话语语言学学术研讨会

  58. 陆烁等:面向语言障碍筛查的汉语儿童言语交际水平评估系统研发

  59. 实践 | 同济“拾忆”老龄公益社开展寒假实践活动

  60. 会讯|第六届全国特殊人群话语研究暨第四届老年语言学研究求索论坛(一号通知)

  61. 会讯 | 2022年第六届中国心理语言学国际研讨会(3号征稿通知)

  62. 加强老年语言认知健康,拾忆在路上:《关于全面加强老年健康服务工作通知》发布

