




我们本期推荐的好书是由外研社出版的 “外国文学研究文库(第二辑)”《含混的话语:女性主义叙事学与英国女作家》、《漫长的革命》、《牛津英国文学史:维多利亚人》、《牛津英国文学史:现代运动》、《牛津英国文学史:英国的没落?》、《牛津英国文学史:英国文学的国际化》、《文学思考的洲际对话》)。




★ 该系列旨在将国外文学界的学术成果及时引进和介绍给我国外国文学学者、学生及爱好者,反映外国文学研究领域在世界范围的发展趋势与前沿探索。

★ 该系列以英文原文的形式出版,并辅之以国内这一领域的资深学者撰写的导读,帮助读者把握作品的脉络,掌握其思想要点,更全面、更深入地理解作品要义。

★ 内容范围包括以下四个方向:外国文学理论、外国文学批评、比较文学理论与批评,以及文化批评研究。



1. 《含混的话语:女性主义叙事学与英国女作家》

作者简介:凯茜·梅泽伊(Kathy Mezei)是加拿大西蒙弗雷泽大学的英文系荣休教授,有执教35年的经历。她为女性主义文学研究、加拿大英法文学翻译批评等做出了卓越贡献。





Acknowledgments xxix
Introduction. Contextualizing Feminist Narratology  1
The Look, the Body, and the Heroine ofPersuasion: A Feminist-Narratological View of Jane Austen 21
Discourse, Gender, and Gossip: Some Reflections on Bakhtin and Emma  40
Who Is Speaking Here? Free Indirect Discourse, Gender, and Authority in Emma, Howards End, and Mrs. Dalloway  66
Parsing the Female Sentence: The Paradox of Containment in Virginia Woolf's Narratives  93     
Spatialization, Narrative Theory, and Virginia Woolf's The Voyage Out  109
The Rhetoric of Feminist Conversation: Virginia Woolf and the Trope of the Twist 137
The Terror and the Ecstasy: The Textual Politics of Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway 162
Seismic Orgasm: Sexual Intercourse and Narrative Meaning in Mina Loy 187
Ironies of Politeness in Anita Brookner's Hotel du Lac  215
Angela Carter's New Eve (lyn):De/ En-Gendering Narrative  238
Queering Narratology 250
Coda. Incredulity toward Metanarrative: Negotiating Postmodernism and Feminisms  262
Select Bibliography on Feminist Narratology  269
Notes on the Contributors  273Index  275


2. 《漫长的革命》

作者简介:雷蒙德·威廉斯(Raymond Williams)是第二次世界大战之后英国最负盛名的马克思主义文学和文化理论家,在40年左右的学术和创作生涯中,出版了30多部著述,涉及文化研究、文学批评、文化人类学、社会学、传播学等学科,并在每一个领域都不乏独到之见。





Foreword by Anthony Barnett vii

Note by Raymond Williams 1

Notes 3

Introduction by Raymond Williams 9


1 The Creative Mind 19

2 The Analysis of Culture 61

3 Individuals and Societies 95

4 Images of Society 127


1 Education and British Society 153

2 The Growth of the Reading Public 187

3 The Growth of the Popular Press 206

4 The Growth of ‘Standard English' 251

5 The Social History of English Writers 269

6 The Social History of Dramatic Forms 286

7 Realism and the Contemporary Novel 317


Britain in the 1960s 337

Notes 405

Index 412


3. 《牛津英国文学史:维多利亚人》

作者简介:菲利普·戴维斯(Philip Davis)是利物浦大学文学教授,专注于文学、情感、人类思维的研究,并且对文学思维与日常关于生存的思维的异同等感兴趣。他撰写了“牛津英国文学史”中的《维多利亚人》一书。


《牛津英国文学史:维多利亚人》与一般的文学断代史不同,不受文类、时段等概念的制约,而是可以理解为由 “时代背景” 和 “作家作品” 两大部分构成,重大主题在各章各节不断回环。它以宏观的视野与细微、具体、多重的观察视角相结合,从不同的立场理解各方意见,并且大量运用19世纪文字记录,使维多利亚时代的优秀文学最大限度地包容并跨越纷争和对立,成为供后来者和学习者不断发掘、探索的宝地。



General Editor's Preface  xvii

List of Figures  xxiii

A Note on References  xxv


1. Rural to Urban 1830-1850  13

 I.  A New World  13

II. The Challenge to Thinking  38

2. Nature 55

 I. Darwin and the Impact of Science 55

II. Cosmologies and Anthropomorphisms: Darwin, Spencer, and Ruskin  70

III. Beyond Nature and After Religion: The Future in J. S. Mill and T. H. Huxley  87

3. Religion  98

I. 1830-1850: Evangelicalism, the Broad Church, and Tractarianism  103

II. The Mid-Victorian Change  125

4. Mind 158

I. ‘The New Psychology': Psychology as a Branch of Science  163

II. ‘Psychology is pre-eminently aphilosophical science'  173

III. Psychology, the Unconscious, and Literature  185

5. Conditions of Literary Production  197

I. The Literary Profession, the Book Trade and Culture  201

II. The Rise of Prose  222

III. New Voices   234

6. The Drama  257

7. Debatable Lands: Variety of Form and Genre in the Early Victorian Novel  272

I. Post-Aristocratic: Bulwer-Lytton, Disraeli, and Kingsley  272

II. Post-Aristocratic: Thackeray versus Dickens  296

8. Alterative Fiction  318

I. The Sensation Novel  321

II. Fairy Tales and Fantasies  335

9. High Realism  358

I. Two Novels of the 1830s and their Legacy  360

II. Trollope and George Eliot  372

10. Lives and Thoughts  404

I. Life-Writing  407

II. Writing about Life  435

11. Poetry  456

I. The Form in Difficulties  456

II. Long Poems and Sequence Poems 482

III. From May to September: Poetry and Belief  512

Conclusion  534

Author Bibliographies  555

Suggestions for Further Reading  610

Index  617


4. 《牛津英国文学史:现代运动》

作者简介:克里斯·鲍尔迪克(Chris Baldick)是英国学者,现任教于伦敦大学金匠学院。他在文学批评、文学理论、文学史、文学术语等领域多有建树、著作颇丰。


《牛津英国文学史:现代运动》是对1910至1940年间的 “现代” 文学的回顾与概括,其主体按文类或体裁划分,对重要作家和作品进行讨论,如此处理使每个文类的发展和状况得到了全面的展示。它立论持中而又不失尖锐明快,以全景式的眼光和写法,为读者提供了第二次世界大战前约三十年间英国文学和文化的向导图。



Acknowledgements  xiii

General Editor's Preface  xv

List of Figures  xxii

A Note on References  xxv

Introduction: Modern Beginnings  1

Part I Elements

1. The Modern Literary Market  17

2. Modern Authorship  36

3. Modern English Usage  57

Part II Forms

4. Modern Poetry  75

    Verse Technique  76

    Hardy and Yeats  80

    Masefield, Brooke, Thomas, and 'Georgian' Poetry  87

    Imagism and After: Pound, Eliot, Sitwell, and Lawrence  94

    W. H. Auden and the Poetry of the Thirties  103

    Trends, Anthologies, and Reputations  107

5. Modern Drama  114

    From Problem Play to Discussion Play  117

    Comedy of Manners: Maugham and Coward  125

    Historical and Verse Drama  132

6. Modern Short Stories  137

7. The Modern Novel: Principles and Methods  155

8. The Modern Novel as Social Chronicle  170

    Provincial Chronicles and Sagas  170

    Condition of England, Industrial, and Civic Novels  180

9. The Modern Psychological Novel  189

    Realism and the Education Novel  191

    High Modernism, Memory, and Consciousness  200

10. Modern Romance, Fable and Historical Fiction  212

     Romances of Truancy  213

     Historical Novels  219

     Fabulous Romances  224

     Visionary Romances  228

11. Modern Satire  234

     Verse Satire: Hardy, Eliot, and Sassoon  236

     Prose Satire: Huxley, Waugh, and Others  239

12. Modern Essays, Biographies, Memoirs, and Travel Books  253

13. Modern Entertainment: Forms of Light Reading  272

     Detective Fiction  273

     The Thriller  281

     Romantic Love Stories  288

     Comical Prose Fiction  293

Part III Occasions

14. England and the English  303

     Names for England  303

     England Epitomized  304

     England Explored  310

     The English Character  315

     The English Abroad  320

15. The Great War  325

     Survivals of Heroic Literature  328

     Four Phases of War-Writing  331

     Passivity, Martyrology, and War Myths  344

16. Childhood and Youth  349

17. Sex and Sexualities  364

     Sex-Talk in the Freudian Age  364

     Realism, Deviance, and Censorship  371

     Erotic Writing  384

Retrospect: Three Decades of Modern Realism  391

Author Bibliographies  402

Suggestions for Further Reading  449

Index  459


5. 《牛津英国文学史:英国的没落?》

作者简介:兰德尔·史蒂文森(Randall Stevenson)是爱丁堡大学的20世纪文学教授,主要研究方向是当代英国文学。他所著的《英国的没落?》出版后受到了英国出版界和评论界的积极认可,被称为对当代英国文学感兴趣的读者的首选读物。


《牛津英国文学史:英国的没落?》与传统的文学史不同,关注的焦点是这一历史时期的文化背景。全书分为 “历史”、“诗歌”、“戏剧” 和 “小说” 四大部分,清晰地总结和归纳了20世纪最后40年间英国文学的主要流派和特点。本书出版后,出版界和评论界反响热烈;他们普遍认可其在研究方面的深度和广度,称它是对当代英国文学感兴趣的读者的首选读物。



General Editor's Preface  xiii

List of Figures  xix

A Note on References  xxi

Introduction: Last Things First  1

Part I Histories

1. ‘Gleaming Twilight': Literature, Culture, and Society  13

2. A Postmodern Age? Literature, Ideas, and Traditions  57

I. The End of the Modern  57

II. Modernists and Other Legacies  72

3. An Age of Theory? Critics, Readers, and Authors  88

4. A Golden Age? Readers, Authors, and the Book Trade  125

I. The More Common Reader  125

II. Commerce and Conscience, Ledgers and Literature  143

Part II Poetry

5. Movement or Revival: The Late 1950s to the 1980s  165

6. Counter-movements and Modernist Memories: 1960s to the 1980s  190

7. Politics and Postmodernism: The Late 1970s to 2000  210

8. Rosebay Revived: Language, Form, and Audience for ‘This Unpopular Art’ 238

Part III Drama

9. A Public Art Form: The Late 1950s to the 1970s  273

10. Last Year in Jerusalem: Politics and Performance after 1968  301

11. ‘Real Revolutionaries': Politics and the Margins  332

12. Absurdism, Postmodernism, Individualism  346

13. Discovering the Body  367

14. Revolution, Television, Subsidy  381

Part IV Narrative

15. To the Crossroads: Style and Society in the 1960s and 1970s  397

16. A Darker Route: Morality and History in the 1960s and 1970s  414

17. Longer Shadows and Darkness Risible: The 1970s to 2000  434

18. ‘DoubleLives': Women’s Writing and Gender Difference  461

19. ‘The Century of Strangers': Travellers and Migrants  479

20. Genres, Carnivals, Conclusions  502

Author Bibliographies  523

Suggestions for Further Reading  581

Works Cited  587

Index  607


6. 《牛津英国文学史:英国文学的国际化》

作者简介:布鲁斯·金(Bruce King)出生于美国,是一位研究英国前殖民地英语文学的知名学者,曾在英国布里斯托尔大学等多所大学任教,在这一领域出版过多部知名著作,如《德里克·沃尔考特的加勒比海人生》《V.S.奈保尔》和《现代印度英语诗歌》。





General Editor's Preface  xvii

Abbreviations  xxiii

A Note on References  xxiv

Introduction  1

1.  The End of Imperial England and the Seeds of the New: 1948-1969  13

I.  NewImmigrants  13

II. Prose: Culture Conflict and Lonely Londoners  32

III. Poetry: Swansongs, Birds of Passage  61

IV. Drama:West Indian School Realists  71

2.  Transformations:1970-1979  73

I.  Ethnicity and the Myth of Revolution  73

II. Prose: Some Firsts  79

III. Poetry: Black Modernists  103

IV. Drama: West Indian Playwrights and Black Lives  119

3.  Fragmentation and Internalization: 1980-1989  125

I.  Demanding Rights  125

II. Prose: From Exotic to British, Almost  140

III. Poetry: Performance and Dialect  192

IV.Drama: Black, Black Feminist, and Asian Brecht  211

4.  England’s New English Literature: 1990-2000  224

I.  Celebrating Multiracial England  224

II. Prose: Remapping England  236

III. Poetry: Returning to the Page and the Self  292

IV. Drama: Histories  311

Conclusion  322

Author Bibliographies  326

Suggestions for Further Reading  362

Index  369


7. 《文学思考的洲际对话》

作者简介:兰詹·高希(Ranjan Ghosh)是北孟加拉大学的一位英语系教师。希利斯·米勒(J. Hillis Miller)是深受解构主义影响,同时又对解构主义产生深远影响的美国文学批评家,他专研维多利亚和现代主义文学,现为加利福尼亚大学欧文分校英语和比较文学教授。





Preface xxxi

Acknowledgments  xxxiii

Introduction: Thinking across Continents  1

Introduction Continued: The Idiosyncrasy of the Literary Text 9

Part I: The Matter and Mattering of Literature

Chapter 1. Making Sahitya Matter  27

Chapter 2. Literature Matters Today  45

Part II: Poem and Poetry

Chapter 3. The Story of a Poem  71

Chapter 4. Western Theories of Poetry: Reading Stevens's “The Motive for Metaphor"  93

Part III: Literature and the World

Chapter 5. More than Global  111

Chapter 6. Globalization and World Literature  134

Part IV: Teaching Literature

Chapter 7. Reinventing the Teaching Machine  155

Chapter 8. Should We Read or Teach Literature Now?  177

Part V: Ethics and Literature

Chapter 9. The Ethics of Reading Sahitya  207

Chapter 10. Literature and Ethics: Truthand Lie  232

Epilogue  259

Notes  263

Bibligraphy  291

Index  307


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