

语言治理 语言治理 2023-06-25




Round1:Chomsky Ludwig Wittgenstein, Ferdinand de Saussure, and John Sinclair

In an alternate universe where time is of no consequence, Noam Chomsky, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Ferdinand de Saussure, and John Sinclair find themselves walking into a bar on the picturesque Phuket Island.
Chomsky: "You know, the way I see it, language is like an innate gift, a biological endowment that we're born with. It's something unique to human beings."
Wittgenstein, stroking his chin, responds: "But Noam, don't you think the meaning of a word is deeply rooted in its use? Language is essentially a game with rules that we create and modify as we communicate."
Saussure interjects: "Gentlemen, let's not forget the importance of signs and the relationship between the signifier and the signified. Language is a system of signs, and understanding this structure is crucial to grasping the essence of language."
Sinclair, sipping his drink, chimes in: "Well, while all your points are intriguing, I must emphasize the value of studying language as it's used in real-life situations.
Corpus linguistics allows us to uncover the patterns and complexities of language in its natural state, bridging the gap between theory and practicality."
As the evening progresses, the four linguistic legends continue to engage in lively debate, each presenting their unique perspectives on the nature of language.
And while they may not agree on everything, one thing is certain: in this bar on Phuket Island, language is alive and well, fueled by the insights and passion of these intellectual giants.

Round2:Chomsky and John Sinclair

One day, Noam Chomsky finds himself in a heated debate with John Sinclair, a pioneer of corpus linguistics, at a linguistics conference. Chomsky, known for his criticism of corpus linguistics, decides to throw a jab at Sinclair's approach.
Chomsky: "John, you must admit, corpus linguists are like blind men in a library – they may stumble upon a book here and there, but they can't see the bigger picture."
The audience grows tense, expecting Sinclair to fire back.
Sinclair, with a wise smile, replies: "Noam, let me offer you a different perspective. Corpus linguists are like explorers in an uncharted land. They carefully map the terrain, noting every detail, so that future generations may navigate it more easily."
Chomsky, a bit taken aback, retorts: "But surely, you must see the importance of theory and structure in understanding language?"
Sinclair nods: "Of course, Noam. But remember, theories are like the stars guiding our explorations – they offer direction, but it's the empirical data we gather that forms the very ground we stand upon."
With that clever response, Sinclair not only parries Chomsky's insult but also highlights the value of corpus linguistics in building a comprehensive understanding of language.
And thus, the room is left with a newfound appreciation for the harmonious interplay between theory and data.

Round3:Chomsky and Tony McEnery

So, Noam Chomsky and Tony McEnery find themselves at the same linguistics conference, and things are bound to get a little tense.
During a panel discussion, Chomsky takes a jab at corpus linguists, saying, "You know, corpus linguists are like fishermen who cast their nets too wide. They catch a lot of fish, but most of it is just useless bycatch."
The room goes silent, and all eyes turn to Tony McEnery, expecting a response.
McEnery, calm and composed, replies, "Well, Professor Chomsky, I see your point. But let me offer a different perspective. Corpus linguists are more like treasure hunters, sifting through the sands of language to uncover hidden gems.
We may collect some ordinary pebbles along the way, but it's the rare, valuable insights we discover that make it all worthwhile."
Chomsky, momentarily speechless, finally concedes, "Hmm, I suppose that's one way to look at it."
And just like that, Tony McEnery turns the tables on Chomsky with wisdom and grace, proving that even the most biting critiques can be countered with a touch of eloquence and a positive outlook on the value of one's work.

Round4:Chomsky and Douglas Biber

In a hypothetical scenario,Noam Chomsky and Douglas Biber find themselves in a casual setting, discussing the importance of size in various contexts. They decide to inject some playful, erotic humor into their conversation to keep things light and entertaining.
Chomsky: "You know, Douglas, when it comes to language, I firmly believe that size doesn't matter. What truly counts is the complexity and richness of linguistic structures."
Biber grins: "Ah, Noam, but as a corpus linguist, I must respectfully disagree. In our field, size matters a great deal! The larger the corpus, the more comprehensive and accurate the patterns we uncover."
比伯笑着说:"啊,诺姆,但作为一个语料库语言学家,我必须得反对。在我们的领域,规模是非常重要的! 语料库越大,我们发现的模式就越全面和准确。"
Chomsky, chuckling, retorts: "Oh, I see where you're going with this, Douglas. But let me remind you that sometimes, it's not the size of the ship but the motion of the ocean. A well-constructed, smaller-scale analysis can still reveal valuable insights into language."
Biber, joining in the fun, replies: "True, Noam, but you must admit that a 'bigger boat' makes it easier to navigate the vast seas of language data. After all, size can be quite... satisfying when it comes to capturing the full spectrum of linguistic phenomena."
As their discussion continues, Chomsky and Biber skillfully balance humor with intellectual engagement, demonstrating that even serious linguistic debates can benefit from a touch of lightheartedness.
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