
科研助力 | 劳特利奇 Introducing Key Linguists系列征稿



Introducing Key Linguists

Series editors: Bo Wang & Yuanyi Ma

This book series aims to provide a brief introduction to the life and seminal works of a certain linguist (or a group of linguists such as the Prague School and the London School). For readers who are interested in linguistics and in the various linguists being introduced in particular, the books describe the major events in the linguists’ life, trace the academic influences on the linguists, discuss the development of their ideas, and introduce the seminal works by the linguists in different research areas throughout their careers. 

The contents of each volume in the series include:

· a biography of the linguists,

·scholars and schools of linguistics having influenced the linguists,

·scholars and schools of linguistics having been influenced by the linguists,

·different stages in the development of the linguists’ works,

·the major theoretical contributions of the linguists, and

· the major areas of application of the linguists’ works.

After discussing each topic, some important references can be provided to guide readers of the books for further research.

The books in the series will not have a fixed template, but each book will be carefully written by the authors and the outline will be reviewed by the series editors before the writing process starts.

Each book will be specially commissioned.

Each book will be written by one author or a team of authors, who are expected to bring together experience from different regions across the globe. This will ensure both a unity of approach and a comprehensive feel to the series.

Each book will be designed to serve as references to students and researchers who explore different topics in linguistics.

Expected word count: around 80,000–100,000 words

Please email your proposal and/or any questions to the series editors

Bo Wang(王博) bo.wang@connect.polyu.hk & Yuanyi Ma(马园艺) yuanyi.ma@connect.polyu.hk

Routledge Editor: Eleni Steck (eleni.steck@tandf.co.uk)


专著推荐 | Systemic Functional Insights on Language and Linguistics

专著推荐 | 王博、马园艺:Systemic Functional Translation Studies

专著推荐 | Key Themes and New Directions in Systemic Functional Translation Studies 系统功能语言学视域下的翻译研究

专著推荐 | Introducing M.A.K. Halliday

专著推荐 | 王力《中国现代语法》(4卷本英译本Routledge出品)

专著推荐 | 系统功能语言学翻译研究应用


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