
中国范儿 81 马家窑彩陶:历史赋予的文化瑰宝

Love English 2 2022-12-23



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Majiayao Painted Potteries: A Cultural Treasure from the History


When President Xi Jinping was making his visit in Italy on March 23, 2019, a list of ancient artifacts was coded and waiting for the journey back home to China. The plain and elegant painted potteries of Majiayao cultural relics, the painted braying camel pottery of the Tang Dynasty, and the adorable pig-shaped pottery of the Han Dynasty are on the top of the list. The 796 ancient artifacts that Italy decided to return to China cover a history of more than 5000 years, from the Neolithic period to the Ming and Qing Dynasties and the period of the Republic of China. All these cultural treasures are about to embark on their way back home after so many years of being homeless, thanks to the efforts from all sides. 

Among the 796 ancient artifacts, the red potteries of Majiayao cultural relics stand out as the representatives of ancient painted pottery culture. To make painted potteries, one has to polish a tangerine-colored earth body first, then paint the body by using such natural minerals like ochre and manganese oxide, and finally put the painted body into a kiln for baking. In the end, a gorgeous pottery came into being: its tangerine-colored body is dotted with beautiful red, black and white patterns, which are highly harmonious with the shape of the pottery.

During the Neolithic period about 10,000 years ago, people learnt the pottery-making skills, thanks to the emergence of sedentary agriculture. Painted potteries first appeared around 8000 years ago. During the period between 3300 and 2100 b.c., Majiayao culture emerged and later reached the apex of ancient painted pottery culture. It represents the most amazing painted pottery culture in human history. 

Majiayao culture is an example of the late Neolithic culture in the upper reaches of the Yellow River. It was discovered in Majiayao, Lintao City of China’s Gansu Province. This is how Majiayao culture got its name. One component of the Majiayao culture is the sophisticated pottery-making skills. People at that time used large amounts of fine potteries in their daily life, including bowls, basins, bottles, jars, and plates etc. Most of these potteries were decorated with complex lace patterns in thick dark lines, often numbering in the dozens, reflecting the aesthetic taste of the people of the time.

Several highly-cherished artifacts that Italy decided to return to China this time will bring us back to certain histories of China, the histories that will never repeat themselves. For a country or a nation, artifacts are the root and soul of its culture. These plain and elegant painted potteries are the cherished assets in the prehistoric cultures of the Chinese nation. Thanks to the consistent development of pottery-making skills in thousands of years, China has produced a large variety of pottery artwork. They reached other parts of the globe through the Silk Road and became well known to the outside world. Today, painted potteries are not only a cultural heritage but also the artwork that are enriching our daily life.



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