
刊讯|SSCI 期刊 System 2021年第103卷


Volume 103, December 2021

System 2021年第103卷共发文6篇,其中研究性文章3篇,综述1篇,书评2篇。内容涉及语言学习策略、英语学习者自我效能感的潜在特征、英语学习动机、偏误分析、课堂教学等。



■ A diachronic analysis of explicit definitions and implicit conceptualizations of language learning strategies, by Nathan Thomas, Neil Evan Jon Anthony Bowen, Heath Rose, Article 102619.

■Combining computer-mediated communication with data-driven instruction: EFL learners’ pragmatic development of compliment responses, by Ying Zhang, Article 102624.

■A latent profile analysis of EFL learners’ self-efficacy: Associations with academic emotions and language proficiency, by Yabing Wang, Bin Shen, Xiaoxiao Yu, Article 102633.


A review of recent research in EFL motivation: Research trends, emerging methodologies, and diversity of researched populations, by Hana Vonkova, Jane Jones, Angie Moore, Irem Altinkalp, Hasan Selcuk, Article 102622.


 Errors in English Pronunciation among Arabic Speakers: Analysis and Remedies, Mohamed F. Khalifa. Cambridge Scholars Publisher, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK (2020), xiv + 269, ISBN: 1527544303, by Bashar M. Farran, Article 102615.

Redefining Teaching Competence through Immersive Programs Practices for culturally sustaining classrooms, Daniela Martin, Elizabeth Smolcic (Eds.). Springer nature, Cham, Switzerland (2019). p.321., by Renzhong Peng, Yimeng Wang, Article 102621.


A diachronic analysis of explicit definitions and implicit conceptualizations of language learning strategies

Nathan Thomas, Neil Evan Jon Anthony Bowen, Heath Rose

Abstract The field of language learning strategies (LLS) has grown significantly, experiencing many twists and turns over the years. Consequently, this study takes stock of, and reports on, definitional and conceptual changes, because how we define a concept can greatly affect its impact on teaching and research. We collected 461 journal articles from prominent databases and divided them into three time periods marked by major developments in the field: 1975–1990, 1991–2005, and 2006–2019. We then used content analysis to categorize, code, and explore explicit definitions found in the articles and various corpus-based techniques on the full texts to investigate implicit conceptualizations of LLS within and across these time periods. The findings indicate that elements of self-directedness (e.g., self-regulation, agency, and autonomy) are increasingly prevalent in researchers’ conceptualizations over time. The findings also highlight trends in language related to self-directedness, especially in the way strategies are portrayed to be operationalized by learners and in their intended purpose(s). Based on our findings, we argue for a change in thinking—from the ideal to the actual—in LLS conceptualizations and call for reconceptualized roles of teachers and students that are more representative of and compatible with instructed language learning contexts.

Combining computer-mediated communication with data-driven instruction: EFL learners’ pragmatic development of compliment responses

Ying Zhang

Abstract The use of computer-mediated communication (CMC) combined with data-driven instruction to facilitate second/foreign language (L2) pragmatic development has been shown to be promising. Despite increasing amounts of  CMC-based interventional studies of  L2  pragmatics, existing literature is inconclusive concerning the influence of CMC paired with data-driven instruction on L2  pragmatic competence. Moreover, few  studies have incorporated qualitative analyses exploring factors that affect L2 learners’ pragmatic decision-making. Thus, this mixed-methods study aimed to further investigate the effect of CMC on English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners’ pragmatic development of compliment responses (CRs) in two conditions: CMC by itself and CMC combined with data-driven instruction. Fifty-nine university-level Chinese EFL students were divided into two groups; the experimental group engaged in CMC with native speakers and received data-driven instruction in CRs, whereas the control group had CMC without data-driven instruction. Results revealed that the experimental group outperformed the control group in the immediate and delayed post-intervention tests regarding appropriateness and variety, indicating a  positive and  durable effect of  CMC coupled with data-driven instruction on  L2  pragmatic development. Additionally, findings from retrospective interviews showed that  L2  pragmatic knowledge, crosslinguistic influence, and online processing load potentially influence L2 prag-matic choices. Implications for instructors are discussed.

A latent profile analysis of EFL learners’ self-efficacy: Associations with academic emotions and language proficiency

Yabing Wang, Bin Shen, Xiaoxiao Yu

Abstract While self-efficacy has been constantly related to language learning outcomes, so far, no study, to the best of our knowledge, has investigated whether self-efficacy profiles are associated with academic emotions and language proficiency among Chinese English-as-a-foreign-language (EFL) undergraduates. This study aimed to identify self-efficacy profiles using a person-centered latent profile analysis (LPA) and  explore their relationships with academic emotions and  language proficiency. Three hundred non-English major undergraduates from two universities in China completed the questionnaires measuring their self-efficacy beliefs, academic emotions and lan-guage proficiency in a national standardized test. The LPA results identified three groups rep-resenting low,  medium and high self-efficacy levels. Students with high level of self-efficacy experienced the most pleasant emotions (enjoyment, pride), the least unpleasant emotions (anger, anxiety, and shame), and scored highest in overall language test, as well as the listening and reading subtests. Those in the low and medium self-efficacy groups showed differences in most measures of academic emotions but not in language proficiency. This study could enhance the understanding of Chinese EFL undergraduates’ self-efficacy patterns and offer new insights into English language instruction practice.

A review of recent research in EFL motivation: Research trends, emerging methodologies, and diversity of researched populations

Hana Vonkova, Jane Jones, Angie Moore, Irem Altinkalp, Hasan Selcuk

Abstract The increasing interest in English as a foreign language (EFL) across the globe has necessitated learning opportunities that engage and sustain students’ motivation to learn English. This paper aims to provide an analysis of trends in EFL motivation between 2016 and 2020. While examining 90 studies published during this time frame, we have focused on an overview of methodologies, theories, and backgrounds of researched populations. We have also aimed to summarize the key findings of  the  literature in  order to  discuss the  emergent themes in  current EFL motivation research. Hence, this paper offers a comprehensive analysis and synthesis of recent EFL moti-vation research trends. Although 24 countries and economies were represented, many studies came from Taiwan and China. Furthermore, most of  the  studies featured socioeconomically privileged students and students at the higher levels of education, with few mentions of disad-vantaged populations. We found extensive use of technology, through which we can identify a viable path for enhancing language learning, teaching, and future research. This review highlights the need for sustainable interventions and studies with diverse populations in the expanding field of EFL.


This international journal is devoted to the applications of educational technology and applied linguistics to problems of foreign language teaching and learning. Attention is paid to the learning and teaching of all languages (e.g. English) as second or foreign languages in all countries. System requires articles to have a sound theoretical base and a visible practical application for a broad readership. Review articles are considered for publication if they deal with critical issues in language learning and teaching with significant implications for practice and research.







助  研|语言学、汉语国际教育及相关专业学术论文写作研修班(第二期)


推  荐|三天搞懂质性研究:方法、NVivo数据分析与写作
















刊讯|SSCI 期刊 Language Teaching Research 2021年第4期

刊讯|SSCI期刊 The Modern Language Journal 2021年第2期

声  音|陈波教授:二十世纪西方语言哲学回眸



今日小编:木  子

审  核:心得小蔓




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