
刊讯|SSCI 期刊《认知语言学》2022年第3-4期

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刊讯|SSCI 期刊《社会中的语言》2022年第4-5期


刊讯|SSCI 期刊《计算语言学协会学报》2023年第11卷


Cognitive Linguistics

Issue 3-4, 2022

Cognitive Linguistics(SSCI二区,2021 IF: 1.796)2022年第3-4期共刊文10篇。其中,2022年第3期共发研究研究性论文5篇。论文涉及个人语料库数据、不定式、语言协同等。第4期共发研究性论文5篇。论文涉及视觉搜索策略、构式、双语加工等。欢迎转发扩散!(2022年已更完)


刊讯|SSCI 期刊《认知语言学》2022年第1-2期



■ Indonesian basic olfactory terms: more negative types but more positive tokens, by Poppy Siahaan, Pages 447-480.

■ Individual corpus data predict variation in judgments: testing the usage-based nature of mental representations in a language transfer setting, by Marie Barking, Ad Backus, Maria Mos, Pages 481-519.

■ Infinitives of affect and intersubjectivity: on the indexical interpretation of the Finnish independent infinitives, by Laura Visapää, Pages 521-551.

■ Linguistic synesthesia is metaphorical: a lexical-conceptual account, by Qingqing Zhao, Kathleen Ahrens, Chu-Ren Huang, Pages 553-583.

■ Explaining uncertainty and defectivity of inflectional paradigms, by Alexandre Nikolaev, Neil Bermel, Pages 585-621.


■ Comparing linguistic and cultural explanations for visual search strategies, by Brent Wolter, Chi Yui Leung, Shaoxin Wang, Shifa Chen, Junko Yamashita, Pages 623-657.

■ Exposure and emergence in usage-based grammar: computational experiments in 35 languages, by Jonathan Dunn, Pages 659-699.

■ Bilingual processing of verbal and constructional information in English dative constructions: effects of cross-linguistic influence, by Hyunwoo Kim, Yunchuan Chen, Xueyan Liu, Pages 701-726.

■ Assessing the complexity of lectal competence: the register-specificity of the dative alternation after give, by Alexandra Engel, Jason Grafmiller, Laura Rosseel, Benedikt Szmrecsanyi, Pages 727-766.

■ Force dynamics as the path to the Spanish subjunctive, by Francisco Javier García Yanes, Pages 767-800.


Indonesian basic olfactory terms: more negative types but more positive tokens

Poppy Siahaan, Institute of Languages and Cultures of the Islamicate World, Albertus-Magnus-Platz, 50923 Cologne, Germany

Abstract The present study investigates the semantics of a dozen basic smell terms in Indonesian using data from a large corpus of written register. Examining how these smell terms lexicalize some odors but not others raises questions that are central to our understanding of the language of olfaction. How are smell terms structured? What does the structure of smell terms tell us about human behavior? By applying cluster analysis, the present study reveals that the Indonesian odor lexicon is structured based on one dimension correlating with pleasantness. The large dataset of a written corpus enables the present study to reveal the differences in lexicalization and frequency: Indonesian smell terms have more negative types but more positive tokens in texts. This novel approach to investigating smell terms allows us to take a step closer toward our goal of understanding olfactory vocabulary, as data on token frequency are difficult to obtain in studies of (unwritten) minority languages. This key finding supports the Pollyanna Hypothesis: people tend to use positive words more often than negative words, but the negative words convey more information.

Key words basic smell terms; codability; Indonesian; olfaction; Pollyanna Hypothesis

Individual corpus data predict variation in judgments: testing the usage-based nature of mental representations in a language transfer setting

Marie Barking, Department of Culture Studies/Department of Communication and Cognition/Tilburg Center for Cognition and Communication, Tilburg University.

Ad Backus, Department of Culture Studies, Tilburg University, Warandelaan 2, 5037 AB Tilburg, The Netherlands

Maria Mos, Department of Communication and Cognition/Tilburg Center for Cognition and Communication, Tilburg University, Warandelaan 2, 5037 AB Tilburg, The Netherlands

Abstract This study puts the usage-based assumption that our linguistic knowledge is based on usage to the test. To do so, we explore individual variation in speakers’ language use as established based on corpus data – both in terms of frequency of use (as a proxy for entrenchment) and productivity of use (as a proxy for schematization) – and link this variation to the same participants’ responses in an experimental judgment task. The empirical focus is on transfer by native German speakers living in the Netherlands, who oftentimes experience transfer from their second language Dutch to their native language German regarding the placement of prepositional phrases. The analyses show a large amount of variation in both the corpus and experimental data with a strong link across data types: individual speakers’ usage – but not the usage by other speakers – is a significant predictor for the speakers’ judgments. These results strongly suggest that, in line with a usage-based approach, variation between speakers in experimental tasks is linked to their variation in usage. At the same time, such usage-based predictions do not explain all of the variation, suggesting that other individual factors are also at play in such experimental tasks.

Key words corpus data; experimental data; individual variation; language transfer; usage-based linguistics

Infinitives of affect and intersubjectivity: on the indexical interpretation of the Finnish independent infinitives

Laura Visapää, Department of Finnish, Finno-Ugrian and Scandinavian Studies, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland

Abstract This article presents an analysis of the structure and use of the Finnish independent infinitives. Although typological studies have shown that syntactically independent non-finite constructions are widespread in many languages, the understanding of their semantic and intersubjective motivation is still in its early stages. The current paper aims to enrich the understanding of independent non-finite constructions by closely looking at free-standing infinitive constructions in spoken and written Finnish: it combines theoretical concepts of Cognitive Grammar with the methodological tools of Interactional Linguistics to explore the nature of independent infinitives as a resource for conceptualization and the intersubjective functions that it affords. The paper suggests that the fact that independent infinitives are grammatically ungrounded makes them useful in interactional and textual sequences involving affect display. As the indexical functions of infinitives can be explained from their own morphosyntactic and semantic characteristics, the paper makes the more general claim that there is no synchronic evidence that would support the assumption that such constructions ever evolved, via ellipsis, from finite constructions. Methodologically and theoretically, the paper advocates an approach that takes into account both the social and cognitive nature of language, and promotes the view that Cognitive Grammar offers a flexible, semantically rich starting point for the description of intersubjective meanings conveyed by grammar, when combined with the context-sensitive and microanalytical methodology of Interactional Linguistics.

Key words affect; cognitive grammar; conceptualization; grounding; infinitives; intersubjective meaning

Linguistic synesthesia is metaphorical: a lexical-conceptual account

Qingqing Zhao, Institute of Linguistics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, China

Kathleen Ahrens, Department of English and Communication, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China

Chu-Ren Huang, Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China

Abstract This study seeks to clarify the nature of linguistic synesthesia using a lexical-conceptual account. Based on a lexical analysis of Mandarin synesthetic usages, we find that (1) linguistic synesthesia maps the metaphorical meaning between two domains; and (2) linguistic synesthetic mappings and conceptual metaphoric mappings have similar behaviors when sense modalities are treated as conceptual domains that contain a set of mappings constrained by Mapping Principles. This lexical-conceptual account is designed to capture the fact that linguistic synesthesia involves mapping between lexicalized concepts of sensory properties, instead of the real-time sensory input that is processed in neurological synesthesia. The incorporation of a lexical semantic view with the framework of Conceptual Metaphor Theory not only offers a coherent and comprehensive account for the nature of linguistic synesthesia, but also handles aspects of linguistic synesthesia previously only accounted for by non-metaphorical accounts. These design features make this proposal the most comprehensive account to fit the current data. Furthermore, by showing linguistic synesthesia as a type of metaphor, our study strengthens the role of conceptual metaphors as the link between the perceived world and our conceptualization of that world.

Key words lexical-conceptual account; linguistic synesthesia; mapping principle; metaphor

Explaining uncertainty and defectivity of inflectional paradigms

Alexandre Nikolaev, General Linguistics, University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu, Finland

Neil Bermel, School of Languages and Cultures, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, UK

Abstract The current study investigates how native speakers of a morphologically complex language (Finnish) handle uncertainty related to linguistic forms that have gaps in their inflectional paradigms. We analyze their strategies of dealing with paradigmatic defectivity and how these strategies are motivated by subjective contemporaneousness, frequency, acceptability, and other lexical and structural characteristics of words. We administered a verb production (inflection) task with Finnish native speakers using verbs from a small non-productive inflectional type that has many paradigmatic gaps and asked participants to inflect the verbs in a given context. Inflectional uncertainty was measured by the number of different forms the participants produced for each verb. We classified produced forms that were not expected as either synonymous or novel and measured their optimal string alignment distance to expected forms. Our analyses revealed that a usage-based approach to paradigmatic defectivity fits better with the obtained results than a classical approach typically met in dictionaries and descriptive grammars. Thus, we argue, that paradigmatic defectivity can be better described as a dynamic rather than a static system, where gaps represent a continuum of possible inflectional choices rather than a lack of an inflectional variant.

Key words inflectional morphology; network analysis; overabundance; paradigmatic defectivity; usage-based approach

Comparing linguistic and cultural explanations for visual search strategies

Brent Wolter, Ocean University of China, Qingdao, China; Department of English and Philosophy, Idaho State University, Pocatello, ID, USA

Chi Yui Leung, Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Toyohashi University of Technology, Toyohashi, Japan

Shaoxin Wang, Ocean University of China, Qingdao, China

Shifa Chen, Ocean University of China, Qingdao, China

Junko Yamashita, Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan

Abstract Visual search studies have shown that East Asians rely more on information gathered through their extrafoveal (i.e., peripheral) vision than do Western Caucasians, who tend to rely more on information gathered using their foveal (i.e., central) vision. However, the reasons for this remain unclear. Cognitive linguists suggest that the difference is attributable linguistic variation, while cultural psychologists contend it is due to cultural factors. The current study used eye-tracking data collected during a visual search task to compare these explanations by leveraging a semantic difference against a cultural difference to determine which view best explained strategies used on the task. The task was administered to Chinese, American, and Japanese participants with a primary focus on the Chinese participants’ behaviors since the semantic difference aligned the Chinese participants with the Americans, while their cultural affiliation aligned them with the Japanese participants. The results indicated that the Chinese group aligned more closely with the American group on most measures, suggesting that semantic differences were more important than cultural affiliation on this particular task. However, there were some results that could not be accounted for by the semantic differences, suggesting that linguistic and cultural factors might affect visual search strategies concurrently.

Key words cognition; cognitive linguistics; cultural psychology; eye-tracking; visual search strategies

Exposure and emergence in usage-based grammar: computational experiments in 35 languages

Jonathan Dunn, Department of Linguistics, New Zealand Institute for Language, Brain and Behaviour, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand

Abstract This paper uses computational experiments to explore the role of exposure in the emergence of construction grammars. While usage-based grammars are hypothesized to depend on a learner’s exposure to actual language use, the mechanisms of such exposure have only been studied in a few constructions in isolation. This paper experiments with (i) the growth rate of the constructicon, (ii) the convergence rate of grammars exposed to independent registers, and (iii) the rate at which constructions are forgotten when they have not been recently observed. These experiments show that the lexicon grows more quickly than the grammar and that the growth rate of the grammar is not dependent on the growth rate of the lexicon. At the same time, register-specific grammars converge onto more similar constructions as the amount of exposure increases. This means that the influence of specific registers becomes less important as exposure increases. Finally, the rate at which constructions are forgotten when they have not been recently observed mirrors the growth rate of the constructicon. This paper thus presents a computational model of usage-based grammar that includes both the emergence and the unentrenchment of constructions.

Key words construction grammar; constructions; emergence; exposure; usage-based

Bilingual processing of verbal and constructional information in English dative constructions: effects of cross-linguistic influence

Hyunwoo Kim, Yonsei University, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Yunchuan Chen, Duke University, Durham, USA

Xueyan Liu, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

Abstract This study investigated the role of cross-linguistic influence in L2 learners’ integration of a verb and a construction during online English sentence processing. In a self-paced reading task, L1-English speakers and Chinese-L1 learners of English read the English double-object and prepositional dative constructions with verbs whose Chinese translation equivalents are either compatible or incompatible with each dative form. When including only a subset of trials for which participants provided expected translations for the target sentences (i.e., translating the English prepositional dative construction into a Chinese prepositional dative sentence and translating the English double-object construction into a Chinese double-object sentence), the effect of cross-linguistic influence emerged only in a certain type of verbs. When including all trials in the analysis, we found the effect of cross-linguistic influence for all verb types. These results provide some evidence that the cross-linguistic activation of verbs can influence verb-construction integration in L2 processing. The study highlights how bilingual co-activation of verbs extends beyond the lexical and structural levels to influence the integration of multiple sources of information.

Key words cross-linguistic influence; dative constructions; sentence processing; verb-construction integration

Assessing the complexity of lectal competence: the register-specificity of the dative alternation after give

Alexandra Engel, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium

Jason Grafmiller, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK

Laura Rosseel, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium

Benedikt Szmrecsanyi, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium

Abstract Recent evidence suggests that probabilistic grammars may be modulated by communication mode and genre. Accordingly, the question arises how complex language users’ lectal competence is, where complexity is proportional to the extent to which choice-making processes depend on the situation of language use. Do probabilistic constraints vary when we talk to a friend compared to when we give a speech? Are differences between spoken and written language larger than those within each mode? In the present study, we aim to approach these questions systematically. Guided by theorizing in cognitive (socio)linguistics and using logistic regression based on corpus materials, we analyzed the dative alternation with give (The government gives farmers money vs. The government gives money to farmers) in four broad registers of English: spoken informal, spoken formal, written informal, and written formal. Corpus analysis was supplemented with a scalar rating experiment. Results suggest that language users’ probabilistic grammars vary as a function of register.

Key words dative alternation; rating task; register variation; variationist analysis

Force dynamics as the path to the Spanish subjunctive

Francisco Javier García Yanes, Consejería de Educación y Universidades del Gobierno de Canarias, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain

Abstract The causative construction poses a challenge to all mainstream approaches to Spanish mood. Mejías-Bikandi, Errapel. 2014. A cognitive account of mood in complements of causative predicates in Spanish. Hispania 97(4), 651–665, elaborating on his previous approach (Mejías-Bikandi, Errapel. 1998. Presupposition and old information in the use of the subjunctive mood in Spanish. Hispania 81(4), 941–948), which associates the indicative to information that is pragmatically asserted (i.e., presented as both true and new), claims that the use of the subjunctive in the complements of volitive and causative verbs results from the fact that these complements are not independently grounded and so cannot be asserted. His proposal, though, raises some serious objections. In this paper, an alternative account is presented, whereby the use of the subjunctive in this context is understood as reflecting the antagonist’s viewpoint and epistemic assessment on the goal process within a force dynamics pattern.

Key words causative construction; focusing; force dynamics; subjunctive; viewpoint



Cognitive Linguistics presents a forum for linguistic research of all kinds on the interaction between language and cognition. The journal focuses on language as an instrument for organizing, processing and conveying information. Cognitive Linguistics is a peer-reviewed journal of international scope and seeks to publish only works that represent a significant advancement to the theory or methods of cognitive linguistics, or that present an unknown or understudied phenomenon.

Topics主题the structural characteristics of natural language categorization (such as prototypicality, cognitive models, metaphor, and imagery); 自然语言分类的结构特征(如原型性、认知模型、隐喻和意象)the functional principles of linguistic organization, as illustrated by iconicity;标示性说明的语言组织的功能原理the conceptual interface between syntax and semantics;语法与语义之间的概念界面the experiential background of language-in-use, including the cultural background;语言使用的体验背景,包括文化背景the relationship between language and thought, including matters of universality and language specificity语言与思想的关系,包括普遍性和语言特异性问题



本文来源:Cognitive Linguistics官网



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刊讯|SSCI 期刊《认知语言学》2022年第3-4期

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