
好书推荐 | 清华大学出版社出版《研究生学术英语系列教材》【互动赠书】




我们本期推荐的好书是由南京师范大学外国语学院副院长王永祥教授总主编、清华大学出版社出版的 “研究生学术英语系列教材”《学术英语写作教程》(Academic Writing in English, 张智义编)、《学术英语口语教程》(Academic Spoken English, 夏晓蓉编著)、《国际学术交流英语》(English for International Academic Communication,范娜编)、《学术英语翻译教程》(Translation of Academic English, 周遂编)】。



王永祥,南京师范大学外国语学院教授、博士生导师;担任ESCI收录国际英文期刊Chinese Semiotic Studies(《中国符号学研究》)主编、中文期刊《俄罗斯文艺》“符号学”栏目主持人、江苏省高校外国语教学研究会副会长、江苏省外国语言学会副秘书长、国际符号学学会执行委员会委员、中国语言与符号学研究会副秘书长、中国话语研究会常务理事。主要从事理论语言学、文化符号学、话语分析、巴赫金对话理论等领域的研究。在核心期刊、CSSCI期刊、A&HCI期刊、SSCI期刊等发表论文60余篇,出版专著4部、译著2部、编著10余部。专著《外语教学课堂话语对话性研究——主体间性外语教学课堂话语模式的构建》于201611月荣获江苏省第十四届哲学社会科学优秀成果奖一等奖。







1. 《学术英语写作教程》

   Academic Writing in English, 张智义编)









 Chapter 1 Academic Writing 

1.1 What Is Academic Writing 

1.2 Different Categories of Academic Writing        

1.2.1 Academic Articles   

1.2.2 Academic Books      

1.2.3 Conference Papers

1.2.4 Poster Papers

1.3 Different Categories of Academic Articles        

1.3.1 Letters     

1.3.2 Research Notes       

1.3.3 Articles    

1.3.4 Supplemental Articles    

1.3.5 Review Articles        

1.3.6 Data Papers    

1.3.7 Video Papers  

1.4 Purposes of Academic Writing


 Chapter 2 The Process of Academic Writing  

2.1 Academic Writing as a Process  

2.2 Different Stages in the Process of Academic Writing        

2.2.1 Preparation for Writing  

2.2.2 Academic Writing Per Se 

2.2.3 Sending Papers to Conferences and Seminars       

2.2.4 Targeting a Journal

2.2.5 Preparing Your Paper for Submission      

2.2.6 Reviewing Process  

2.2.7 Technic alities of Proofs and Copyright 

Chapter 3 Academic Reading and Academic Resources 

3.1 Significance of Academic Reading to Academic Writing   

3.2 Habits and Skills for Academic Reading     

3.2.1 Forming the Habit of Reading         

3.2.2 Reading Actively, Not Passively       

3.2.3 Developing a Critical Eye for Writing Style     

3.2.4 Taking Notes   

3.3 How to Find Academic Resources Online  

3.3.1 Skimming the Internet   

3.3.2 Looking Through Library Database of Your University


Chapter 4 Structure and Style 

4.1 Typical Essay Structure      

4.1.1 Introduction    

4.1.2 Argument Paragraphs    

4.1.3 Conclusion       

4.2 Structure of Academic Writing

4.3 Tips for Academic Writing

4.3.1 Writing Objectively

4.3.2 Writing Concisely    

4.3.3 First Person vs Third Person   

4.3.4 Inclusive Language

 Chapter 5 Title 

5.1 Functions of Titles     

5.1.1 Generalizing the Text      

5.1.2 Attracting the Reader     

5.1.3 Facilitating the Retrieval

5.2 Types of Titles    

5.3 Linguistic Features of Titles       

5.3.1 Using an Incomplete Sentence      

5.3.2 Using More Nouns, Noun Phrases, and Gerunds   

5.4 Requirements of Writing Titles

5.4.1 To Be Brief and Concise  

5.4.2 To Be Specific  

5.4.3 To Avoid Question Titles

5.4.4 To Be Unified  

5.4.5 To Be Standard

 Chapter 6 Authors and Affiliations 

6.1 Functions of Authors and Affiliations         

6.1.1 Bearing Authors’ Responsibilities    

6.1.2 Facilitating Retrieval andCorrespondence     

6.1.3 Heightening Celebrity     

6.2 Implications of Authorship        

6.2.1 Authorship in Social Sciences

6.2.2 Authorship in Medical Sciences      

6.2.3 Authorship in Natural Sciences       

6.3 Requirements of Writing Authors and Affiliations    

6.3.1 Unifying Printing Format         

6.3.2 Omitting Profession Titles      

6.3.3 Paying Attention to Orders of Chineseand English Names   

6.3.4 Paying Attention to Affiliation         

6.3.5 Clearly Indicating Correspondent Author       

6.3.6 Indicating Authors’ Responsibilities if Necessary


 Chapter 7 Abstract 

7.1 Types of Abstracts     

7.2 Format of Abstracts  

7.3 Components of Abstracts

7.3.1 Topic Sentences      

7.3.2 Supporting Sentences    

7.3.3 Concluding Sentences    

7.4 Structured Abstracts

7.5 Sample Analysis

 Chapter 8 Key Words      

8.1 Functions of Key Words     

8.2 Disciplinary Differences of Key Words       

8.3 Who Supplies Key Words  

8.4 Features of Key Words       

8.4.1 Nominalization        

8.4.2 Limited Number      

8.4.3 Designated Choice  

8.5 How to Select Key Words  

8.6 How to Arrange Key Words        

8.6.1 Using Required Terms     

8.6.2 Placing in the Right Location  

8.6.3 Spacing the Key Words


 Chapter 9 Introduction   

9.1 Functional Elements of the Introduction Section      

9.1.1 Introducing the Subject  

9.1.2 Limiting the Research Scope  

9.1.3 Stating the General Purpose  

9.1.4 Explaining the Writing Arrangement      

9.2 Components of the Introduction Section

9.3 Usual Process of Writing theIntroduction Section   

9.3.1 Starting with the Research Background

9.3.2 Moving Towards the Existing Problem   

9.3.3 Focusing on the Present Research

9.3.4 Illustrating the Writing Structure    

9.4 Literature Reviews     

9.4.1 Purposes of Literature Reviews      

9.4.2 Strategies for Presenting Literature Reviews

9.4.3 Problems Concerning Writing Literature Reviews

9.4.4 False Assumptions Concerning Writing Literature Reviews


 Chapter 10 Textual Developments  

10.1 Types of Research Papers        

10.1.1 Papers of Theoretical Nature       

10.1.2 Papers of Experimental Nature    

10.1.3 Papers of Combined Natures        

10.2 Avoiding Logical Problems       

10.2.1 Avoiding Logical Fallacies     

10.2.2 Avoiding Logical Flaws100

10.2.3 Avoiding Conspiracy Theories


 Chapter 11 Methods and Materials     

11.1 Functions of the Methods and Materials Section  

11.2 Structure of the Methods and Materials Section    

11.3 Ingredients of the Methods and Materials Section

11.3.1 Subjects (Participants)          

11.3.2 Materials      

11.3. 3 Design and Procedure          

11.4 How to Write the Methods and Materials Section

11.4.1 Principles to Follow      

11.4.2 Supplementary Points to Notice


 Chapter 12 Results        

12.1 Importance of the Results Section           

12.2 Requirements of Writing the ResultsSection          

12.3 Two Moves Analysis of the ResultsSection   

12.4 Twelve Steps for Writing the ResultsSection          

12.5 Tables and Graphs  

12.5.1 Constructing Tables      

12.5.2 Presenting Tables         

12.5.3 Presenting Graphs        

12.5.4 Sample Analysis


  Chapter 13 Discussion   

13.1 Functions and Objectives of the Discussion Section

13.2 Elements to Include in the Discussion Section       

13.2.1 Stating Major Findings of the Study     

13.2.2 Explaining Why Findings Are Important       

13.2.3 Relating Findings to Those of Similar Studies

13.2.4 Considering Alternative Explanations of Findings

13.2.5 Acknowledging the Study’s Limitations

13.2.6 Making Suggestions for Further Research  

13.2.7 Giving “Take-Home Messages” in the Form of a Conclusion        

13.3 Things to Avoid in the Discussion Section        

13.3.1 Over Interpretation of the Results        

13.3.2 Unwarranted Speculation     

13.3.3 Inflating the Importance of Findings   

13.3.4 Tangential Issues  

13.3.4 Too Much Criticism       

13.4 How to Write the Discussion Section

 Chapter 14 Conclusion    

14.1 Typical Contents of the Conclusion Section    

14.1.1 Summing Up

14.1.2 Statement of the Conclusion         

14.1.3 Statement of Recommendations  

14.1.4 Graceful Termination   

14.2 Common Problems in Writing theConclusion Section

14.2.1 Being Too Long     

14.2.2 Having Too Many Details     

14.2.3 Failure to Comment on Larger, More Significant Issues       

14.2.3 Failure to Reveal the Complexities of a Conclusion or Situation

14.3 Warnings and Suggestions for Writing the Conclusion Section     

14.3.1 Warnings       

14.3.2 Suggestions   

14.4 Sample Analysis


 Chapter 15 Supplementary Parts to Academic Writing  

15.1 Acknowledgement   

15.2 References       

15.2.1 Styles of References      

15.2.2 Reasons for Citing References      

15.2.3 Citing Page Numbers for Quotations in the Text

15.2.4 Using Appropriate Styles and References   

15.3 Footnotes         

15.4 Correspondence Among Authors, Editors,and Referees        

15.5 Proofs       

15.6 Sample Letters

 Chapter 16 Academic Publishing     

16.1 Targeting Academic Journals   

16.1.1 Impact Factors      

16.1.2 Useful Tips   

16.2 Delays in the Publishing Process      

16.3 The Process of Refereeing       

16.4 Key Elements to the Success of Academic Publishing     

16.4.1 Procrastination and Writer’s Block       

16.4.2 To Advocate Collaboration   

16.4.3 To Be Productive  



2. 《学术英语口语教程》

Academic Spoken English,夏晓蓉编著)


1) 内容丰富。提供配套的音视频资源,引导学生掌握基本的口语能力和技巧。2) 形式多样。设置多元化练习,结合学生熟悉的话题,提升学生的学术交流能力。3) 阅读拓展。提供主题相关的阅读材料,帮助学生开阔思路,提高学术思维能力。4) 实用性强。设计不同的学术交流场景,注重培养学生的交流实战能力。



Chapter 1 Speaking Academically 

Section 1 Academic Situations       

Section 2 International Academic Programs 

Chapter 2 Attracting Your Audience       

Section 1 Beginning a Speech         

Section 2 Ending a Speech


Chapter 3 Arguing Sufficiently         

Section 1Main Points     

Section 2 Logic Patterns          

Section 3 Signposts 


Chapter 4 Delivering a Presentation      

Section 1 Presentation Skills  

Section 2 Poster Display  


Chapter 5 Practicing Your Presentation  

Section 1 Classroom Presentations

Section 2 JobInterview Presentations    

Section 3 ThesisDefense Presentations

Chapter 6 Seminars        

Section 1 Attendinga Seminar        

Section 2 Listening Attentively         

Section 3 Understanding a Lecture

Chapter 7 Supporting Your Views   

Section 1 Providing Further Information        

Section 2 Reading into Thinking      

Section 3 Quoting into Thinking 


Chapter 8 Leading a Seminar  

Section 1 Being a Chairperson         

Section 2 Controlling the Discussion 


Chapter 9 Group Discussions   

Section 1 Participatingin Group Discussions  

Section 2 Exchanging Information  

Section 3 Expressing Agreement and Disagreement 


Chapter 10 Asking and Answering Questions

Section 1 Designing a Questionnaire       

Section 2 Making an Interview        

Section 3 Defending Your Thesis     

Section 4 Asking and Answering Questions at a Seminar 


Chapter 11 Thinking Critically

Section 1 Creating an Argument     

Section 2 Thinking from Different Perspectives      

Section 3 Making Contrast and Comparison   

Section 4 Debating

Chapter 12 Preparing for a Test       

Seminar 1 Conquering Yourself         

Seminar 2 Brainstorming on Great Changes    

Seminar 3 Transgenic Food Safety  




3. 《国际学术交流英语》

English for International Academic Communication,范娜编) 









 Chapter 1 Obtaining Conference Information 11 Different Meetings    

1.1.1 Meeting 

1.1.2 Conference     

1.1.3 Symposium      

1.1.4 Convention      

1.1.5 Forum     

1.1.6 Seminar 

1.1.7 Workshop      

1.1.8 Colloquium     

1.2 Sources for Obtaining Conference Information        

1.2.1 The Internet   

1.2.2 Membership of Professional Organizations   

1.2.3 Professional Journals  


 Chapter 2 Conference Notice and Call forConference Papers 

2.1 Conference Notice     

2.2 Call for Conference Papers


 Chapter 3 Conference Committees and Session Modes 

3.1 Conference Committees    

3.1.1 Planning Committee       

3.1.2 Program Committee        

3.1.3 Registration Committee

3.1.4 Conference Arrangements Committee  

3.1.5 Publications Committee

3.1.6 Exhibits Committee         

3.1.7 Local Arrangements Committee   

3.2 Session Modes   

3.2.1 Keynote Session     

3.2.2 Oral Session     

3.2.3 Poster Session          

3.2.4 Research-in-Progress Session

3.2.5 Discussion/ Question and AnswerSession     

3.3 Session Format  

 Chapter 4 International Letter Exchanges 

4.1 Format of a Formal Letter

4.1.1 Letterhead      

4.1.2 Date of Writing       

4.1.3 Inside Address         

4.1.4 Salutation       

4.1.5 Body of Writing       

4.1.6 Complimentary Close      

4.1.7 Signature         

4.2 Letters of Invitation   

4.3 Letters of Acceptance        

4.4 Effective E-Mails       


 Chapter 5 Financial Assistance for Attending Conferences 

5.1 Possible Sources for Financial Support     

5.1.1 Membership and Studentship        

5.1.2 Financial Assistance by the Conference

5.1.3 Awards    

5.1.4 Financial Assistance by Learned Societies      

5.1.5 Financial Assistance by International Organizations

5.2 Techniques of Writing Letters Applying for Financial Aid

5.2.1 Direct Statement    

5.2.2 Flank Inquiry  

5.2.3 Citation of Others’ Information      

5.2.4 Writing a Postscript 


 Chapter 6 Chairing a Meeting 

6.1 A Chairman’s General Duties     

6.1.1 The Opening Ceremony

6.1.2 The Closing Ceremony    

6.1.3 A Plenary Session    

6.1.4 A Presentation Session  

6.1.5 A Discussion Session       

6.2 Chairing an International Conference       

6.2.1 Chairing the Opening Ceremony    

6.2.2 Chairing the Closing Ceremony      

6.3 General Chairing Procedures    

6.3.1 Opening a Meeting         

6.3.2 Introducing a Speaker   

6.3.3 Organizing a Discussion Session      

6.3.4 Thanking the Speaker     

6.3.5 Adjourning or Closing the Meeting 


 Chapter 7 Preparing the Presentation  

7.1 What Is a Presentation?    

7.2 Characteristics of Spoken Language

7.3 Writing a Presentation Script    

7.3.1 A Clear Structure    

7.3.2 Simple Vocabulary and SentenceStructures

7.3.3 A Personal Style     

7.3.4 Figures of Speech  

7.4 Preparations for a Presentation         

7.4.1 Reading the Academic Paper Aloud        

7.4.2 Writing the Presentation Script withSpoken Features 

7.4.3 Practicing the Presentation


 Chapter 8 Beginning the Presentation 

8.1 Catching Attention    

8.1.1 Telling a Story

8.1.2 Asking a Question   

8.1.3 Using Startling Statistics

8.1.4 Using Visual Aids     

8.1.5 Saying Something Humorous

8.2 Revealing the Topic    

8.2.1 Communicating the Topic      

8.2.2 Emphasizing the Significance of theTopic    

8.2.3 Providing Background Information         

8.2.4 Outlining the Main Points      

8.3 Establishing Credibility   


 Chapter 9 Developing the Presentation  

9.1 Structure in Developing thePresentation

9.2 Organizational Patterns     

9.2.2 Chronological Pattern     

9.2.1 Description Pattern         

9.2.2 Comparison and Contrast Pattern

9.2.3 Cause and Effect Pattern         

9.3 Supporting Materials

9.3.1 Statistics

9.3.2 Testimony       

9.3.3 Explanation     

9.3.4 Illustration       

9.3.5 Comparison and Contrast   


 Chapter 10 Ending the Presentation  

10.1 Signaling the End     

10.2 Restating the Topic 

10.3 Ending the Presentation

 Chapter 11 Asking and Answering Questions 

11.1 Handling Questions

11.1.1 Choosing Questioners 

11.1.2 Listening Carefully to the Question       

11.1.3 Welcoming the Question      

11.1.4 Repeating or Paraphrasing the Question     

11.1.5 Replying Clearly, Briefly, and Positively         

11.1.6 Referring Back to the Questioner

11.2 Raising Questions     

11.2.1 Signaling Your Intention        

11.2.2 Expressing Your Attitude       

11.2.3 Asking a Specific Question    

11.3 Rehearsing Questions and Answers   


 Chapter 12 Oral Presentation Skills 

12.1 Visual Aids        

12.2 Verbal Use        

12.2.1 Simplicity      

12.2.2 Accuracy        

12.2.3 Appropriateness   

12.2.4 Figures of Speech

12.2.5 Humor  

12.3 Non-Verbal Behavior        

12.3.1 Eye Contact  

12.3.2 Posture

12.3.3 Movement    

12.4 Stage Fright     


 Chapter 13 Poster Presentations 

13.1 Advantages and Disadvantages of Poster Presentations         

13.1.1 Advantages of Poster Presentations    

13.1.2 Disadvantages of PosterPresentations        

13.2 Creating the Poster

13.2.1 Poster Content      

13.2.2 “Less Is More” Design  

13.3 Presenting the Poster  


 Chapter 14 Talking with Professionals  

14.1 Purposes of Talking

14.2 Starting a Talk  

14.2.1 Talking with Acquaintances  

14.2.2 Talking with Strangers  

14.3 Developing a Talk   

14.3.1 Disputing Different Opinions      

14.3.2 Shifting to a New Topic         

14.3.3 Talking Politely and Thoughtfully

14.4 The Art of Small Talk       

14.4.1 Taking Your Small Talk to a Networking Event      

14.4.2 Refining Your Small Talk and Becoming an Expert

14.4.3 Taking Control

14.4.4 What Is Off Limits?       

14.4.5 What Happens if Things Go Wrong?    

14.4.6 Keep Your Focus on Others  

14.4.7 No One Starts Out as an Expert




4. 《学术英语翻译教程》(2019年11份出版)

Translation of Academic English ,周遂编)










第一章 学术英语翻译综述

1.1 学术英语翻译的概念

1.2 学术英语的语体特征

1.3 学术英语的翻译原则

1.4 学术英语翻译对译者的素养要求

第二章 学术英语汉译基本技巧

2.1 英语学术语篇中词的特征与翻译

2.1.1 词义的对比

2.1. 2 词汇的翻译

2.1. 3 术语的翻译

2. 2 英语学术语篇中句的特征与翻译

2. 2.1 句法的结构对比

2. 2. 2 句法的翻译技巧

2. 3 学术英语特殊句型的翻译

2. 3. 1 被动句的翻译

2. 3. 2 省略句的翻译

2. 3. 3 定语从句的翻译



3.1 汉语学术语篇中词的翻译

3.1.1 词义的选择

3.1. 2 词类的转译

3.1. 3 词的增补和省略

3.1. 4 文化负载词和新词的翻译

3. 2 汉语学术语篇中句的翻译

3. 2. 1 长句的结构对比

3. 2. 2 长句的翻译技巧

第四章 汉语学术语篇各模块结构的翻译

4.1 学术论文的结构

4.2 学术论文标题的翻译

4.3 学术论文摘要的翻译

4.4 学术论文关键词的翻译

4.5 学术论文引言的翻译

4. 6 学术论文方法、结果与讨论的翻译

4. 6. 1 方法和结果描述的翻译

4. 6. 2 讨论的翻译

4. 7 学术论文结语的翻译

4. 8 学术论文致谢的翻译

4. 9 学术论文参考文献的翻译



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