
失信的仲裁 | 孙杨案36问(10)

马服子 赵括辨法 2022-03-15

Doping control out of control

Arbitration waxing arbitrary


在代表世界反兴奋剂机构(“WADA”)向国际体育仲裁法庭(“CAS”)提起上诉前两周,金牌大律师Richard Young(“洋大状”)还是国际泳联(“FINA”)法律委员会的成员。运动员认为洋大状代理WADA参与上诉案存在利益冲突,请求CAS撤换WADA的律师;但仲裁庭拒绝了这个请求。《36问》系列的第十问就掰扯这个话题:

  • 首先,全美律师协会(ABA)编修了《律师职业行为规则范本》,供各州的律师协会在此基础上增改制定自己的具体规则;洋大状所属的科罗拉多州适用的是《科罗拉多州律师职业行为规则》(“CORPC”)。[1]

  • 其次,在奉行普通法的美国,除了成文的规则外,法庭的判例也是各州规范律师行为的标准;同时,各州的最高法院也是本州律师的管理机构。[2]

  • 最后,美国法律研究院(ALI)在研究判例法基础上编纂的《法律注述》系列是对美国各部门法的权威解释;其中,关于律师行为规范的内容收著于《管辖律师的法律之注述》(“Restatement”)。[3]

  • 第一类涉及现客户:律师不得代理与现客户存在直接利益冲突的任何法律事务;简单来说,就是律师不能代表他人状告自己的现客户。[4]

  • 另一类涉及前客户:如果律师曾为其前客户经办过某项法律事务,则不得在相同或相关的事务上代理其他客户,以对前客户构成实质性的利益冲突;也就是说,如果案情涉及自己为前客户经办过的事务,律师不得在官司中站在前客户的对立面。[5]

上世纪80年代,法官Ann Aldrich在判决书中写道:律所不可以像扔掉烫手土豆那样抛弃客户,尤其当目的是取悦更为有利可图的客户;这句话以后被众多案例引用,进而确立了“烫手土豆法则”:律师不得为了承办新业务,而终止与现客户的代理关系[6]
  • 自2013年起洋大状出任FINA法律委员会成员。[9]

  • 2019年初,WADA拟聘请洋大状,对FINA认定运动员没有违规的裁定提出上诉;2019年1月31日,洋大状联系FINA,请求豁免因此造成的利益冲突,遭拒绝。[10]

  • 2019年2月1日,洋大状辞去其在FINA法律委员会的工作。[11]

  • 2019年2月14日,洋大状代表WADA向CAS提起上诉。[12]





  • 首先,烫手土豆法则是禁止律师将现客户“套路”成前客户,以便接手针对该客户的新案子,并不区分发起新案子的是新客户还是现客户


  • 其次,对于双方当事人同为律师现客户的情况,美国法庭的做法是禁止律师代理起诉的客户,但允许律师代理被诉的客户;理由是,通过发起诉讼而引发利益冲突的客户,理应失去挑选律师的优先权。[17]



本案的核心是对FINA规则的解读和适用,仲裁庭确认的管辖法律之一便是《FINA反兴奋剂规则》(“FINA DC”)。而洋大状在FINA法律委员会的工作之一就是负责FINA DC的编纂修订及其与WADA规则的对接。[20]

  • 首先,仲裁庭提到的那通电话的内容源自洋大状提供的证词,FINA的老大Marculescu在自己的证词中强调FINA自始至终反对洋大状在本案中代理WADA。[21]

  • 其次,确认是否存在利益冲突根本不是客户的责任。CORPC明确规定:律师必须采用合理的程序来确定是否存在利益冲突,且因这方面的过失导致的利益冲突误判不得成为其违反律师行为规范的借口[22]

  • 当然,如果FINA在得到充分告知后出具书面许可,确实也能豁免利益冲突;但这并非仲裁庭所谓FINA没在电邮中反驳洋大状就可以蒙混过去的。

    CORPC关于“充分告知后的书面许可”的定义规定:在获取许可之前,律师必须完成的步骤包括:(i) 充分披露相关信息,(ii) 说明解释重大风险,(iii) 告知合理替代方案。[23]


  • 最后,即便将FINA的电话和电邮视为豁免利益冲突的书面许可,洋大状仍然绕不出利益冲突的纠缠。因为,CORPC允许客户随时撤销曾经做出的利益冲突豁免。[25]


  • 律师对法庭的坦诚义务



  • 泄露客户机密罪



  • 伪证罪








 失信的仲裁 | 36问-Q9:撤裁诉由是否消失

失信的仲裁 | 36问-Q8:管辖权 v 受理条件
失信的仲裁 | 36问-Q7:WADA诉状逾期否 

失信的仲裁 | 36问-Q6:聊聊三次中间诉请

失信的仲裁 | 36问-Q5:DCO旧怨为哪般

失信的仲裁 | 36问-Q4:IDTM法律报告呢

失信的仲裁 | 36问-Q3:ADAMS授权书呢
失信的仲裁 | 36问-Q2:中国法律安在
失信的仲裁 | 36问-Q1:ISTI是否唯一标准
西媒急需普法 | 36问-号外:违规训练调查
失信的仲裁 | 36问-引子:不破不立

[1] Model Rules of Professional Conduct, American Bar Association. See also, Colorado Rules of Professional Conduct, Colorado Supreme Court Standing Committee.

[2] Colorado SupremeCourt, Office of Attorney Regulation Counsel. https://coloradosupremecourt.com/, retrieved as of 21 January 2022.
[3] Restatement of the Law (3rd), The Law Governing Lawyers (2000), American Law Institute.
[4] Colorado Rules of Professional Conduct, Rule 1.7(a), “…a lawyer shall not represent a client if the representation involves a concurrent conflict of interest.”
[5] Id., Rule 1.9(a), “A lawyer who has formerly represented a client in a matter shall not thereafter represent another person in the same or substantially related matter in which that person’sinterests are materially adverse to the interests of the former client…”
[6] Picker Int’l, Inc. v. Varian Assocs., 670 F. Supp. 1363, 1365 (N.D. Ohio 1987), “A firm may not drop a client like a hot potato, especially if it is in order to keep happya far more lucrative client”; aff’d, 869 F.2d 578 (Fed. Cir. 1989).
[7] Restatement (3rd), The Law Governing Lawyers, sec. 132, comment c, “If a lawyer is approached by a prospective client seeking representation in a matter adverse to an existing client, the present-client conflict may not be transformed into a former-client conflict by the lawyer’s withdrawal from the representation of the existing client.”
[8] Colorado Formal Ethics Opinion (135), 20 February 2018, fn. 5, quoting Pamlab, LLC v. Hi-Tech Parmacal Co., 2009 WL 77527 (D. Colo. 9 January 2009), “a lawyer or law firm…may not simply drop one client like a ‘hot potato’ in order to treat it as thoughit were a former client for the purpose of resolving a conflict of interest.”
[9] CAS Award II, 2019/A/6148, 22 June 2021, para. 164, “…Mr. Young served on the [FINA Legal Committee] for more than five years (2013-2019) and maintained his position until 1 February 2019.”
[10] Id., para. 162, “In conversations beginning on 31 January 2019 with FINA’s Executive Director, Mr. Cornel Marculescu, Mr. Young was told, ‘You are independent but not to act against FINA.’”
[11] Id., para 137, quoting Athlete’sposition, “WADA’s counsel when purportedly filing the Statement of Appeal and the Appeal Brief was under a severe conflict of interest owing to Mr Young…serving on FINA's Legal Committee until his resignation on 1 February 2019, a mere two weeks prior to the purported filing of the Statement of Appeal.”
[12] Id., para. 5, “…WADA filed a Statement of Appeal against the FINA Doping Panel’s decision (dated 14 February 2019) naming the Athlete as the sole respondent. Four days later, WADA amended its appeal to add FINA as a second respondent.”
[13] Id., para. 202, “The Athlete’s corepremise, that there exists a conflict of interest which disqualifies WADA’s counsel and therefore the appeal, is hopeless. His application is hereby rejected.”
[14] Id., para. 197, “Being a member of theLegal Committee does not per se create a lawyer-client relationship.”
[15] C. Mortimer, Know When to Hold ‘Em, Know When to Fold ‘Em, Colorado Supreme Court Office of Attorney Regulation Counsel, quoting People v. Morley, 725 P.2d 510, 517 (Colo.1986), “[An attorney-client relationship is] established when it is shown that the client seeks and receives the advice of alawyer on the legal consequences of the client’s past or contemplated actions.” https://coloradosupremecourt.com/newsletters/january_2014/Know%20When%20to%20Hold%20'Em%20Know%20When%20to%20Fold%20'Em.htm, retrieved as of 21 January 2022.
[16] CAS Award II, para. 177, “It was also well aware at the time that Mr. Young joined the Committee that he has a long record (since 2000) of representing WADA, including at the CAS.”
[17] K. Faglioni, Terminating Client Relationship to Solve Conflicts Problem – a.k.a. the “HotPotato” Doctrine, Association of Corporate Counsel, “In this situation, the courts usually disqualify the firm from representing the client who initiated the action against the other client. One apparent rationale behind this rule is that the client ‘creating’ the conflict should be the one to lose its preferred lawyer,” citing S. Miller, Conflicts of Interest in Corporate Litigation, 48 Bus. Law 141, 194 (1992). https://www.acc.com/sites/default/files/2019-03/10-30-18-Materials-5.pdf, retrieved as of 21 January 2022. See also, Tipton v. Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, 872 F.2d 1491, 1498-1499 (11th Cir. 1989).
[18] Colorado Rules of Professional Conduct, Rule 1.8(b), “A lawyer shall not use information relating to representation of a client to the disadvantage of the client…”;Rule 1.9(c), “A lawyer who has formerly represented a client in a matter or whose present or former firm has formerly represented a clientin a matter shall not thereafter: (1) use information relating to the representation to the disadvantage of the former client…”; and Rule 1.6(a), ct. [3], “The confidentiality rule, for example, applies not only to matters communicated in confidence by the client but also to all information relatingto the representation, whatever its source.”
[19] Restatement (3rd), The Law Governing Lawyers, sec. 59, “Confidential client information consists of information relating to representation of a client, other than information that is generally known.” See also, Colorado Rules of Professional Conduct, Rule 1.8, ct. [5], “The Rule does not prohibit uses that do not disadvantage the client. For example, a lawyer who learns a government agency’s interpretation of trade legislation during the representation of one client may properly use that information to benefit other client.”
[20] CAS Award II, para. 211, “Accordingly, the FINA DC (2021 edition) and the ISTI (2017 edition) govern…”; and para. 195, quoting the FINA Constitution, “The powers and duties of the Legal Committee are…(b) to assist the Bureau, FINA Committees and the commissions in drafting amendments to the Constitution, FINA Rules and regulations…”
[21] Id., para. 182, “Specific details of Mr. Young’s interactions with Mr. Marculescu are set out in a table listed in a ‘Supplemental Statement of Mr. Richard Young’ dated 26 June 2019”; and para. 164, “These assertions are supported in a statement by Mr. Marculescu, attached to FINA’s pleading on the same issue, in which Mr. Marculescu notes that FINA ‘has from the very beginning opposed’ Mr. Young’s retention by WADA in this matter.”
[22] Colorado Rules of Professional Conduct, Rule 1.7, ct. [3], “To determine whether a conflict of interest exists, a lawyer should adopt reasonable procedures, appropriate for the size and type of firm and practice,to determine in both litigation and non-litigation matters the persons and issues involved…Ignorance caused by a failure to institute such procedures will not excuse a lawyer’s violation of this Rule.”
[23] Id., Rule 1.0(e), “‘Informed consent’denotes the agreement by a person to a proposed course of conduct after the lawyer has communicated adequate information and explanation about the material risk of and reasonable available alternatives to the proposed course of conduct.”
[24] Id., Rule 1.7, ct. [20], “Such a writing may consist of a document executed by the client or one that the lawyerpromptly records and transmits to the client following an oral consent.”
[25] Id., Rule 1.7, ct. [21], “A client who has given consent to a conflict may revoke the consent…at any time.”
[26] Id., Rule 3.3(a), “A lawyer shall not knowingly: (1) make a false statement of material fact or law to a tribunal or fail to correct a false statement of material fact or law previously made to the tribunal by the lawyer; (2) fail to disclose to the tribunal legal authority in the controlling jurisdiction known to the lawyer to be directly adverse to the position of the client and not disclosed by opposing counsel…”
[27] Swiss Criminal Code (2021), art. 321, “Any person who in his capacity as a…, lawyer, defenselawyer,… or as an assistant to any of the foregoing persons discloses confidential information that has been confided to him in his professional capacity or which has come to his knowledge in the practice of his profession shall be liable on complaint to a custodial sentence not exceeding three years or to a monetary penalty.”
[28] Id., art. 306, “Any person who is a party to civil proceedings and, following an express caution by the judge that he must tell the truth and notification of the penalties for failure to do so, gives false evidence in relation to the case shall be liable to a custodial sentence not exceeding three years or to a monetary penalty.”
[29] Id., art. 307, “Any person who appears in judicial proceedings as a witness, expert witness, translator or interpreterand gives false evidence or provides a false report, a false expert opinion or a false translation in relation to the case shall be liable to a custodial sentence not exceeding five years or to a monetary penalty”; and art. 309, “Articles 306-308 also apply to…arbitration proceedings.”

[30] Swiss Private International Law Act (2021), art. 190a(1), “A party may request the revision of an award…(b) if criminal proceedings have established that the award was influenced, to the detriment ofthe challenging party, by a crime or misdemeanour, even in the absence of any conviction; if criminal proceedings cannot be pursued, proof can be furnished by other means…”; and art. 190a(2), “The request for revision must be filed within 90 days of the discovery of the ground for revision. Except in cases provided for by paragraph 1(b), the right to request revision shall expire ten years from the date on which the award has come into force.”

