

Love English 2 2022-12-23

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The Tang Monk trembled with fear.

The angry voice spoke again. “Who is walking on my mountain?”

“Ahh!” cried the Tang Monk.

He fell off his horse and tumbled down the mountain. At the bottom he saw a crack between the rocks. The monk looked in and saw a moss-covered monkey peering out at him.

“My name is Sun Wukong,” said the monkey. “I am king of the Fruit and Flower Mountain.”

“Why are you in there?” asked the Tang Monk. He stood up.

“Buddha put me here,” said Wukong. “I am being punished for causing trouble in Heaven. Who are you?”

“I’m just a monk,” said the Tang Monk. “I’m going to the Western Paradise to get scriptures from Buddha.”

Wukong gasped. “You’re the Tang Monk!” he cried. “I’m supposed to go with you!”

The Tang Monk took a step back. Was this strange monkey telling the truth?

“The bodhisattva Guanyin visited me,” Wukong went on. “She said I’d be set free if I promise to protect you on the journey. Set me free, and I’ll go with you to the west.”

The Tang Monk relaxed. He looked at the rocks. “How can I free you?”

“There’s a small piece of paper on top of this mountain,” said Wukong. “You must remove it.”

The Tang Monk went back up the mountain. He pushed aside shrubs and brambles and pulled himself over large boulders. Finally he reached the mountain’s peak.

The monk picked up the paper. Right away a breeze swept it from his hand. The paper floated up and then disappeared among the clouds.

The monk hurried back down the mountain. “The paper floated away,” he said to the monkey.

“It returned to Buddha,” said Wukong. “Now step back.”

The Tang Monk took a step back.

“Go farther,” said Wukong.

The monk took another step back.

“Go farther,” said Wukong again.

The Tang Monk went far from the mountain. He gasped as the entire mountain rose into the air. Wukong stood under the mountain, holding it up with his hands. He jumped out, and the mountain crashed down behind him.

Wukong grabbed the Tang Monk’s hands. “Thank you, Master! I will help you reach the Western Paradise.”

The Tang Monk rode the horse as Wukong walked. The monkey told the monk about himself. “The Jade Emperor’s entire army couldn’t defeat me.” He laughed. “So I said I should be in charge of Heaven.”

“What powers do you have?” asked the Tang Monk.

“I can become other animals,” said Wukong.

“Watch this!” He quickly changed into a tiger. The Tang Monk gulped. Wukong changed into a snake, a vulture, and then back into himself.

“And that’s not all,” he said. “I can grow big!” The monkey’s body grew so big that his head reached the clouds.

“And I can become tiny!” said Wukong. He shrank to the size of a bee and hopped onto the monk’s head.

“I can do more!” said Wukong.  He changed back to his normal size. His iron bar appeared from his ear. The monkey spun it around and then struck a huge boulder.

Smash! The boulder exploded into tiny pieces.

The Tang Monk watched in horror. Wukong laughed. “Don’t look so scared, Master. I’m protecting you!”

The two traveled farther until they saw a group of men blocking the road. The men looked rough and mean. They all had weapons.

One man stepped forward and waved a sword. “Give us your money, or you’ll be sorry!”


①tremble [ˈtrembl]  v.(因紧张、激动、惊慌等)颤抖,哆嗦,抖动,战栗;颤动;轻轻摇晃;极担心;焦虑;恐惧  n.颤抖;战栗;哆嗦
trem 颤抖 + ble → 发抖;摇动
Her voice trembled with excitement.
tremor [ˈtremər]  n.轻微地震;小震;微震;(由于寒冷或恐惧等引起的)颤抖,战栗,哆嗦
tremendous [trəˈmendəs]  adj.巨大的;极大的;极好的;精彩的;了不起的
②tumble [ˈtʌmbl]  v.(使)跌倒,摔倒,滚落,翻滚下来;倒塌;坍塌;(价格或数量)暴跌,骤降  n.跌倒;滚落;暴跌;混乱的一堆;杂乱不堪的一团
World records tumbled at the last Olympics.
tumbler [ˈtʌmblər]  n.(无柄无脚、平底直壁的)玻璃杯;一平底玻璃杯(的量);翻筋斗杂技演员
③peer [pɪr]  n.身份(或地位)相同的人;同龄人;同辈;(英国)贵族成员 v.仔细看;端详
N. Children are worried about failing in front of their peers.
V. He went to the window and peered out.
④shrub [ʃrʌb]  n.灌木
The man hacked a shrub down with an axe.
⑤bramble [ˈbræmbl]  n.黑莓灌木
The garden was overgrown with bramble and honeysuckle.
⑥boulder [ˈboʊldər]  n.(受水或天气侵蚀而成的)巨石;漂砾
记忆:boulder → shoulder(肩膀)→ 用肩膀扛巨石 → 巨石
A massive boulder blocked the entrance of the cave.
⑦gulp [ɡʌlp]  v.狼吞虎咽;大口吞咽;匆匆吞下;(因害怕或惊讶而)倒吸气;深呼吸;喘大气;大口大口地吸气  n.吞饮的量;一大口;吞咽;吸入
He leant against the car, gulping in the cold air.
⑧vulture [ˈvʌltʃər]  n.兀鹫;秃鹫;乘人之危的人;趁火打劫的人
vult 收缩;撕开 + ure 名词后缀 →〔把猎物〕撕开者 → 秃鹫
The turkey vulture could scent up to10 miles.
vuls, vult= to pluck, to tear 收缩;撕开
convulse  [kənˈvʌls]  v. 使震动;使抽搐
con 加强 + vuls 收缩;撕开 + e → 不断收缩 → 抽搐
convulsive [kənˈvʌlsɪv]  adj. 产生惊厥的
con 加强 + vuls 收缩;撕开 + ive 形容词后缀 → 产生惊厥的
revulse  [riˈvʌls] v. 使…极其厌恶
re 相反 + vuls 收缩;撕开 + e → 收缩回去 → 对…厌恶
vulturine  [ˈvʌltʃurain ] adj. 贪得无厌的
vultur〔e〕秃鹫;贪得无厌者 + ine 具有…性质的 →〔像秃鹫般〕贪得无厌的
⑨spin [spɪn]  v.(使)快速旋转;(使)急转身,猛转回头,急转弯;纺(线);纺(纱)  n.高速旋转;(飞机的)尾旋,螺旋式下坠;兜风
The plane was spinning out of control.






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