

Love English 2 2022-12-23

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That dragon ate my horse!” said the monk. He fell to his knees. “How will I ever get to the Western Paradise? There are so many dangers along the way!”
Wukong laughed. “Master, you worry too much. There will be many dangers on your journey. But you have me, the Monkey King, to protect you. All of Heaven’s soldiers couldn’t defeat me. So why worry about a dragon?”
The monkey stepped into the water and pulled out his iron bar. “I’ll get the dragon to come out of the water.” He looked down at the water. “Dragon! Get up here right now!”
The dragon leaped from the water. “How dare you yell at me! Who are you?”
“It doesn’t matter who I am!” shouted Wukong. “Give that horse back!”
The monkey attacked the dragon with his iron bar. The dragon spun around, blocking the bar with his tail. Then with a splash, he dived back underwater.
Wukong stomped his foot and yelled at the river. “Coward!”
“What will we do?” asked the Tang Monk. “I have no horse.”
Wukong nodded. “And we can’t cross the river with that dragon in there. I’ll try another plan.”
The monkey swirled the water with his iron bar. The water became rough. Waves crashed and churned. The water dragged up dirt from the river bottom. Soon the river was brown and muddy.
The dragon appeared again. “What on earth are you doing now?” he cried. “I’m trying to take a nap!”
“Give us back our horse!” demanded Wukong.
“I can’t!” cried the dragon. “It’s in my stomach!” The monkey attacked the dragon again. But once more the dragon disappeared under the water.
For more than three hours, Wukong yelled at the river. He yelled all kinds of insults. But the dragon would not come back up.
Wukong climbed up the riverbank and sat down next to the Tang Monk. “That dragon is tough. I’m not afraid of him, but I can’t beat him either. I need help.”
“Who can help you?” asked the Tang Monk.
Wukong thought for a moment. “Guanyin told me I can ask her for help if I need it.”
“Yes,” said the Tang Monk. “She told me the same thing.”
Wukong felt the headband and shot a look at the monk. “She already did help you. She gave you this tight headband.” He sighed. “But that doesn’t matter now. You wait here. I’ll be back soon.”                                                                  *  *  *
Wukong shot into the air and flew south. Soon he came to Mount Potalaka in the South Sea.
Guanyin was in a garden next to her pagoda. “Hello, Wukong,” she said. “How is the journey going? I see you’re wearing the headband.”
“Yes, thanks to your dirty tricks!” said the monkey.
Guanyin smiled. “You need that headband, Wukong. You are too violent and cruel.”
Wukong rolled his eyes. “Fine. I’m here because I have a problem. We reached a wide river with a dragon in it. The dragon ate our horse.”
“Did you tell the dragon that you’re traveling with the Tang Monk?” asked Guanyin.
“No,” said the monkey. “Why?”
Guanyin sighed. “That dragon was waiting for you. When I met him, he was being punished for setting fire to his father’s palace. I told him to help the Tang Monk reach the Western Paradise. That way he can earn forgiveness.”
Wukong scratched his head. “It’s too late for that now. He won’t come out of the water.” 


1. yell [jel]  v.叫喊;大喊;吼叫  n.喊叫;叫嚷;大喊;(为运动队加油的)呐喊,欢呼
She yelled out in pain.
2. spin [spɪn]  v.(使)快速旋转;(使)急转身,猛转回头,急转弯;纺(线);纺(纱)
n. 高速旋转;(飞机的)尾旋,螺旋式下坠;兜风  过去分词和过去式spun
The plane was spinning out of control.

3. splash [splæʃ]  v.泼洒;哗啦哗啦地溅;噼里啪啦地落;把(水、泥等)泼在…上,溅在…上;朝…上泼(或溅);(在水中)溅着水花行走,拍打着水游  n.落水声;溅泼声;溅上的液体;溅洒后留下的污渍;色块;光斑
Rain splashed against the windows.
4. coward [ˈkaʊərd]  n.胆小鬼;懦夫;胆怯者
cow 威胁 + ard 人 → 胆怯者
I'm a real coward when it comes to going to the dentist.
5. swirl [swɜːrl]  v.(使)打旋,旋动,起旋涡  n.打旋;旋动;旋涡;螺旋形;旋涡状(物体)
The water swirled down the drain.
6. churn[tʃɜːrn]  v.剧烈搅动;(使)猛烈翻腾;反胃,恶心(担心、忧虑、厌恶或恐惧的强烈感觉);(使)感到不安,心烦意乱  n.(制作黄油的)搅乳器;(旧时)盛奶大罐,奶桶
The water churned beneath the huge ship.
7. insult [ɪnˈsʌlt , ˈɪnsʌlt]  v.辱骂;侮辱;冒犯  n.辱骂;侮辱;冒犯
in 使… + sult 跳 → 使跳到〔别人脸上〕→ 侮辱〔别人〕
I have never been so insulted in my life!
8. pagoda [pəˈɡoʊdə]  n.(南亚或东亚的)佛塔
The ancient pagoda is still there, but not in its integrity.
9. dirty trick [ˌdɜːrti ˈtrɪk]  n.卑鄙伎俩;造谣中伤;卑鄙的勾当;奸诈
He claimed he was the victim of a dirty tricks campaign..







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