
中国范儿 88 5G来了,你准备好了吗?

Love English 2 2022-12-23



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Are You Ready for the Advent of 5G Era?

Watching online 4K ultra HD movies, enjoying real-time immersive experiences through VR glasses, trying the 5g-based driverless car……such scenarios will become popular attractions on the upcoming 3rd World Intelligence Congress, which will be held between May 16 and May 19 in Tianjin. Do not forget: 5G technology is the linchpin of making all these wonders a reality.

Put it simply, 5G refers to the 5th generation of telecommunication technology. It can provide Internet connections at a speed of 10 GB per second, which is hundreds of times faster than 4G. It will take only several seconds if you download a full HD movie through 5G networks. 5G is more than fast; it is also smart. Its emergence brings brighter prospects of wider applications of certain sciences and technologies, which used to either exist only in theory or be inapplicable due to specific constraints in reality. Examples on the list here include smart city, smart home, drones, augmented reality, virtual reality, and internet of things etc. You may spend your day in the 5G era like this: a 5G router wakes you up in the morning; a coffee machine connected with 5G networks automatically prepares a cup of coffee for you; the 5G router then books a driverless car for you; and finally you can hold an immersive teleconference under the help of virtual reality technologies.

Today, many countries across the globe joined the race to develop the 5G technologies. Behind this race, however, is their competition for a bigger say over the control of the industrial chain of the telecommunication sector. China is on an equal footing with other countries in this race today. Have incubated such telecommunication giants like Huawei and ZTE, China has a big chance to become a pacesetter in the 5G telecommunication industry. Needless to say, China is leading the 5G patent race in the world nowadays.

On December 2018, China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology green-lighted China Telecom, China Mobile and China Unicom to test the 5th generation of telecommunication system in the country. Entering 2019, all the three telecommunication companies have unveiled their 2019 5G development strategic blueprints. They also became providers of 5G technologies for China’s most important host-diplomacy events. Thanks to their efforts, the Media Center of the 2nd Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation was able to provide journalists both at home and abroad Gb-level data transmission service, Gb-level WiFi access and Gb-level 5G video transmission service, which successfully accommodated the demands from journalists both at home and abroad and staff for internet services. 5G service is accessible at every corner of Beijing International Horticultural Expo. With the help of HD visual reality glasses, visitors can enjoy the real-time videos of the Expo shot by drones and remote cameras.

In this year, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will issue temporary 5G licenses in several Chinese cities and large-scale 5G network will be built in some pilot areas.5G network will be operational on a trial basis in the second half of 2019 and commercialized on a large scale in 2020. China is entering the 5G era. Some scenarios, which can only be imaginary in the past, could become a reality in the future. Are you ready for all of these?


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