

《外国文学研究》 外国文学研究 2024-02-05




Chen Huafei & Theo D’haen


Title: World Literature Studies in an Age of Geopolitics: An Interview with Theo D’haen



Abstract: Theodoor Louis D’haen is Professor of English and Comparative Literature Emeritus at Leuven University, Belgium, and Leiden University, the Netherlands. He is an elected member of Academia Europaea and the former editor-in-chief of the journal European Review. He has published widely in American literature, postmodernism, postcolonialism, and world literature. During her visit to Leuven University (2021-2022), Chen Huafei conducted an interview with D’haen on a wide range of issues, including translation, connotations of “worlding,” decanonization and recanonization, and the role of Chinese literature in world literature, which are addressed in his latest monograph, World Literature in an Age of Geopolitics (2021). D’haen points out that as countries such as China play more important roles economically and politically in the world, their position in the global literary space becomes much more significant. In the face of the changing world, especially the challenges posed by the pandemic, climate change, and regional wars, D’haen emphasizes the function of literature in thinking about the planet as a whole. He suggests that world literature or literature in general should play a beneficial role in the humanity at large.


徐 彬



Title:The Origin of Diaspora Literature and the Basic Paradigms of a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind


Abstract: Given the differences in values among the people from different countries and regions, the global vision of a human community with a shared future is still far from being realized. Nevertheless, diasporic literary writings have essentially revealed some specific paradigms of a human community with a shared future and the psychological projection of people’s striving for such a global vision. In diasporic literature, the construction of the human community with a shared future is based on people’s cognition and understanding of diasporic activities and events, whereas the pleasure lost and regained, the satisfaction of the desire for expansion, and the pursuit of a happy and complete life constitute diasporas’ collective unconscious and “impulsion for community.” In diasporic literary writings, whose origin may be traced all the way back to the ancient Greek and Roman literatures, there seems to have three basic paradigms: the diasporic community with a shared future in which diasporas build a state under divine instructions, the community of imperial diasporas with a shared future, and the cross-border community with a shared future. Taking diaspora literature works as research objects, the elucidation of constructing strategies and political, cultural, ethical, and moral implications of these three kinds of human communities with a shared future from three perspectives, namely, national state, empire, and crossing the “fault lines between civilizations” has important academic value and contemporary significance for the research on the community with a shared future for mankind.



Title:Cosmopolitanism and the Construction of Diaspora Community in The Nature of Blood


Abstract: Solidarity is essential to constructing a more harmonious relationship among ethnic groups and world order. As one of the most important works by Caryl Phillips, The Nature of Blood offers multiple insights into the construction of diaspora community by showing the “commonality” in their destiny in different times and spaces. With its portrayal of different forms of diaspora experiences, this novel is significant in at least three ways: first, Phillips reveals, from the perspective of cosmopolitanism, the extensive damage caused by racism by juxtaposing stories from different times, places, and characters in the novel; second, to uphold his own deep, dialectical, and comprehensive conception of “the other” in the novel, Phillips’ depiction of the misfortunes experienced by “the others” is always accompanied by reflections of various problems concerning their own existence; third, diasporic groups share a “commonality” in their consciousness, emotion, and mindset due to their similar experiences, a “commonality” that will become important “resources” in the construction of diaspora community.



Title:Community Imaginaries and Their Representations in Jewish Diaspora Literature


Abstract: During the thousands of years of diasporic life, the writing and imagining of home and community spirit by Jewish writers have become a major theme in Jewish diasporic literature. In the pre-modern period, Jews successfully went through the transformation from temple worship to holy book worship through the Hebrew Bible, Talmud, and other classics and established a perpetual spiritual community. From the 19th century to the mid-20th century, the Zionist movement that espoused a return to the Promised Land became one of the main motivational ideologies for Jews. As a nation-state community, therefore, Israel became an important subject or literary writing. In the second half of the 20th century, the globalization and the multicultural movement in UK and US inspired Jewish diaspora writers to think and imagine a transnational cosmopolitan community. The community imaginaries in Jewish diasporic literature maintain a focus on the construction of the national self, but the incessant migration of Jews and their cohabitation with other peoples have fostered a distinct inclination of cosmopolitanism in their literary representation, which provides a useful reference for our understaning of a community with a shared future.


林 斌


Title: Textual Ambiguity and Ethical Paradox in William Faulkner’s A Fable


Abstract:A Fable (1954), an important representative work in the late stage of Willian Faulkner’s writing career, is believed to epitomize all of his key ideas on literary writing. Faulkner himself once claimed that it would take the world fifty years to understand its real significance. Yet its textual ambiguity has baffled critics both at home and abroad all along. Judging from the perspective of ethical literary criticism, the ambiguity itself constitutes an ethical paradox that is rooted in the uncertainty of the writer’s own ethical position. On one hand, the allegorical intent of the novel as a whole, together with the three allegorical narratives interspersed in between, delineates its relatively stable ethical core, that is, Faulkner’s ethical reference system originated from the traditional values of the American South; on the other hand, the self-contradictory and mutually exclusive ethical choices made by the main characters, who are portrayed as a trinity or in a contrapuntal relationship, reflect the ethical dilemma encountered by the traditional Southern values in the changing context of modernity, and the seemingly elusive transformation of their identity lies in their own ethical choices. Therefore, behind the ambiguity of meaning is the pluralistic value system of modernity during the transitional period of the Southern society, and various ethical choices based on the conflict between tradition and modernity are mixed and intertwined, thus generating a kind of paradoxical ambiguity prevalent within the text.

车 琳


Title: Princess of Clèves’ Emotional Crisis and Ethical Choices

内容摘要:拉法耶特夫人的小说《克莱芙王妃》继承了法国贵族风雅文学传统,描绘了宫廷社会风俗,同时是一部进行伦理探究的作品。错综复杂的宫廷生活构成作品的历史背景和伦理现场,在自然情感与道德情感的冲突中,克莱芙王妃以逐渐成熟的理性意志做出了最终的伦理选择,走出了情感危机和伦理困境,获得不受他者和俗世羁绊的精神自由。拉法耶特夫人在思想上受到17 世纪理性主义伦理观的影响,在文学上遵从古典主义规范,以出色的小说创作艺术赋予作品伦理意义和道德价值。

Abstract: Madam de La Fayette’s The Princess of Clèves, is a masterpiece that inherits the elegant tradition of the French aristocratic literature, describes the courtly customs, and explores ethical issues at the same time. The intricate courtly life provides the novel with a historical backdrop and an ethical arena, in which the Princess of Clèves makes her final ethical choice, amid the conflict between her natural emotions and moral emotions, based on her maturing rational will, thus freeing herself from the emotional crisis and ethical dilemma, and obtaining her spiritual freedom from the shackles of others and the mundane world. With the influence from the 17th-century rationalism, Madam de La Fayette followed the norms of classicism in her literary writing and imbued her novels with ethical significance and moral value through her brilliant craft of novel writing.




Title: The Enchantment of Daily Life: The Intersectional Poetics in Simon Armitage’s Magnetic Field: The Marsden Poems


Abstract: Simon Armitage, the current Poet Laureate of the UK, has garnered much praise from both the reading public and critics for his writing about daily life as exemplified in the representative collection of his poetry, Magnetic Field: The Marsden Poems. Even though the poet has claimed that his poetry writing relies primarily on the style of “kitchen sink realism,” most of the poems in this collection were actually written with the techniques of what he had previously termed as “West Yorkshire magic realism.” Such an approach is a specific demonstration of Armitage’s intersectional poetics. By exploring the “uncomfortable intersection” used in poetic form, content and others, he attempts to re-present the diverse hybridity of self-identity and local life and exhibit dynamic correlations in the physical world. With an indepth delineation of the enchanted spiritual feeling toward the material world at a passing moment, the poet aims to inspire the people in modern world to reestablish a sense of connection between the things around them and themselves.



Title: Louise Glück’s Möbius Loop Poetic Narratives


Abstract: In her poetry writing, Louise Glück, the winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature, draws on the topological features of Möbius loop, namely, its circularity, twist, and borderlessness, to construct a curved, multidimensional, and three-dimensional narrative structure, which invariably dissolves the traditional dualistic linear worldview, subverts the stereotypical mainstream narrative paradigm, and expands new narrative space-time dimensions and poetic boundaries. In addition, her rewriting of Greek mythology and biblical stories incorporates the existentialist philosophy of “being toward death” into poetry writing, so as to enrich the overall meaning of poetic narratives. The poet’s probe into poetry writing and individual existence is a process of confronting entanglements in her personal consciousness. Therefore, interpreting Glück’s poetry from a topological perspective could open a window into her creative aesthetics and her concept of existence.



Title:The Linguistic Representation of Trauma Writing in Contemporary Asian American Poetry

内容摘要:1970 年至2020 年的亚裔美国诗歌中创伤题材的诗歌有其特殊的语言形式表征,分别表现在叙述时态、书写格式和诗句形式三个方面。这些表征方式不仅与创伤的特点所重合,也与诗人的个人经历、祖居国的历史及与诗人族裔有关的战争与暴恐事件息息相关,更能邀请读者共同参与文本的建构,倾听和见证创伤事件。这使得有关创伤题材的亚裔美国诗歌不仅是疗愈创伤的重要过程,也是打捞黑暗记忆和追忆族裔历史的一种方式,更形成了独特的审美表征。

Abstract: In the Asian American poetry from 1970 to 2020, the trauma-themed poems have their special representation of linguistic forms, which is manifested respectively in three aspects: narrative tense, writing format, and poetic form. These forms of representation not only coincide with the characteristics of trauma, but also bear a close relation to poets’ personal experiences, the history of their home countries, and the wars and terrorist incidents involving their ethnic groups. Also, these forms seem quite effective in inviting readers to participate in the construction of texts, so that they can hear about and witness the traumatic events. Consequently, these elements turn the trauma-themed Asian American poems into an important healing mechanism for traumatic experiences as well as a way of salvaging dark memories and remembering ethnic history, thus establishing a unique kind of Asian American trauma aesthetic.




Title: “Chinese Narrative” in Chinese American Literature: An Analysis of the Novels by Maxine Hong Kingston and Amy Tan


Abstract: The so-called “Chinese narrative” in Chinese American literature is a unique form of literary expression. The term refers to some special narrative modes from the traditional Chinese literature adopted or borrowed by Chinese American writers, represented by Maxine Hong Kingston and Amy Tan, in their literary writings, so as to give legitimacy to Chinese American literature, specifically its narrative strategy and cultural origin, thus enhancing its influence in and beyond the literary circle. The “Chinese narrative,” which is mostly constructed by Chinese American writers on the Chinese history, or their memory and imagination about China, distinguishes itself from the American or Western narrative paradigm that establishes its overall structure on temporality and presents a unique aesthetic pattern in the narrative of the ancient Chinese literature that counts on spatiality as its main structuring principle. Of course, the “Chinese narrative” discussed in this article also includes other narrative forms or techniques like “story-telling” or “talk-story.” By combing through the narrative traditions of Chinese and Western literature, this article attempts to explore the borrowing or translocation of the narrative modes and techniques from Chinese literature in Chinese American literature.



Title: The Airplane, Its Airscape, and American Modernist Literature


Abstract: The airplane, as a representative new mode of transport in the early 20th century, has played a key role in the modern reconstruction of time and space. The splendid earth seen from the airplane’s window shows people another possible way to view and perceive the world. The period between the two world wars is an important stage for the startup and development of American aviation. It is almost the same time period in which the Lost Generation and American Modernist literature emerged. With the new temporal and spatial experience from the air travel and the airscape outside the airplane’s window, writers not only weave the airspeed and the airscape into their writings, but also take the newly obtained space-time perceptions, such as instantaneity, synchronicity, and simultaneity, into their consideration of new literary forms. The airspeed and the instantaneity it suggests inspire writers to reflect upon the drawbacks of linear narrative mode; the synchronicity and the sense of being in the flying experience prompt the narrative to explore the moment of being and the inner world; the simultaneity manifested by the airscape becomes one of the inspirational sources for the formal experiments of Modernism. The new vehicle of transport has fostered brand new space-time concepts and, thereby, helped writers shift their narrative from the chronological mode to that of Modernism.



Title: Urbanization and Spatial Justice: The Representation of New Urban Migrants in Zola’s The Assommoir

内容摘要:左拉的代表作《小酒店》通过描写从外省和乡下涌入巴黎的城市新移民,展现了19 世纪法国城市化进程。本文从物质空间、社会空间、精神空间三个不同层面,剖析小说中的城市新移民书写。物质空间、社会空间和精神空间的异化使得他们一直徘徊在城市的边缘,无法获得身份认同,难以真正融入城市社会。小说不仅体现了左拉对城市新移民的深切同情和人道主义关怀,更是对资本主义社会城市化本质的无情揭露,即资本运行逻辑之下,那些占据了绝对优势的资产阶级利用城乡关系对城市新移民的掠夺和剥削。这使得《小酒店》的创作意义远超畅销小说的范畴,有关城市新移民的书写正是左拉基于空间维度对社会正义问题的思考,展现了左拉对城市化进程下空间正义的焦虑和诉求。

Abstract: Zola’s representative work, The Assommoir, shows the process of urbanization in the 19th-century France by depicting the influx of new migrants into Paris from other provinces and the countryside. This article analyzes the representation of new migrants in the city from three different aspects, namely, physical space, social space, and spiritual space. The alienation in physical space, social space, and spiritual space keeps them wandering on the edge of the city, unable to obtain their identity or truly assimilate into the urban society. The novel shows not only Zola’s deep sympathy and humanitarian care for the new migrants in the city, but also a merciless revelation of the nature of urbanization in a capitalist society, that is, under the logic of capital operation, the bourgeoisie holds the absolute advantage in plundering and exploiting the new migrants in the city by abusing the urban-rural relations. This is why the creative significance of The Assommoir goes far beyond the scope of bestselling novels. The representation of the new migrants in the city truly manifests Zola’s reflections on the issues concerning social justice based on spatial dimensions and delineates his anxiety and yearning for spatial justice in the process of urbanization.


梁 坤


Title:The Green Gene in M. M. Prishvin’s Myth Writing


Abstract: Russian writer M. M. Prishvin’s myth writing represents the divine beauty of “eternal woman” and the religious philosophy of the “unity of all things.” He observes natural phenomena and probes into people’s lives and minds. At the foundation of folk culture, Orthodoxy and polytheism are intermingled: there are the ancient beliefs, customs, and monastic spirit of the Old Ritualists and sect believers on the one hand and, on the other, there are mythical fantasies about wizards, forest demons and water monsters. The writer explores the innermost aspects of the Russian soul and the roots of its folk beliefs: the myth about the holy city of Kitezh, which is part of the Russian intellectuals’ spiritual exploration in the early 20th century, naturally possesses the green genes of polytheism; the people who had not yet been impacted by modern civilization live in harmony with nature by adhering to the ancient laws of survival. The myths are intended to metaphorize the mystery of existence and the law of nature. Despite their isomorphic relationship with the Bible and Greek mythology, they are the homeland of the Russian soul.



Title:The Subversion of Colonial Myths in J. M. Coetzee’s Dusklands


Abstract: Dusklands, Coetzee’s debut novel, portrays two fanatic images of colonists in two different time periods, namely, the Dutch colonists’ exploration of South Africa and the American invasion of Vietnam, both of which are fully compatible in homogeneity and historical continuity. The novel aims to refute the hypothesis of colonial civilization, deconstruct the hegemonic masculinity of colonists, and challenge their mythological logic, so as to overturn the colonial myths constructed and peddled in the Western culture in the past few centuries, expose the false narrative of the colonial power discourse, and guide people to re-examine and reconsider the history of colonialism. Coetzee intervenes history with his novel writing, defying and revising the historical discourse of colonization with his unique textual structure and personalized narrative technique, thus highlighting the importance of novels in presenting historical narratives. A re-reading of Dusklands, at the present time when the imperialist evil still lingers on, definitely has significant and realistic ramifications.


目录 | 《外国文学研究》2023年第1期

崔雄权 | 心象风景:韩国文人笔下的“桃源图”诗文题咏

王晓燕 | 伊斯坦布尔时期奥尔巴赫的东方观

胡怡君 | 《苏格兰人的书》中的历史观演变

金松林 | “片断缝接式写作”:晚期罗兰·巴特的小说观念











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