
莱镇人文创刊一周年 - 编辑部的故事

莱镇人文 莱镇华协 2022-06-28

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2020年十月金秋,《莱镇人文 – Discover Lexington》创刊号与大家见面了,而今已是一周年。这是上下求索的一年。亦兴奋亦忐忑亦坦然:我们一直在努力。今天,我们用这个特别刊来记录自己,回望一年的耕耘与开拓,既为纪念,更为鞭策。

每一期记录的, 是莱镇这座百年小镇的藏龙卧虎,是生活在我们身边的芳邻、益友与良师。 










Elizabeth Xu

Elizabeth Xu(徐文蓉),生于20世纪,长于鄱阳湖边,学于中国科技大学,千禧年获波士顿某大学博士学位,供职某医药公司高级科学家,后取得麻省某大学计算机硕士学位,供职某电信公司为软件工程师。爱好读书旅游莳花弄草,兼职志愿者、自由记者以及自由写作者。



Ashley Rooney


Anne Lee

Anne 自1995年定居莱镇,将于 2022 年 4 月成为历史协会的主席。她与好友Ashley Rooney 合著了四本书《21 世纪的热蜡绘画艺术》《纤维艺术:壁画艺术》;《纤维艺术:雕塑》和《纤维艺术:可穿戴艺术》。





Sunny Zhang









13个故事 一座人文交汇的桥梁


Discover Lexington



 Alicia Mo is an eighth grader from Boston Latin 

School. She has enjoyed drawing since a young 

age, so she started drawing seriously in 3rd 

grade. Her drawing are the 1st & 5th Issue.

 Yang Liu is 15 years old and is in his sophmore 

year at  LHS. He has been drawing for over 10

years. His drawing are the 2nd, 4th & 7th Issue.

 Angie Zhang is a 9th grader at Lexington high 

school. She enjoys drawing and has been 

drawing since kindergarten. Her drawing are 

the 6th & 10th issue.


 Emily Kuang is a 9th grade student at LHS. She 

enjoys drawing and has been seriously drawing 

for 3 years. Her drawing is the 9th issue.

Shirley Sun is a junior at Bedford High School. 

In her spare time, she enjoys drawing and 

baking. Her drawing are  the 12th & 13th isssue.

 Alice Ma is an eighth grader at Jonas Clarke 

Middle School. She likes drawing and painting 

and has been taking art classes at Luckie Art 

Studio for seven years. Her drawing is the 

3th issue.

指导老师: 郑玥


特邀画家: 李海




 访谈第一期人物 Ashley - 10/2020 


 访谈第二期人物 Anne Lee - 11/2020 

在Anne 的书房里,与好友Ashley一起向我们娓娓道来多年的友谊和合作撰写出书,还有参与的社区组织和义务服务。从第二期Anne的专访开始,莱镇人文开始了双语版,面向英文读者。Anne 更是承担了不少期英文版的编辑重任,让莱镇人文成为了一座双向桥梁。

 访谈第四期人物 Catherine - 11/2020 


 访谈第五期人物 Anna -12/2020


 第一期人物 Ashley 80岁生日 - 3/2021

Ashley的八十大寿,莱镇人文编辑部欢聚在Ashley的家。鱼儿用日式的彩色折纸,折了八十只羊,拼成了这幅喜洋洋贺寿图 - 祝福山羊座的Ashley!

 第九期人物 Christina 80岁生日 - 5/2021


 访谈第十二期 Molly Nye - 06/2021

以 "Molly Nye" 命名的LexArt 画廊在莱镇人文访谈后的几个月后正式举行开幕典礼。先生Jose Molly和Molly 的三个优秀的儿子都出席了仪式。Molly有很多响亮亮的头衔,最喜欢的却是"三个孩子的母亲"。

 第十三期 Sophia & Larry Ho - 06/21


The Story from the editorial board - English 

From the editor

In the golden autumn of October 2020, we introduced the inaugural issue of "Discover Lexington" to our readers.  It is now our first anniversary.  It has been a year of explorations far and wide. It has been a year of excitement, trepidation, and serenity. Above all, it has been a year of hard work. Today, we use this special issue to look back at a year of cultivation and trailblazing. It is for our joint memory, for commemoration, and to spur us on further.

Featured in each issue are the ordinary, yet extraordinary people in Lexington. They are our neighbors, friends, and mentors around us.

365 days, 13 interviews, and 14 beautiful lives. They touched us and moved us, deeply and personally.

13 stories that built a bridge between humanities and cultures. 13 stories that recorded a page in the history of the town.

Tolerance leads to inclusiveness, and the virtuous can bear the most. Over the past year, we have used culture and art as our common language, mutual understanding and respect as our bridge. We talked to writers, artists, volunteers, community leaders, and scholars. We walked into their work and their lives, up close and intimate, recorded their kind deeds and profound thoughts, listened to their voices and interpreted their journeys. Through their rich and wonderful life stories, we feel the pulse of Lexington, and witness a piece of history of the United States.


Editorial Board


Pisces is the mother of three children and a two-time Boston Marathon runner. She is particularly fond of the famous line in Haruki Murakami's What Do I Talk About When I Talk about Running memoir: “All I do is run in the comfortable emptiness and nostalgic silence I concoct.  It is a wonderful thing, no matter what others say.”  Running alone and talking to herself, either thinking quietly or letting go, is the source of inspiration for Pisces’ creativity.

She is the Editor-In-Chief of CAAL’s blog, has established four columns including “CAAL monthly Newsletter," “Discover Lexington,” “Lexington Happenings,” and “Daily Hub - Ask the Expert” with her team.

Elizabeth Xu

Elizabeth Xu, who was born in the late 1960s, considers her generation to be the luckiest in this century.  She received her PhD during her tenure as a staff scientist at the Genetics Institute (now Pfizer).  She also has a master's degree in computer science and is now an architect in the software industry.  She enjoys reading, traveling, and gardening, and works as a journalist and freelance writer. 

Leo Yuan

Leo Yuan graduated from Wuhan University, had been living in the United States for 25 years, working in software and graphics areas. Li has 15 years of photography and graphic design experience,  working with companies and organizations on posters, flyers, logos, and periodicals.

Ashley Rooney

Ashley Rooney has always been a writer. Originally, she began writing proposals for energy consultants; then she turned to working with youth. Some years ago, she began writing for newspapers and authoring books on art, architecture, and ghosts! She has lived and volunteered in Lexington since 1972.   

Anne Lee

Anne Lee was born and raised in Switzerland. She moved to Lexington in 1995. Anne co-authored four books with her friend Ashley Rooney, Encaustic Art in the 21st Century (2015); Artistry in Fiber: Wall Art; Artistry in Fiber: Sculpture; and Artistry in Fiber: Wearable Art (2017). Anne has been a member of the Lexington Field and Garden Club since 2013 and served as co-president. She has been on the board of Lexington Historical Society since 2001, planning, organizing, and marketing events as Programs and Events Chair. She will become President in April 2022.


Sketches of  interviewees

Since its inception, “Discover Lexington” has received many positive responses from our audience, both Chinese and English, and especially from our young readers. Many ively Lexingtonians walked into the hearts and minds of readers thanks to our vivid interviews. Each featured person, old or young, artistic or scientific, progressive or conservative,  serious or humorous, has a unique spectrum and color. Together, they form a beautiful rainbow bridge that is humanity. At this one year anniversary, we invited our young readers and special guest painters to make sketches of  our special interviewees. Through its interactions with readers and contributors, “Discover Lexington” has grown into its unique style. 

 13 stoires a cultural bridge


Discover Lexington

Youth Readers and Artists 


 Alicia Mo is an eighth grader from Boston Latin 

School. She has enjoyed drawing since a young 

age, so she started drawing seriously in 3rd 

grade. Her drawing are the 1st & 5th Issue.

 Yang Liu is 15 years old and is in his sophmore 

year at  LHS. He has been drawing for over 10

years. His drawing are the 2nd, 4th & 7th Issue.

 Angie Zhang is a 9th grader at Lexington high 

school. She enjoys drawing and has been 

drawing since kindergarten. Her drawing are 

the 6th & the 10th issue. 


 Emily Kuang is a 9th grade student at LHS. She 

enjoys drawing and has been seriously drawing 

for 3 years. Her drawing is the 9th issue.

Shirley Sun is a junior at Bedford High School. 

In her spare time, she enjoys drawing and 

baking. Her drawing are  the 12th & 13th 


 Alice Ma is an eighth grader at Jonas Clarke 

Middle School. She likes drawing and painting 

and has been taking art classes at Luckie Art 

Studio for seven years. Her drawing is the 

3th issue.

Instructor: Zheng Yue

Zheng Yue graduated from the Nanjing University of the Arts (NUA), with major in Art Design. After graduation, she became an art teacher at the NUA High School, and later a senior art teacher at the Ning Hai High School, a school affiliated with the Academy of Fine Arts of Tsinghua University. After coming to the United States, Zheng Yue founded the Luckie Art Studio in 2006.  Over the years, hundreds of students from the Luckie Art Studio have won awards in international and national art competitions. Zheng Yue herself has won many international and national awards for her excellence in tutoring. 

Guest Artist: Haydn Li

Li Hai (Haydn) is an 886 alumnus of the University of Science and Technology of China. A senior executive of a financial company, he has studied and worked in China, Europe, and the United States. He loves traveling, climbing, reading, and photography, and recently studied drawing in his spare time.  The featured person in the eighth and eleventh issues are his works.


Mini-stories from the editorial department

 Interview Ashley - 10/2020 

 The first interview was arranged in the back garden of Ashley's house. Talking with Ashley is pure joy, like tasting fine wine and basking in the spring breeze. Ashley built the first bridge for “Discover Lexington.”

 Interview Anne Lee - 11/2020 

In Anne's living room, together with her friend Ashley, we talked about their longtime friendship, and their many years collaborating,writing books, participating in community organizations, and volunteering. Starting from our second interview with Anne, “Discover Lexington” became bilingual with both Chinese and English versions. Anne even undertook a lot of the editing tasks for the English edition, making the magazine a two-way bridge.

 Interview Catherine Rielly - 11/2020 

Three like-minded friends, Catherine, Jinling and Elizabeth, joined their efforts to fight the pandemic. Throughout the interview, Catherine conveyed her idea of getting along with people of different ethic groups through common understanding and mutual respect. 

 Interview Anna Monaco -12/2020

Lexington’s Hayden ice skating rink has accompanied Anna's growth, family life and career. Thus Anna has a unique affection and soft spot for Hayden. Our cover photo for the issue deliberately chose it as the site. Photographer Yuan Li carefully selected a special angle, so that Hayden’s name was perfectly presented behind Anna as a background.

 Ashley's 80th birthday - 3/2021

On Ashley’s 80th birthday, the editorial department gathered at her home. Pisces used Japanese origami paper to fold 80 sheep to form this happy birthday picture, Blessing Ashley of Capricorn!

  Christina's 80th birthday - 05/2021

On Christina’s 80th birthday, this cover of "Discover Lexington" and the blessing from the editorial department apparently touched Christina’s heart. She sent copies to each of her children!

 Interview Molly Nye - 06/2021

The LexArt Gallery named after Molly Nye officially held its opening ceremony a few months after the “Discover Lexington” interview. Joe, Molly, and their three outstanding sons all attended the ceremony. Molly has many resounding titles, but her favorite is the "Mother of Three Children.”

Interview Sophia & Larry Ho - 06/21

The 13th issue on Sophia and Larry Ho was successfully completed after two interviews. Professor Ho and his wife were initially interviewed by Sunny and Pisces. After that, Elizabeth conducted another in-depth interview with the couple and especially Ms. Sophia Ho. The writeup for both interviews were cleverly interspersed and the manuscript carefully edited by Ruixi and Pisces.

Scroll down to read in English



莱镇活动早知道 - 2021 年 11 月


莱镇活动早知道 - 2021 年 10 月


莱镇活动早知道 - 2021 年 09 月


莱镇活动早知道 - 2021 年 08 月



中文:鱼儿 & Elizabeth Xu

英文:袁睿翕 & Anne Lee



Website: caal-ma.org

Facebook: caal1983

Twitter: CAALsince1983

Youtube: CAAL


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莱镇活动早知道 - Lexington Happenings I 2021 年 11 月

