

Love English 2 2022-12-23

《你好,中国》— (Hello, China)全100集
《伊索寓言》—(Aesop's Fables)全30集
Seasons of China 《四季中国》全24集

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“I wish I had money,” Bajie moaned. “All this food looks so good.”

The travelers were walking through a city in the Scarlet Kingdom. The streets were lined with people selling food and other goods.

“Stop thinking about food, Bajie,” said Wujing.

“What’s going on over there?” asked the Tang Monk. He pointed to a crowd of people reading a sign on a wall.

The travelers walked over to the crowd.

The sign read: “The King of the Scarlet Kingdom is seeking help. Anyone who can defeat demons must report to the royal palace.”

The Tang Monk sighed. “I don’t want to delay our journey. But you three can defeat demons. We must report to the palace.”

“Don’t worry, Master,” said Wukong. “I’m great at defeating demons. This won’t take long.”

“I hope they have food at the palace,” said Bajie. “I’m starving.”

The travelers arrived at the palace gate.

They spoke with a guard, who then led them into the court. The king sat on his throne, looking very sad.

“Your Majesty,” said the guard. “The Tang Monk is here to see you. He says his companions can defeat demons.”

The king looked up but didn’t say anything.

The guard whispered to the travelers. “His Majesty is very upset. If you can help him, please do.”

Wukong walked up to the king. “Greetings, Your Majesty. I am Sun Wukong, king of the Fruit and Flower Mountain. You need someone who can defeat demons. Well, here I am!”

Suddenly the king covered his face with his hands and burst out crying.

“Oh, it’s terrible!” cried the king. “I have no hope anymore!”

Wukong scratched his head. “What’s wrong?”

“The queen—my wife!” cried the king.

“I’ll never . . . Oh! It’s terrible!”

Wukong frowned. “Your Majesty, stop crying!”

“Wukong!” hissed the Tang Monk. “Show some respect.”

Wukong ignored the monk and looked at the king. “I realize you’re upset. But if you want my help, you must stay calm and explain everything to me.”

The king sniffed and sat up straight. “You’re right.” He pulled out a handkerchief and blew his nose. “I will tell you what happened.

Three years ago the Demon of Power attacked our kingdom. The demon kidnapped the queen.

I sent soldiers to fight the demon and bring back my wife. But the demon was too powerful.”

“Where is the demon?” asked Wukong.

The king got up and walked to a window.

He pointed to a mountain in the distance. “The demon lives on that mountain.”

Wukong clapped the king on the back.

“You can stop being sad now, Your Majesty. I will rescue the queen. In the meantime, please take care of my companions. I think Bajie is hungry.”

Wukong landed on the demon’s mountain.

Several small demons were standing outside a cave entrance.

“Return the queen or I’ll destroy all of you!” shouted the monkey.

“Ahh!” cried the small demons as they ran into the cave.

Wukong heard another voice inside the cave. “What’s going on?” it said.

“Master!” cried one demon. “There’s a monkey outside. We must return the queen, or he’ll destroy all of us!”

A large demon with broad shoulders came out of the cave. He wore three bells.

“I am the Demon of Power!” shouted the demon. “Get off of my mountain!”

Wukong was furious. “Do you know who I am? I’m the—”

Whoosh! Flames shot all over, smoke filled the air, and sand whipped past Wukong.

The monkey coughed as sand flew up his nose.

“This is awful!” cried Wukong.

He covered his face and leaped off the mountain.
1.royal [ˈrɔɪəl]  adj.国王的;女王的;皇家的;王室的;用于服务于国王或女王或受其赞助的组织名称;庄严的;盛大的;高贵的;适合国王(或女王)的  n.王室成员
roy(-reg-) 统治 + al 形容词后缀,同源词:regal,rule。
the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
2.scarlet [ˈskɑːrlət] adj.猩红的;鲜红的 n.猩红色;红衣;象征罪恶的深红色;绯红色
美国作家霍桑的长篇小说《红字》英文名就是The Scarlet Letter。
She turned scarlet from embarrassment, once she realized what she had done...
3.sniff [snɪf]  v.抽鼻子(尤指哭泣、患感冒等时出声地用鼻子吸气);(吸着气)嗅,闻;抱怨;不以为然地说 n.吸气(声);抽鼻子(声);嗅;闻;感觉;察觉;微小的可能性
We all had colds and couldn't stop sniffing and sneezing.
4.all over [ˈɔːl oʊvər]  到处,遍及;全部完结
Our fingerprints are probably all over the place. 



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