

Love English 2 2022-12-23

《你好,中国》— (Hello, China)全100集

《伊索寓言》—(Aesop's Fables)全30集

Seasons of China 《四季中国》全24集

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Wukong was furious. “The Bull Demon King tricked me!”

The monkey rushed back to the cave and smashed the door. Crash!

The Bull Demon King ran outside. “You villain!” he shouted. “You destroyed my door!”

“Give me that fan right now!” yelled Wukong.

“Or I’ll destroy the rest of your mountain!”

“Never!” said the demon.

Wukong charged toward the demon.

Poof! The demon turned into a crane and flew away.

“He’s not the only one who can turn into other animals,” thought the monkey.

Wukong turned into a phoenix and shot after the crane. With his claws out, he swooped down at the crane. The crane dipped lower and Wukong missed. When Wukong looked back, 2the crane was gone.

“Where did he go?” thought Wukong. He looked down and saw an antelope grazing in a field. “That’s him!”

Wukong landed and turned into a tiger.

He crept through the tall grass. When he got close to the antelope, he leaped.

Light flashed, and the antelope turned into a huge white bull.

The bull flew up into the sky, and Wukong followed. He had almost caught up to the bull, when he heard a shout.

“Stand back, Wukong!” It was a soldier from Heaven. “The Jade Emperor sent us to help you.”

More soldiers rushed toward the bull. With a snort, the bull spun around and flew the other way. But other soldiers appeared and blocked the bull’s path. Wukong watched as soldiers surrounded the bull. They moved in closer, their swords and spears all pointed at the bull.

The Bull Demon King returned to his demon form. “Please, don’t hurt me!”

The Iron Immortal was rushing toward the soldiers. “Don’t harm my husband!” she cried. “He didn’t mean to be evil!”

One soldier lowered his sword. “We won’t harm you if you’re truly sorry for being evil. But right now you’re stopping the Tang Monk from continuing his journey. Sun Wukong needs your fan.”

The Iron Immortal handed the fan to the soldier.

“Here’s the fan,” she said. “We are truly sorry. My husband and I will be good Buddhists from now on. Just please, don’t hurt us.”

The soldier looked at the Bull Demon King.

The demon nodded. “We promise.”

“Very well,” said the soldier. “You two may return to your cave. But you must stay out of trouble from now on.”

The demon and his wife bowed and left.

The soldier handed the fan to Wukong.

“It’s good that you’ll be the one to put out the Mountain of Flames, Wukong.”

Wukong was confused. “Why?”

“You’re the one who caused the fire,” said the soldier. “It was when Laozi tried to burn you up in his pot. You leaped out of the pot, disturbing the fire in his workroom.

A burning ember fell to Earth that day and started the fire on the mountain.”

Wukong looked at the fan. “I’ll be happy to put out the fire.”

Wukong returned to the village. The Tang Monk and his companions were at the old man’s house again. Once again they thanked the man and followed the road up the hill. At the top they looked at the Mountain of Flames.

Wukong lifted the fan and waved it. Whoosh!

Instantly the fire went out. The air cooled down, and Wukong saw the valley start to turn green. Leaves grew on trees, and small flowers popped up here and there. Birds sang in the branches as other animals ran through the grass.

Wukong smiled. He had done evil things a long time ago. Now he was fixing them.
1.villain [ˈvɪlən]  n.(小说、戏剧等中的)主要反面人物,反派主角,坏人;恶棍;坏蛋;罪犯
vill〔= vile邪恶〕+ ain 人 → 邪恶的人 → 恶棍
He often plays the part of the villain.
2.antelope [ˈæntɪloʊp] n.羚;羚类动物
The antelope darted away when it saw us.
3.stay out of [steɪ aʊt əv]  远离;置身事外;避开;不插手
"stay out of my lawn or I'll knock your block off." the man said.
4.ember [ˈembər]  n.余火未尽的木块(或煤块)
However, to become the leader, one's ember must be pure in light.
5.pop up [ˈpɑːp ʌp]  突然出现;冷不防冒出
You solved one problem and another would immediately pop up.



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