

Love English 2 2022-12-23

《你好,中国》— (Hello, China)全100集
《伊索寓言》—(Aesop's Fables)全30集


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Don’t make any rain yet,” Wukong repeated.

“But we must,” said the Old Woman of the Wind. “Someone on Earth just prayed for it.”

“And the Jade Emperor heard the prayers,” added the Dragon King of  the  Eastern Sea.

“The person who recited the prayers is bad,” said Wukong. “He’s the Tiger Immortal, and he plans to make the Tang Monk a slave.”

The Dragon King looked concerned.

“That’s terrible. We all want the Tang Monk to reach the Western Paradise.”

“But we must obey the Jade Emperor’s orders,” said the woman.

“Just wait a moment,” said the monkey.

“I’ll go back down to the ground now. When I raise my iron bar, you can make it rain.”

The woman and the Dragon King agreed to wait a moment. Wukong returned to his body.

The sky cleared, and the Tiger Immortal shook with anger. “Why didn’t my spell work?” he cried.

Bajie laughed at him. “Some rain! You couldn’t even summon one drop!”

“I’ll try again,” said the Tiger Immortal.

“No, you won’t,” said Wukong. “You had a chance to summon rain, and you obviously can’t. Now its my turn.

The monkey raised his iron bar into the air. Instantly clouds moved back in, and thunder boomed. Rain began to pour down. The crowd cheered.

The Tang Monk sighed. “Wonderful! Now all the Buddhist monks will be free. And we can continue our journey.”

The Tiger Immortal stomped over to Wukong. “I want another contest!”

Wukong laughed. “Why would you want another contest? You’ll only lose again.”

The Tiger Immortal ignored the monkey’s question. “I challenge the Tang Monk to a guessing game.”

The Tang Monk’s mouth fell open. “But—”

“We accept your challenge,” said the monkey with a smile.

“Good,” said the Tiger Immortal. “I will be right back.” He walked away

“Wukong, why did you agree to this contest?” asked the Tang Monk. “I won’t


“Don’t worry, Master,” said the monkey.

“I’ll help you.”

The Tiger Immortal soon came back with a small box. “If you can guess what’s in this box, I will let you all go free.”

As the Tang Monk stared at the box, Wukong plucked a hair. Using his magic, he made the hair look like himself. Then he made himself tiny and squeezed through a crack in the box. Inside the box was a ripe peach. Quickly he ate the peach, leaving only the pit.

A moment later he was standing next to the Tang Monk again.

Wukong leaned toward the monk and whispered, “It’s a peach pit.”

“Are you sure?” whispered the monk. “How do you know?

Stop talking to each other!said the Tiger Immortal. Whats in the box?

“I think it’s a peach pit,” said the monk nervously.

“Ha!” said the Tiger Immortal. “You’re wrong, Monk. It’s not just a peach pit. It’s a whole peach. I’ll show you.

The Tiger Immortal opened the box and showed it to everyone. “See?”

The Tang Monk smiled. “I was right! It is a peach pit.”

“What?” cried the Tiger Immortal. He looked in the box and gasped. “Who ate the peach?”

Wukong laughed. “The Tang Monk guessed correctly!”

“I guess we can leave now,” said Wujing.

“Yes, but we should eat some dinner first,” said Bajie. “All this talk about peaches has made me hungry.”

Wukong looked at the Tiger Immortal.

“You will set the Buddhist monks free now, right?”

The Tiger Immortal glared at the monkey. “I challenge you to another contest!”


1.boom [buːm]  n.(贸易和经济活动的)激增,繁荣;(某种体育运动、音乐等)突然风靡的时期;帆桁  v.轰鸣;轰响;以低沉有力的声音说;迅速发展;激增;繁荣昌盛
Living standards improved rapidly during the post-war boom.
2.stomp [stɑːmp]  v.迈着重重的步子走(或跳舞、移动)
She stomped angrily out of the office.
3.pluck [plʌk]  v.摘;拔;拔掉,退去(死禽的毛);弹,弹拨(乐器的弦) n.胆识;胆量;意志
She plucked out a grey hair.
4.squeeze [skwiːz]  v.挤压;捏;(从某物中)榨出,挤出,拧出;(使)挤入;挤过;塞入 n.挤压;捏;榨出的液体;小量挤出的汁;挤;塞
to squeeze the juice from a lemon
5.pit [pɪt]  n.深洞;深坑;矿井;麻子;痘瘢;果核 v.使…表面有斑点;在…上打洞
We dug a deep pit in the yard.


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