

Love English 2 2022-12-23

《你好,中国》— (Hello, China)全100集
《伊索寓言》—(Aesop's Fables)全30集


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I challenge you to a meditation contest,” said the Tiger Immortal. “Whoever can meditate the longest without moving is the winner.”

Wukong gulped. “I used to meditate a lot,” he thought. “But I haven’t done it lately. I’m terrible at sitting still.”

The Tang Monk stepped forward. “I accept your challenge.”

“Master, are you sure?” asked Wujing.

The Tang Monk nodded. “I’ve spent many years meditating. This contest will be easy for me.”

The Tiger Immortal grinned. “This won’t be an ordinary meditation contest. We will float in the air and meditate. Can you do that?”

Now the Tang Monk looked nervous.

But before the monk could answer, Wukong clapped him on the back.

“Of course the Tang Monk can float in the air,” the monkey replied.

Then he whispered into the monk’s ear.

“Don’t worry, Master. You just meditate. I’ll handle everything else.”

“What are you babbling about?” snapped the Tiger Immortal. “Let’s start the contest.”

The Tiger Immortal and the Tang Monk went in front of the crowd. They sat down with their legs crossed and their palms facing up. They closed their eyes and started meditating.

After a moment the Tiger Immortal slowly floated up into the air.

“Uh-oh,” said Bajie. “Master can’t do that. He’ll lose the contest.”

“Don’t worry,” said Wukong. “He just needs some help from me.”

The monkey recited a spell and then blew toward the Tang Monk. The monk lifted off the ground. His eyes remained closed. Soon he was floating next to the Tiger Immortal.

“I think Master will win this contest,”said Wujing.

“I’m pretty good at meditating too,”said Bajie. “I could have competed in this contest.”

Wukong smirked. “It would take a lot of magic to lift you, Bajie.” The pig snorted.

“Master’s face is twitching!” said Wujing suddenly.

“Uh-oh,” said Bajie. “I wonder what’s  wrong.”

“Maybe he has a headache,” said Wujing.

“This isn’t good. If the monk moves at all, he will lose the contest.”

Wukong looked up at the Tang Monk. “I think he has an itch,” said the monkey. “Wait here.”

Wukong became invisible and flew up to the monk. A flea was crawling on the monk’s head.

“Hmm,” thought Wukong. “Why would a flea be on the Tang Monk? He has no hair.”

The monkey bit his lip. “The Tiger Immortal must have used magic to put this flea here. That rotten cheater!”

Wukong brushed the flea away and scratched the Tang Monk’s head. The monk’s face stopped twitching.

“Now I’ll teach the Tiger Immortal a lesson,” thought Wukong.

The monkey plucked one of his hairs and turned it into a centipede. He dropped the centipede onto the Tiger Immortal’s head.

The Tiger Immortal’s ear twitched as the centipede crawled over it. Then the centipede crawled along his mouth. The Tiger Immortal’s lip curled slightly. His nose wrinkled. Next the centipede crawled on the Tiger Immortal’s nose. The Tiger Immortal sniffed. And then . . .

“Ouch!” cried the Tiger Immortal.

“Something bit me!” He lost his concentration and fell, hitting the ground with a puff of smoke. When the smoke cleared, a dead tiger lay on the ground. The crowd gasped.

Wukong and the Tang Monk came back down.

The crowd was silent. Daoists and Buddhists all stared at one another.

The monkey cleared his throat. “The Tiger Immortal was just an evil tiger spirit.

Now that he’s gone, I want you Daoists to treat the Buddhists kindly. Everybody should live together peacefully.”


1.grin [ɡrɪn]  v.露齿而笑;咧着嘴笑;龇着牙笑 n.露齿的笑;咧着嘴笑
They grinned with delight when they heard our news.
2.babble [ˈbæbl]  n.嘈杂的人声;含混不清的话;胡言乱语;(幼儿)咿呀学语声 v.含混不清地说;嘀里嘟噜地说;(水流过石块)潺潺作响
I can't listen to his constant babble.
They were all babbling away in a foreign language.
3.smirk [smɜːrk]  v.自鸣得意地笑;傻笑 n.假笑;傻笑,得意的笑
He smirked unpleasantly when we told him the bad news.
4.twitch [twɪtʃ]  v.痉挛;抽搐;抽动;急拉;猛拽;猛地被扯动 n.痉挛;抽搐;抽动;闪动;晃动;急拉;(一阵)感觉
The cats watched each other, their tails twitching.
5.centipede [ˈsentɪpiːd]  n.蜈蚣
centi 百 + ped 脚,足 + e → 百脚虫 → 蜈蚣
We can't move like this, like a centipede.


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