

Love English 2 2022-12-23

《你好,中国》— (Hello, China)全100集
《伊索寓言》—(Aesop's Fables)全30集
Seasons of China 《四季中国》全24集

81 / 82 / 83 / 84 / 85 / 8687

“Help!” cried Bajie. Spiderwebs now covered the pig so he couldn’t move at all.

Wukong quickly grew tall. He swung his iron bar furiously at the young women.

“Oh no!” cried one woman.

“The monkey is a powerful spirit!” cried another.

“We must leave!” cried the third.

Poof! The women vanished. Wukong ran into the house. He saw a large form wrapped in spiderwebs in a corner.

“Master!” cried the monkey. He quickly pulled off the webs.

“Thank you, Wukong,” said the monk breathlessly. “Those women were planning to eat me!”

“Those women are gone now,” said Wukong.

Then he smirked. “Bajie scared them away.

The pig was a real hero!”

“Wonderful,” said the Tang Monk as they went outside. “Where is Bajie now?”

“He’s right there.” Wukong pointed and laughed. “Bajie, the brave hero!”

Bajie was on the ground, still struggling to get out of the webs. He pretended to laugh.

“Ha-ha, Wukong. Very funny.”

The road left the forest and headed up a mountain. The travelers arrived at a Daoist abbey.

“Maybe we can rest here,” said Wujing.

The group entered the abbey. An old priest was inside, mixing a potion.

“Visitors!” said the priest. “Come in, and make yourselves at home.”

“Thank you,” said the Tang Monk.

The priest led them to a sitting area.

“You’re Buddhists,” the priest observed as everyone sat down. “Where are you going?”

The Tang Monk opened his mouth to answer, but Wukong spoke first.

“We’re on our way to visit friends,” said the monkey.

“That’s nice,” said the priest. “Would you like some tea? I have plenty of food too. I will prepare a meal for us.”

“That would be wonderful,” said Bajie.

The priest stood up and left the room.

“Wukong, why did you lie to the priest?” asked the Tang Monk.

“I’m just being careful,” said the monkey.

“We shouldn’t tell everyone we meet that you’re the Tang Monk.”

Wujing nodded. “Wukong is right, Master. You almost got eaten just this morning.”

The priest was in the kitchen, boiling water for tea. He was looking for rice when he realized he wasn’t alone.

The three young women stood nearby, and they looked angry.

“Hello, my dear friends,” said the priest.

“What’s wrong? You look upset.”

“We caught the Tang Monk this morning,”said one woman.

“But we had to flee our house,” said another woman.

“A monkey and a pig attacked us,” said the third.

“I have visitors right now,” the priest whispered.

“There’s a monk with three companions. One is a monkey and another is a pig!”

“Are you serious?” whispered the first woman.

“It must be them,” whispered the second woman.

“They must not leave!” whispered the third.

An evil smile flashed across the priest’s face. “We’ll eat the Tang Monk, and we’ll all live forever!”

The first woman now looked worried. “But how will we defeat the monk’s companions? That monkey is powerful.”

The priest went to a cabinet and pulled out a small bottle. “I’ll add this poison to their tea.”

The priest returned to the travelers. “Sorry I took so long,” he said, smiling. “The meal will be ready soon. Here’s your tea.”

“Thank you,” said the Tang Monk.

Wukong looked at the priest and suddenly felt suspicious. There was something evil behind the man’s smile. The monkey glanced at his tea. It didn’t look quite right.

“Master!” cried the monkey. “Don’t drink the—”

But it was too late. The monk, Wujing, and Bajie were already sipping their tea.
1.breathless [ˈbreθləs]  adj.(令人)气喘吁吁的,上气不接下气的;(令人)屏息的,目瞪口呆的;令人窒息的;无风的
He arrived breathless at the top of the stairs.
2.smirk [smɜːrk]  v.自鸣得意地笑;傻笑 n.假笑;傻笑,得意的笑
Two men looked at me, nudged each other and smirked...
3.abbey [ˈæbi]  n.(大)隐修院;(曾为大隐修院的)大教堂
The abbey was in ruins
4.cabinet [ˈkæbɪnət]  n.内阁;储藏柜;陈列柜
内阁是由中世纪英国国王的顾问机构枢密院(the Privy Council)中的外交委员会演变而来的。1066年的法国诺曼底公爵威廉征服英国以后,实行中央集权统治,设立了中央管理机关“御前会议”,御前会议是国王的咨询机构和办事机构。到了15世纪,国王的御前会议更加固定和完善,发展成为枢密院,以后枢密院中又分设若干个委员会,分管各项事务,其中外交委员会地位最显要,也最得英王的信任。从查理二世、威廉三世到安娜女王,在庞大的枢密院会议上讨论政务之前,英王总要与该委员会的少数亲信大臣聚集于一个小房间,秘密开会讨论。因此人们便该委员会称为cabinet。后来该词用于指政府中的核心成员。
cabin:['kæbɪn] n.小屋、客舱、船舱
a cabinet meeting
The china was displayed in a glass cabinet.



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