

kk VCD影促會 2022-12-16
(For English preface and guest speakers introduction of Lumen Quarterly 2021 Spring, please scroll down.)















约翰·赫尔西:艺术家,毕业于哈佛大学,卫斯理安大学策展项目Into the Deluge(没入洪流)主理人。

Lumen Quarterly 2021 Spring: Moving, Moving, Relocating - Preface

As the streets are filled with banners and loudspeakers calling for vaccination, security guards at the entrance of the village also start to slack off, no longer insist to check the pass cards of every passerby. The Pandemic, seems to have already become a thing of the past. However, this experience has left changes on no matter the daily life or partly the inner selves of ours, which will never be the same again. And, those decisions  made under the pandemics indeed remained on the turned page.

VCD moved to Caochangdi art district, farther out from the city, during this turmoil. One of our consultants happened to live in this small yard too. Her family eventually decided to move out of Beijing this spring. Due to visa issues and other reasons, they have not been able to use this studio space for more than a year. Therefore this decision of moving was not so much by choice but out of necessity. Watching the receding figure of the neighbours dragging their luggage, VCD also ushered in our new theme of this season: Moving, Moving, Relocating.

Back in last year, we once had a planned program with the theme "Choice", by which we intended to discuss an inexplicable topic: when facing the great transformation of the Era, how much of our individual choice-making is under reluctance? How much of it is under the collective aspiration of this time? And how much of it is truly by the determined  will? From the moving of the intellectuals in the 1950s, to the return of the educated youth from the countriside to the city, then to the great ethnic migration in history, or shall we take a retrospection of our own journey of life, too many choices could only be comprehended within its own historical context.
Considering the entangled relation between the theme of this season and the social reality, we are honored to invite XIE Ding, media professional who has been long devoted in non-fictional writing, to be the "Host" of 2021 Spring program. XIE Ding will lead the discusisons together with a group of his friends - writer Danbao, writer YANG Xiao, scholar LIU Wennan, media professional XIONG Ayi, media professional LENG Jianguo and art researcher HU Hao. They will join us discussing the following topics: social mobility, ethnic migration, and individual life change. Let us think about such questions: how should we make the choice of either going abroad of returning home? Why would we make such decision? How does the residence we choose represent our ideological positions, then how has it shaped us in turn?

When we sent the invitation to Xie Ding, he was in the middle of a move, and it is still on-going at this moment. Three years ago, he moved back to Chongqing, his hometown, from Beijing where he had lived for over a decade. Now, he is about to move back to Beijing. “This one should be the final move,” he said. While who knows. During the past three years, several of VCD's curators have moved away. Some of them just live an unsettled life, moving around from time to time; some of them moved to the countryside in preparation for a new life to the family; and others moved back to their hometown for various reasons. When it comes to nostalgia, most of us probably don't even know where to locate the base of this emotion - is it the place we spent the longest time, or the place where we were born, or the hometown of our parents and grandparents?

Under the upgraded framework of Lumen Quarterly, we hope that everyone can speak freely in the "living room" of VCD, enjoy watching the moves through the artists' lens, tell us about your own story of "moving", as well as sharing extended thoughts of yours.

About the Host
XIE Ding: Media professional. Xie has worked for Legal Evening News, 21st Century Business Herald, and Life Magazine. His publication includes Trapped in Freedom, a collection of his journalist reports. During Xie's 17-year career in journalism, he has been focusing on the underclass, and was distinguished by stories he wrote for ordinary people, particularly of their moving and migration in the historical macro-narratives. In 2014, Xie Ding established “Noon Story”, a brand with Jiemian.com, which dedicates to non-fiction writing and intends to document those who are out of the spotlight of the mainstream media, with a fresh eye. It has received awards including “New Media of the Year”(Sohu.com) and “New Voice of the Year” (One Way Street). Currently, he is  the Associate Editor of Esquire China.

About the Guests
(In alphabetic order of Last Names)

Danbao: Writer, author of short fiction collection, A Happy Ending

HU Hao:Writer, researcher specialized in contemporary art and photography. Researcher of TAIKANG Space.

LENG Jianguo: Journalist, editor, co-founder of podcast, Stochastic Volatility.

LIU Wennan: Scholar, specialized in the interrelation between politics and everyday life in modern China; he is now an associate researcher at the Institute of Modern History, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

XIONG Ayi: Journalist, former contributor of Sanlian Lifeweek Magazine and GQ Magazine.

YANG Xiao:Journalist, writer, author of Zi Di and the forthcoming book, Revisit: Looking for Southwest Associated University on Roads, Rivers and Courier Routes.

Participating Artists

John HULSEY: Artist, Harvard University alumnus, Director of curatorial project Into the Deluge at Wesleyan University.

JIANG Zhi: Mix-media artist of moving-image, text, painting, photography and installation. His representative works include documentary Forefinger, Empty Cage, moving-image work 0.7% Salt and photography work Love Letter.
WANG Bing: Independent filmmaker, one of the most important documentary makers in China. His representative works include Tie Xi Qu: West of the Tracks, He Fengming, Dead Souls, 15 Hours. Wang Bing's works have been numerously selected in  major international film festivals, and presented in internationally significant art biennials and documenta.
WANG Xiaoshuai: Director. His works have been numerously selected in Cannes Film Festival, Berlin International Film Festival and Venice Film Festival. Wang Xiaoshuai's representative works include The Days, Beijing Bicycle, Shanghai Dreams and So Long, My Son.
Yoni GOLDSTEIN: Chicago-based filmmaker, artist and cinematographer. In 2018, he was selected as one of Filmmaker Magazine’s “25 New Faces“ of independent cinema.
Meredith ZIELKE: Filmmaker, cinematographer and film editor. Moving image works she participated have been exhibited at the Whitney Biennial, New Media Festival in Korea.
Bartek DZIADOSZ: Filmmaker, Director of the Derek Jarman Lab. Now he is a PhD candidate in Theory of Editing at Birkbeck College, University Of London.


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棱镜现实 | 南方季风 | 类人简史 
流动的顿悟  语言的转码




万玛才旦专访  |  郝蕾谈戈达尔  |  采访阮纯诗
蔡明亮专访  |  《黑眼圈》现场全纪录
杨·史云梅耶 | 谷口晓彦访谈 |  德里克·贾曼的蓝
原一男谈纪录片作为私影像 | 对话陈巧真

机构对话Image Forum

电影《罗马》中的水 | 寺山修司的实验 
影视中的中年妇女 |真人版《花木兰》
青年电影 |商业文艺左右逢源的韩国电影

#0 VCD,北京#1 辛云鹏,北京#2 Roxlee,马尼拉#3 aaajiao,柏林#4 方璐,纽约州比肯镇#5 王小帅,上海#6 Alessandro Rolandi,米兰乡下#7 Anna Zett,莱比锡附近#8 Ted Whitaker,惠灵顿

World Organization Of Video Culture Development
国际影像文化促进会(以下简称:VCD 影促会)于 2017 年夏天在北京正式成立。作为一个非营利机构,它致力于搭建一个观影、学习和交流的平台,向公众普及和推广艺术影像。一方面,VCD 影促会以举办影像资料展、文献展、讲座和学术研讨会等方式为更多人提供影像艺术教育;另一方面,它也通过自身平台挖掘更多优秀的影像艺术作品,在为其提供放映机会的同时助力青年影像艺术家持续创作。


