

Love English 2 2022-12-23

《你好,中国》— (Hello, China)全100集
《伊索寓言》—(Aesop's Fables)全30集
Seasons of China 《四季中国》全24集

82 / 83 / 84 / 85 / 86 / 8788

Wukong gasped as his companions began to look ill.

The Tang Monk’s head bobbed forward, and his teacup dropped from his hand. And then—thump! The monk toppled to the floor. A moment later Wujing and Bajie passed out too.

“Evil villain!” Wukong jumped to his feet and pulled out his iron bar. The priest backed away.

Just then a door burst open, and the three women ran into the room.

“You again?” cried the monkey.

He leaped out of the way as the women shot webs at him. He jumped up, did a flip in the air, and landed directly behind the women.

Furiously, he slammed his iron bar down.

Wham! There was a puff of smoke. When it cleared, a dead spider lay where one of the women had been.

The other two women stared in horror.

“He destroyed our sister!” cried one.

“He’s a monster!” cried the other.

Wukong charged toward them. He knocked flying webs out of his way and then . . . Crack!

Bam! Both women were gone. In their places lay dead spiders.

“Those spider spirits were my dear friends!”cried the priest. His eyes burned with fury.

“You will regret destroying them.”

The priest opened his robe, revealing a body covered in eyes. Suddenly, blinding light shot from the many eyes.

“Aargh! The light is too bright!” cried the monkey. He covered his own eyes and ran all over the room. But he couldn’t escape the blinding light.

Finally he slammed his iron bar into the abbey’s stone floor. A huge hole opened up.

The monkey jumped in and turned into a mole. Using his claws, he tunneled until he was sure he was far from the abbey.

When Wukong popped up out of the ground, he turned back into himself. Bright light was shining from the abbey. Even from far away, the light burned the monkey’s eyes.

Wukong turned away. “What will I do? I have no way to save my friends. That priest’s light is too powerful.”

He sobbed and sobbed until he heard a voice say, “Don’t cry, Wukong.”

The monkey looked up. A tall woman was standing over him.

“I am the bodhisattva Pralambra,” said the woman. “That priest is a centipede spirit, called the Demon Lord of Many Eyes. I am the only one who can defeat him.”

Pralambra pulled a small needle from her sleeve. Turning, she threw the needle into the beams of light. Crack! The sound thundered in the sky, and the beams of light vanished.

Wukong and Pralambra returned to the abbey. The priest lay shaking on the floor. All of his eyes were squeezed shut. Pralambra pointed her finger at the priest, and he turned into a giant centipede.

Pralambra took a bottle out of her sleeve.

“Here, Wukong,” said the bodhisattva. “These pills will cure your companions. I will take the centipede with me to be punished.”

Wukong bowed. “Thank you, Bodhisattva.”

The journey continued, and many weeks went by.

“The journey has been easy lately,” said the Tang Monk one day.

Bajie snorted.

“That’s true,” said Wujing. “It’s been weeks since any demons tried to eat Master.”

“The Western Paradise is still far away,”Wukong warned the others. “We’ll face many more dangers before we get there.”

The Tang Monk smiled. “Relax, Wukong, and enjoy the beautiful day. There is no danger here.”

Just then a man appeared up ahead. He was waving his arms frantically.

“Don’t come this way!” shouted the man.

“There’s danger ahead—great danger!”
1.bob [bɑːb]  v.(使在水中)上下快速移动,摆动;把(头发)剪成齐短发 n.快速的点头(或鞠躬);(女式)齐短发型;先令(英国旧制硬币,等于12旧便士)
Huge balloons bobbed about in the sky above...
2.topple [ˈtɑːpl]  v.(使)失去平衡而坠落,倒塌,倒下;打倒;推翻;颠覆
top, 顶部,头部,-le表示反复。特殊用法或比喻用法,引申词义从顶部摔下,倒塌等。
...the revolution which toppled the regime.
3.flip [flɪp]  v.(使)快速翻转,迅速翻动;按(开关);按(按钮);开(或关)(机器等);(用手指)轻抛,轻掷
n.轻抛;捻掷;空翻;浏览;草草翻阅 adj.无礼的;轻率的;冒失的
(figurative) She felt her heart flip (= with excitement, etc.) .
4.mole [moʊl]  n.鼹鼠(体小,视力极差,居住在挖掘的地道);色素痣;间谍;内奸
①mole本来指的是“鼹鼠”,一种穴居地下的小型哺乳动物。鼹鼠高超的掘洞技能给人们留下了深刻印象。早在17世纪时,就有人使用mole一词来表示卧底,但这种用法并不普遍。1974年,英国著名间谍及间谍小说作家约翰•勒卡雷(John le Carre)在其著名间谍小说《铁匠、裁缝、士兵和间谍》,用mole来表示打入敌人情报系统内部的双面间谍,从而使得该词深入人心,成为“双面间谍”、“卧底”的代名词。
A mole dug a hole near the wall.
5.sob [sɑːb]  v.抽噎;啜泣;呜咽;哭诉;泣诉;抽噎着说 n.抽噎(声);啜泣(声);呜咽(声)
I heard a child sobbing loudly.
6.frantically [ˈfræntɪklɪ]  adv.疯狂似地
frantic [ˈfræntɪk]  adj.紧张忙乱的;手忙脚乱的;(由于恐惧或担心)无法控制感情的,发狂似的
A bird had been locked in and was by now quite frantic.



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