

Love English 2 2022-12-23

《你好,中国》— (Hello, China)全100集
《伊索寓言》—(Aesop's Fables)全30集
Seasons of China 《四季中国》全24集

83 / 84 / 85 / 86 / 87 / 8889

The man on the road continued to wave a warning. Trembling with fear, the Tang Monk fell from his horse. Wujing rushed over to help him stand up.

“I’ll be right back,” said Wukong. “I’ll ask that man what sort of danger is up ahead.”

The monkey walked toward the man.

Looking closely, Wukong could tell that he was not an ordinary man.

“Hello, Venus,” said Wukong with a smile.

The man smiled back. “Yes, it’s me, the spirit of the planet Venus. I came in disguise to warn you, Wukong. There are three powerful demons on the mountain up ahead. The first is a lion demon. The second is an elephant demon. And the third is a raptor demon.”

The monkey shrugged. “Thanks for the warning, Venus. But I’m not worried about three silly demons.”

Venus shook his head. “You should be worried. The three demons command a demon army.”

Wukong rubbed his chin. “Once again, thank you for the warning. But even an entire army of demons doesn’t worry me.”

Venus nodded. “Very well, Wukong. Good luck!” The spirit vanished.

The monkey walked back to his companions.

“Well?” said Bajie. “What did the man say? Is there danger up ahead?”

“Are there demons?” asked the Tang Monk, still scared.

“Actually, yes,” said Wukong. “There’s an army of demons. But I’m not worried.”

The Tang Monk’s jaw dropped. “How can you not be worried?”

Wukong laughed. “Master, have you forgotten?

I once defeated Heaven’s entire army.”

Wujing frowned. “Yes, we all know about that, Wukong. But this is different. The Tang Monk is with us—we must keep him safe.”

Bajie nodded. “Yes, and I’d like to be safe too.”

Wukong sighed. “You’re right. We can’t let the demons harm Master.” He gave a sideways glance at Bajie and smirked. 

“Or the pig.”Bajie snorted.

“You all wait here,” said Wukong. “I’ll check out the mountain to see how big the demon army is.”

The monkey flew to the mountain. Several demons were talking in front of a cave. They were dressed like military officers. Wukong spied on them from behind a rock.

“The Tang Monk will be coming over our mountain soon,” said a demon general. “Our leaders want all the troops to watch for him.”

“I hope we catch the Tang Monk,” said a captain. “I’ve heard that anyone who eats him will live forever.”

Wukong was furious. “How dare they plan to eat Master!”

The demons were still talking.

“But who will get to eat the monk?” asked another captain. “There are thousands of troops in our army.”

“We’ll all get to eat him,” said the general.

“Our leaders promised to share him with the entire army.”

The other officers nodded and smiled.

“That was very kind of our leaders,” said a captain.

“We must be careful though,” warned the general.

“Why?” asked a colonel. “The monk is just a man. He can’t possibly stop us.”

“I’ve heard that the Tang Monk isn’t alone,” said the general. “Sun Wukong is with him.”

Everyone grew quiet.

“He’s the spirit who defeated Heaven’s entire army,” whispered a captain.

Another captain nodded. “He is quite powerful.”

Wukong beamed proudly when he heard that.

“Don’t worry about Sun Wukong,” said the general. “Just tell the troops to watch for the Tang Monk.”

“Yes, General,” said the colonel.

“I have an idea,” thought Wukong.

The monkey made himself look like a demon general. Then he stepped out from behind the rock and hurried over to the officers.

“I have good news!” shouted Wukong.

“The Tang Monk is heading toward our mountain!”

1.disguise [dɪsˈɡaɪz]  v.假扮;装扮;伪装;掩蔽;掩饰 n.伪装物;化装用具;假扮;装扮;伪装

dis 不,非,使相反 + guise 装束。原义指改变装饰或外表,不一样的打扮,后词义贬义化。
The hijackers were heavily disguised.
A bllesing in disguise.
2.raptor [ˈræptər]  n.猛禽;攫禽
rapt 捕,夺 + or 名词后缀,表动物 → 善于掠夺的动物 → 猛禽
Some raptor never attack birds, others only occasionally.
3.command [kəˈmænd]  n.(给人或动物的)命令;指令;命令;控制;管辖;指挥 v.命令;指挥,统率(陆军、海军等);应得;博得;值得
com 加强 + mand 命令 → 命令 → 指挥
You must obey the captain's commands.
4.jaw [dʒɔː]  n.颌;下巴;下颌;口部;嘴 v.唠唠叨叨;喋喋不休
the top/upper jaw
the bottom/lower jaw
5.colonel [ˈkɜːrnl]  n.(陆军、海军陆战队或美国空军)上校
colon + el 人;总称 → 上校
This particular place was run by an ex-Army colonel. 
6.beam [biːm]  n.光线;(电波的)波束;(粒子的)束;(建筑物的)梁;(体操运动的)平衡木 v.笑容满面;眉开眼笑;发射(电波);播送;照射;射出光(或热)
the beam of a torch/flashlight
手电筒 / 闪光灯光柱
on one’s beam-ends 黔驴技穷的、绝望的
on the beam 在正确轨道上、行为端正的
a beam in one’s eye 自身的重大缺陷



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