

Love English 2 2022-12-23

《你好,中国》— (Hello, China)全100集
《伊索寓言》—(Aesop's Fables)全30集
Seasons of China 《四季中国》全24集

85 / 86 / 87 / 88 / 89 / 9091

The elephant pointed at Wukong. “He’s not a demon. He’s a monkey!”

“He’s not just a monkey,” said the raptor.

“He’s Sun Wukong. Get him!”The lion pounced.

Wukong shot out of the cave as fast as he could. He didn’t stop running until he was far from the cave.

“Whew,” the monkey said to himself. “That was close. I guess when I laughed I broke my concentration. That must have made my disguise vanish.”

Wukong returned to his companions.

“Well?” said Wujing. “Is there an army up ahead?”

“I scared away the entire army,” Wukong boasted. “But there are still three powerful demons on the mountain. They plan to capture Master and, well . . . eat him.”

“Oh!” cried the Tang Monk, nearly falling over. Wujing caught him.

“Don’t worry, Master,” said Wukong. “We won’t let those demons harm you. But we do have to destroy them before we cross the mountain. It’s good that we discovered their plan before we went up the mountain.”

The Tang Monk nodded, wringing his hands nervously.

Wukong turned to Bajie and Wujing.

“Someone needs to help me get rid of the demons.”

“I’ll go with you,” said Bajie.

“I’ll stay here and look after the Tang Monk,” said Wujing.

Wukong and Bajie went to the cave entrance. The monkey pulled out his iron bar.

Bajie raised his rake.

“I’ll do all the talking,” said Wukong.

“What are you going to say?” asked Bajie.

“I’ll just ask them nicely to leave,” said Wukong. He turned to the cave entrance.

“Demons!” he shouted. “Leave this mountain now, or we’ll knock it down and crush all three of you!”

For a moment everything was quiet. Then the lion stepped out of the cave. He towered over the monkey and the pig.

“Why are you out here yelling?” asked the lion calmly.

“You, the elephant, and the raptor must leave this mountain at once,” said Wukong.

“Why must we leave?” asked the lion.

“We’re not bothering you.”

Villain!” shouted the monkey. “I know you’re planning to capture and eat the Tang Monk!”

“We haven’t touched the Tang Monk,”said the lion. “But you, Sun Wukong—you scared away our entire army. You’re the villain here.”

“I’m not a villain!” shouted Wukong. He raised his iron bar and charged toward the lion.

The lion opened his mouth wide, revealing huge, sharp fangs. Wukong swung his iron bar. The lion pounced and—gulp!

Bajie’s face went white with horror.

Yikes!” he cried. “That lion just swallowed Wukong!”

The pig ran as fast as he could. He didn’t stop running until he reached Wujing and the Tang Monk.

“What happened?” asked Wujing. “Where’s Wukong?”

“The journey . . . is . . . over,” said the pig between breaths. “Wukong got . . . eaten!”

“What!” cried the Tang Monk.

Bajie shook his head. “We should all just go home.”

Meanwhile the lion went back into the cave. His chest was puffed out, and he wore a big smile.

“What happened out there?” asked the elephant. “Did you scare away Sun Wukong?”

“Not exactly,” said the lion.

“Well, where is he?” asked the raptor.

The lion patted his belly. “He’s in here.”

“You ate him?” asked the elephant.

“I did,” said the lion.

The raptor shook his head. “That was a bad idea.”

“Why?” asked the lion.

“Sun Wukong is immortal,” said the raptor. “He’s probably still alive inside you.”

“Yes, I am still alive!” Wukong suddenly shouted. “It’s nice and warm in here!”
1.pounce [paʊns]  v.猛扑;突袭
同源词:punch, puncture.
The muggers pounced on her as she got out of the car.
2.boast [boʊst]  v.自夸;自吹自擂;有(值得自豪的东西) n.夸耀;夸口
辨析:boast 和 brag
I don't want to boast, but I can actually speak six languages.
3.wring [rɪŋ]  v.拧,绞,拧出,绞出(衣服等中的水);扭(鸟的脖子,以将其杀死)
Soak a small towel in the liquid, wring it out, then apply to the abdomen.
4.yikes [jaɪks]  int.(惊讶或突然害怕时说)呀,啊
Yikes, keep him out of Starbucks* caffeine will stunt his growth.



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