

Love English 2 2022-12-23

《你好,中国》— (Hello, China)全100集
《伊索寓言》—(Aesop's Fables)全30集
Seasons of China 《四季中国》全24集

86 / 87 / 88 / 89 / 90 / 9192

The elephant and the raptor stared at the lion.

“Sun Wukong is alive inside you,” said the raptor. “Aren’t you worried?”

The lion sat down on his throne. “Worried about what?”

“Well,” said the raptor. “The monkey is talking inside you. Doesn’t that bother you?”

“Let him talk,” said the lion defiantly. “It doesn’t bother me at all.”

“What shall I talk about?” Wukong called.

“Who wants to hear a story?”

The elephant shook his head slowly.

“What if the monkey never stops talking?

You’ll never get any sleep.”

“Hmm,” said the lion. “That would be bad.” He thought for a moment. “I know what to do. I’ll stop eating.”

“What will that do?” asked the elephant.

“Yes,” said Wukong. “What will that do?”

“If I don’t eat, Wukong doesn’t eat,” said the lion. “I’ll make him starve.”

Wukong laughed. “Nice try, lion! But I’ll just turn one of my hairs into a stove. I’ll cook a nice meal in here!”

“Oh dear.” The raptor shook his head. “If that monkey fires up a stove, it will make you very hot. Plus it will create lots of smoke.

The smoke will fill your head, and you’ll never stop sneezing!”

At last the lion was starting to look nervous. “That would be terrible,” he said. “I’d better cough out Wukong.”

The lion went to the middle of the room.

He bent over and coughed. “Ahugh! Ahugh!”

Wukong laughed. “I’m still in here!”

“Ahugh! Ahugh!” The lion coughed again.

But still Wukong stayed inside him.

“I’m going to practice my fighting skills,” announced the monkey.

Boomph! Pow! Boomph! Pow! Wukong punched and kicked inside the lion.

The lion fell to his knees. “Ohh!” he moaned.

“It hurts! It hurts! Wukong, please stop!”

“Let’s make a deal,” said Wukong. “I’ll come out if you promise to let us cross the mountain safely.”

The lion looked up at the raptor and the elephant. They both nodded.

“We promise.” The lion moaned again.

“Okay then,” said Wukong. “I’m coming out.”

Wukong started the climb up the lion’s throat. Just as he reached the lion’s mouth, Wukong heard whispering.

“Lion, I have a plan,” whispered the elephant. “When Wukong tries to come out of your mouth, bite him.”

“I don’t know . . . ,” whispered the lion.

“Wukong is very strong. My belly still hurts.”

Chomp him quickly, before he can fight back,” whispered the elephant.

“Okay,” said the lion.

“Those dumb demons,” thought Wukong.

“Don’t they realize I can hear them?” He pulled out his iron bar.

“Shall I come out now?” asked the monkey.

“Um, yes,” said the lion. Wukong heard the three demons snickering.

“Okay,” said Wukong. “I’m coming out.”

He held out the iron bar.

The lion bit down hard on the bar. Crack! A tooth shattered into tiny pieces.

“Ow! Ow! Ow!” the lion howled in pain.

Tears streamed down his face. He rolled around on the floor, holding his paws over his mouth.

“You villains!” Wukong shouted. “I heard you whispering!”

“I’m sorry.” The lion was still crying. “I won’t try to bite you again. Please don’t hurt me anymore.”

Wukong hesitated. “I’m coming out now. You’d better not try any more tricks!”

“We won’t,” said the elephant.

“We promise,” said the raptor.

Wukong popped out of the lion’s nose. He glared at the demons for a moment and then walked out of the cave.

As soon as the monkey was gone, the elephant turned to the other two demons. “I have a new plan for capturing the Tang Monk.”
1.defiant [dɪˈfaɪənt]  adj.公然违抗的;反抗的;挑衅的
The players are in defiant mood as they prepare for tomorrow's game...
2.stove [stoʊv]  n.(用于取暖的)炉子,火炉
She put a pan of water on the stove.
3.chomp [tʃɑːmp]  v.大声地吃(或咬、咀嚼食物)
On the diet I would chomp my way through breakfast, even though I'm never hungry in the morning...
4.snicker [ˈsnɪkər]  v.窃笑;暗笑  n.窃笑
We all snickered at Mrs. Swenson.



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