

VCD影促會 2022-12-16
(For English preface and guest speakers introduction of Lumen Quarterly 2021 Summer, please scroll down.)








 PART 1. 打工 


 PART 2. 打工人 


 PART 3. 打工? 





《40%的工作没意义,为什么还抢着做?》大卫·格雷伯 著,李屹 译
《经营“灵活性”——制造业劳动力市场的组织生态与制度环境—基于 W 市劳动力招聘的调查》刘子曦、朱江华峰 
《新的一天》许立志 著,秦晓宇 选编 

结绳志主创之一,芝加哥大学人类学系博士候选人。长期关注教育、语言、宗教、劳工、流动人口价值理论等议题。曾获芝加哥大学艺术中心“艺术、科学、文化研究生合作基金”、“中国人类学研究生论文田野调查奖助金”、Wenner-Gren 基金会田野奖学金。曾毓坤亦供稿于《澎湃·思想市场》《界面文化》等媒体。



Lumen Quarterly 2021 Summer:
Employ, Employee, Employment 

“The labor we speak of is not the labor of metalsmiths, of carpenters, and so forth. The undertaking of all those who use their own labor power to benefit others is labor, regardless of whether it is mental or manual. Farmers do the labor of cultivating; merchants do the labor of transporting; writers and inventors do educational labor. We are all labors. We must all recognize the value of labor. Sacred, the labors!” 
-CAI Yuanpei.

On November 14, 1918, a celebratory crowd gathered outside Tiananmen in Beijing to commemorate the end of the First World War. The Chinese philosopher, politician and educationalist, Cai Yuanpei made the speech on "sacred labor" on the last day. The famous interllectual, Li Dazhao hailed the passionate slogan, "Everybody, quick! Go to work!" Working, against the capitalist's leaping without sowing, was of honor, was of merit, was the foundamental means to become a socialist new man. Yet a hundred years later, the sacred aureole of working, has fainted. Weary "wage slaves" no longer have the desires to compete, neither to develop any relationships - they just want post the friday memes to end every week and "lie flat" at home but also at work next week. Working becomes merely "doing the job", and then turn into "wage slavery". While only a few lucky ones can live off of their enthusiasm, no matter CEOes of the big companies with a more decent life, or the commuting ordinary employees, aren't we all slaves?

This season, we will divide the theme to three parts: "Employ", "Employee", "Employment?" First, we cannot begin it all without talking about the alienation of labor by Marx, and then let's dive deep into times to see generations of art work makers and their response to the questions of "working" in their temporality.

Part 1. Employ 
When did the working-to-make-a-living turn into employment? According to Karl Marx, the very moment is when the workers lost their means of production. Alongside the specialization in the division of labor is the worker's loss of purpose and control of work time, and furthermore, the loss of control over the spare time. "Part 1. Employ" will start with Eisenstein's classic piece, Strike(1925), and revisit the resistance history of ordinary workers through the artistic moving images responding to the realities in different times. In the personal actions on the screen, we shall experience the micro and macro shift of societal structure. 

Relevant laborer group: #industrial workers(manufacture/construction) #service workers(delivery/waitress and waiter/massagist) #hourly workers

Part 2. Employee 
The most active users of the "wage slave" memes sometimes are not the conventional wage workers, but those who can have a stable income. On one hand, they complain about the unreasonable competition in their profession; on the other hand, they won't quit working "996". But calling out the middle class who claim thenselves "wage slaves" might be a little harsh too. After all, regardless of the salary level, the collective anxiety, suffocation, and sober self-mocking of the mass office workers are indeed something happening in the Chinese society. In comparison to the underclass workers, they usually have a better chance to reflect on this dehumanized life. In "Part 2. Employee", we have programmed more video art discussing the cul de sac of contemporary employee life, and seek for possibilities alternative to "lying flat".

Relevant laborer group: #middle class office workers(programer/civil servant/teacher) #elite workers(lawyer/doctor/banker)

Part 3. Employment? 
There are always some work never regarded as production, and careers never regarded as jobs. If we step outside the specification in professionalism and return to working itself, what awaits may give us inspirations. "Part 3. Employment?" attempts to open up the discussion more, look into a wider range of dedication and creation as a reference for our current working life, and explore the potentiality of meaningful labor and production.

Relevant laborer group: #uncategorized workers (housewife/sex worker) #freelance creative workers(artist/writer)

 Host of Summer Program

WU Qi: This season, we have invited Wu Qi, Editor-in-Chief of One-Way Street Journal, as well as an experienced conversationist to be the host of our "living room". His creative works also covers various fields: dialog documentation book The Self as Method: In Conversation with Biao Xiang, and translation of The Fire Next Time. His podcast, the Turn of the Screw invites young practitioners from all disciplines to bring together discussions and critiques of cultural events and public issues. In the 3rd Episode, "Job, a home or tomb of dream?" Wu Qi and his friend&colleague, Kuan Liu (director, writer) had a profound discussion based on their professional career. We believe that with Wu Qi leading the conversations, we will encounter interesting new perspectives for the already-hit topics around "employment".


 Recommended Readings 

Demolitions Mask, CHEN Nianxi

The Method of Making Workers Films, Sergei EISENSTEIN 

Bullshit Jobs, David GRAEBER 

Hard Control and Soft Contract: Domestic Labor under the Influence of Internet, LIANG Meng 

Managing “Flexibility”: Organizational Ecology and Institutional Environment of the Labor Market in the Manufacturing Industry, LIU Zixi, ZHUJIANG Huafeng 

Capital: A Critique of Political Economy, Karl MARX 

Basic Income: And How We Can Make It Happen, Guy STANDING

Survey of the Youth in Shenzhen, TIAN Feng, LIN Kaixuan 

Enterprising and Lost: Professional Lives for Programmer-Interns, WANG Chengwei, YANG Kunyun

Labor Sacred: Vision of Early Chinese Sociology, Wen XIANG 

Learning to Labour: How Working Class Kids Get Working Class Jobs, Paul WILLIS

Global Body Shopping, XIANG Biao

A New Day, XU Lizhi 

Iron Moon, XU Lizhi

 Special Event: Group Reading Seminar 

Moderator: ZENG Yukun (scholar in anthropology)Core member of anthropologist group, Tying Knots. PhD Candidate in the Department of  Anthropology, University of Chicago. Zeng's long-term interest includes education, language, religion, labor, migrating population. He is an award winner of Arts, Science & Culture Grant, UChicago, Chinese Anthropology Graduate Dissertation Field Research Grant, and Wenner-Gren Foundation Field Research Grant. Zeng is also a contributor to media platforms including Thinking Market, thePaper.cn, and Culture, Jiemian.com.

 Special Event: Script Role-Play Game 

All participants in this season, including both the audience and the guests, will get an ID card and a Game Manual, which shall be used throughout the season to collectively complete a script role-play game/performance. During the class identity transformation throughout this game, every player will receive different benefit from the institute at the events. In front of them are choices to make: profit, resistance, revolution - consequently, each choice will lead to a different benefit & ending of the performance.



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棱镜现实 | 南方季风 | 类人简史 
流动的顿悟  语言的转码搬家 

万玛才旦专访  |  郝蕾谈戈达尔  |  采访阮纯诗
蔡明亮专访  |  《黑眼圈》现场全纪录
 谷口晓彦访谈 |  德里克·贾曼的蓝
原一男谈纪录片作为私影像 | 对话陈巧真

机构对话Image Forum

电影《罗马》中的水 | 寺山修司的实验 
影视中的中年妇女 |真人版《花木兰》
青年电影 |商业文艺左右逢源的韩国电影
#0 VCD,北京#1 辛云鹏,北京#2 Roxlee,马尼拉#3 aaajiao,柏林#4 方璐,纽约州比肯镇#5 王小帅,上海#6 Alessandro Rolandi,米兰乡下#7 Anna Zett,莱比锡附近#8 Ted Whitaker,惠灵顿

World Organization Of Video Culture Development

国际影像文化促进会(以下简称:VCD 影促会)于 2017 年夏天在北京正式成立。作为一个非营利机构,它致力于搭建一个观影、学习和交流的平台,向公众普及和推广艺术影像。一方面,VCD 影促会以举办影像资料展、文献展、讲座和学术研讨会等方式为更多人提供影像艺术教育;另一方面,它也通过自身平台挖掘更多优秀的影像艺术作品,在为其提供放映机会的同时助力青年影像艺术家持续创作。


