

Love English 2 2022-12-23

《你好,中国》— (Hello, China)全100集
《伊索寓言》—(Aesop's Fables)全30集
Seasons of China 《四季中国》全24集
88 / 89 / 90 / 91 / 92 / 9394

The Tang Monk and Wujing were tied up inside the demons’ cave. Bajie was also tied up, floating in the tub of salt water again.

The three demons talked in another room.

“That pig will taste wonderful once he’s pickled,” said the elephant.

“I agree,” said the lion. “But the main course is the Tang Monk. It will be nice to live forever.”

The elephant nodded. “Let’s fry the monk with garlic and spices. I’ll go see what we have in the kitchen.”

“Wait a minute,” said the raptor. “We need a plan. Wukong will certainly try to rescue his friends.”

“You’re right,” said the lion. He felt his broken tooth. “I don’t want that to happen.”

The elephant looked at his bruised trunk.

“Me neither.”

“Well, this time I have a plan,” said the raptor. “We’ll start a rumor. We’ll tell every demon nearby that we’ve already eaten the Tang Monk. When Wukong hears that, he’ll give up hope and leave the area.”

“Brilliant!” said the lion.

The elephant smiled. “It’s the perfect plan.”

Wukong sat next to the road, thinking about what to do.

“Those demons keep tricking me,” the monkey said to himself. “Well, no more! I’ll go into that cave and rescue my friends. When the demons attack, I’ll clobber them with my iron bar. Even if they cry and promise not to hurt us, I won’t believe them.”

The monkey stood up. He saw two fiends coming down the road.

“I wonder who they are,” thought the monkey. He hid behind a rock and waited for the fiends to pass by.

“Those demons are lucky,” said one fiend.

“Yep,” said the other.

“They ate the Tang Monk, and now they’ll live forever,” said the first fiend. He sighed. “It would be nice to live forever.”

“Yep,” said the other fiend.

The two fiends continued along the road.

Wukong was heartbroken. Tears poured from his eyes. “I failed you, Master! I couldn’t protect you, and now you’ll never reach the Western Paradise!” Wukong buried his head in his hands and cried for a long time.

Finally he stood up and wiped away the tears. “I know what I must do.”

The monkey leaped into the air and headed west. He arrived at the Thunderclap Monastery, and a guard let him enter.

Wukong went before Buddha and bowed.

“Forgive me, Buddha, but I have failed. Earlier today, the Tang Monk, he was . . . he was . . .” The monkey burst into tears again.

Buddha smiled. “Please don’t cry, Wukong. The Tang Monk is fine. The demons haven’t eaten him.”

Wukong looked up. “Are you sure?” he asked hopefully.

“Yes,” said Buddha. “I can see everything in the universe. I know exactly who those demons are and what they did. They tricked you into thinking they’d eaten the Tang Monk. They wanted you to give up hope.”

“What?” Wukong shouted in anger. “Those rotten demons! They tricked me again!”

Wukong swung his iron bar at the cave entrance. Smash! The entrance exploded, and the three demons ran outside.

The lion demon shouted, “How dare you—” Suddenly he looked up and saw an enormous figure. “Buddha!”

The lion and the elephant trembled with fear. Light flashed as Buddha turned the two demons into ordinary animals.

Only the raptor demon wasn’t scared. His eyes burning with fury, the bird shot toward Buddha. But Buddha raised a finger, and the bird was paralyzed in midair.

Buddha looked at Wukong. “You may free your companions now. I will see you when you reach the Western Paradise.”

Wukong bowed. “Thank you, Buddha.”
1.pickle [ˈpɪkl]  n.泡菜;腌菜;菜酱 v.腌渍
词源:一般辞书认为,pickle源自中世纪荷兰语pekel,但有一种说法认为,它源于14世纪一个名叫William Beukel/BukelzD的荷兰人的姓氏。此人乃渔民,局势他发明了腌菜和泡菜的制作方法,因此人们就用其姓氏Beukel来指腌汁,泡菜等,以后该词逐渐演变为pekel,英语作pickle。
Another strong Yorkshire country tradition is making pickles and chutneys.
2.clobber [ˈklɑːbər] v.狠击;狠揍;猛打;极大地打击;惩罚;使受到(严重经济损失);彻底战胜(或击败) n.衣服;随身物品
The paper got clobbered with libel damages of half a million pounds.
3.fiend [fiːnd]  n.恶魔般的人;残忍的人;令人憎恶的人;…迷;…狂;爱好者;魔鬼;恶魔
同源词:foe, feud
A tearful husband repeated calls for help in catching the fiend who battered his wife.
a crossword fiend
4.paralyzed [ˈpɛrəˌlaɪzd]  v.使瘫痪或麻痹;使不能正常活动;使惊愕;(因恐怖等)使(人)吓得发呆 paralyze的过去分词和过去式
paralyze [ˈpɛrəˌlaɪz] v.使瘫痪或麻痹;使不能正常活动;使惊愕;(因恐怖等)使(人)吓得发呆
para 外 + lyz〔 = lys分开〕+ e → 身体〔不听大脑支配〕像与自己分开了一样 → 使瘫痪
The water line ruptured and paralyzed the city's water supply system.



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